WIS 2.0 Videos

WIS 2.0 Video at Cg-19, May 2023

Video of WIS 2.0 as shown in Cg-19 in May 2023 summarizing the progress of the WIS 2.0 Pilot Phase:

WIS 2.0 is up and running with 2 Global Brokers, 2 Global Cache, 2 Global Discovery Catalogue, and around 26 wis2nodes running. The first WIS 2.0 Training Workshop was conducted in March 2023 in Namibia.

(Available here: https://vimeo.com/761382308)

WIS 2.0 Video at INFCOM-II, October 2022

Video introducing WIS 2.0, as shown on INFCOM-II :

This video will give you a quick demonstration of how WIS 2.0 works

(Available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6fmKC508BA)

(Last update: 10 June 2024)