Coastal Inundation Forecasting in Fiji

The Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project (CIFDP) for Fiji, currently funded by the Korean Meteorological Administration is implementing an integrated approach to storm surge, wave and riverine flood forecasting to improve operational forecasts and warnings capability for coastal communities. It supports the National Meteorological and Disaster Management Services in developing and implementing reliable forecasting and warning services, and in using forecast products operationally to inform national decision-making for coastal inundation management.
All components of the Fiji CIFDP are now in full operational mode at the Fiji Meteorological Service (FMS), however, incremental improvements are being made. When Severe Tropical Cyclone Harold threaten in April, for the first time ever during a cyclone, the FMS could issue wave and storm surge warnings – enabled by its new, unique, coastal inundation forecasting system. A new WMO video is raising community awareness of the value of this critical ocean infrastructure for their safety and livelihoods.
Mr. Misaeli Funaki, Director of FMS, stated, “The new coastal inundation forecasting system enabled the accurate recording of wave and storm surge magnitude, and sound numerical model guidance for storm surge and waves led to timely forecasts and formed the basis of successful evacuation warnings to vulnerable communities during Tropical Cyclone Harold, which minimized fatalities from such a devastating and life threatening storm.”
The Honorable Jone Usamate, Fiji Minister for Infrastructure, Disaster Management, Land and Mineral Resources and Meteorological Services said, “The innovative work in Fiji Meteorological Service, had enabled better planning and sound decisions prior to and during the advent of Severe Tropical Cyclone Harold.”