WMO Regional Training Centres

2025 Course Offering Plans of WMO RTCs

ALGERIAInstitut Hydrométéorologique de Formation et de Recherches (IHFR)
ANGOLAInstituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofísica (INAMET)
ARGENTINAUniversidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
ARGENTINAServicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN)
ARGENTINAFacultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas, UNL (FICH)
BARBADOSCaribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH)
BRAZILCentro Virtual de Ensino e Treinamento em Meteorologia (CVEM)
CAMEROONNational Higher Polytechnic School of Yaoundé (NHPSY)
CHINANanjing University of Information, Science and Technology (NUIST)
CHINAChina Meteorological Administration Training Centre (CMATC)
CHINANanjing Research Institute of Hydrology and Water Conservation Automation and Yangzhou University (NIHWA-YZU)
COSTA RICAInstituto Meteorológico Nacional (IMN)
COSTA RICAUniversidad de Costa Rica (UCR)
EGYPTThe Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA)
INDIAIndia Meteorological Department Training Centre (IMD-New Delhi)
INDIAMeteorological Training Institute (IMD-Pune)
INDIANational Water Academy (NWA-Pune)
INDIAIndian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIRT-Roorkee)
INDONESIAAgency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG)
INDONESIAResearch Centre for Water Resources (RCWR)
IRANIslamic Republic of Iran Meteorological Organization (IRIMO)
IRAQIraqi Meteorological Organization (IMO)
ISRAELPostgraduate Training Centre for Applied Meteorology (PTCAM)
ITALYNational Research Council - Institute for BioEconomy (CNR-IBE)
KENYAUniversty of Nairobi (UON)
KENYAInstitute for Meteorological Training and Research (IMTR)
MADAGASCAREcole Supérieure Polytechnique à Antananarivo (ESPA)
MADAGASCAREcole Nationale d’Enseignement de l’Aéronautique et de la Météorologie (ENEAM)
NIGERCentre Régional Agrhymet (AGRHYMET)
NIGEREcole Africaine de la Météorologie et de l'Aviation Civile (EAMAC)
NIGERIAFederal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA)
NIGERIAMeteorological Research and Training Institute (MRTI)
PERUServicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI)
PERUUniversidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM)
PHILIPPINESPhilippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA)
PHILIPPINESUniversity of the Philippines (UP)
QATARQatar Aeronautical Academy (QAA)
REPUBLIC OF KOREAKorea Meteorological Administration (KMA)
RUSSIAN FEDERATIONAdvanced Training Institute of Roshydromet (ATI)
RUSSIAN FEDERATIONRussian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU)
RUSSIAN FEDERATIONMoscow Hydrometeorological Technical School (MGMTEH)
SOUTH AFRICASouth Africa Weather Service (SAWS)
SPAINAgencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET)
TÜRKİYETurkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS)
UNITED ARAB EMIRATESNational Centre of Meteorology (NCM)
UZBEKISTANTashkent Hydrometeorological Profecional College (THMPC)
VENEZUELAUniversidad Central de Venezuela (UCV)

Guidelines for the Recognition or Reconfirmation of WMO Regional Training Centres

ALGERIA (Region Association: I)

Institut Hydrométéorologique de Formation et de Recherches (IHFR) Oran - RTC Algeria

Address: BP 7019 Essédikia, ORAN, Algérie
Tel: 00213(0)41822743; 00213(0)41822744
Fax: 00213(0)41822501
Email: ihfr@ihfr.edu.dz; sdap@ihfr.edu.dz; mtabetaoul@yahoo.fr

* Training of senior technicians (30 months)
* Training of meteorology 2 / 5 years
* Short courses in climatology, statistics for agro meteorology and hydrology, meteorological instruments for technicians, weather forecast, seasonal forecasts of rainfall, agrometeorology, aeronautical meteorology, meteorological observation , 2 - 3 weeks

ANGOLA (Region Association: I)

Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofísica (INAMET) Luanda - RTC Angola

Address: Coordinateur RTC, C. P. 1228 C,  LUANDA, Angola
Tel: 00 244 91 516 833
Fax: 00 244 2 399 869
Email: joaoafonso19@gmail.com

ARGENTINA (Region Association: III)

Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) Buenos Aires - RTC Argentina

Address: Departamento de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y los Océanos, 1428 BUENOS AIRES, ArgentinA
Tel: (5411) 4576 33 56
Fax: (5411) 4576 33 64
Email: direccion@at.fcen.uba.ar
Website: http://www.at.fcen.uba.ar

* Higher Technicians in Synoptic/Agricultural/Hydro-Meteorology or Climatology; 3 years;
* BSc. in Meteorology/Oceanography;5 years;
* MSc. Agricultural Meteorology; 2 years;
* PhD Meteorology; 5 years.

ARGENTINA (Region Association: III)

Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN) Buenos Aires - RTC Argentina

Address: Dorrego 4019, C1425GBE, BUENOS AIRES, Argentina
Tel: 5411 5167 6791
Fax: 5411 4514 8067
Email: rmezher@smn.gob.ar
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/crfpar3/home

* Short term online courses -1 to 4 weeks, in Spanish- based on competencies, according to regional needs. See the website above.
*Self directed courses in Spanish.
*Training Resources in Spanish: Workbook for forecasters (application of conceptual models-CM4SH project). Goes 16 online Workshop.
*Training Development Plans in collaboration in English and Spanish).

ARGENTINA (Region Association: III)

Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas (FICH), Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL) - RTC Argentina

Address: Ciudad Universitaria, Ruta Nac. N° 168, Km 472,4
3000 Santa Fe - Argentina
Tel: +54 (342) 4 575 233/39/45, int. 164
Fax: +54 (342) 4 575 233/39/45, int. 164
Email: perezmarcelaa@gmail.com
Website: http://fich.unl.edu.ar/
La FICH celebra su 50º aniversario

* Short and long term courses in hydrology

BARBADOS (Region Association: IV)

Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) Bridgetown - RTC Barbados

Address: Husbands, St. James, P.O. Box 130, BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, W.I.
Tel: 246 425-1362/65
Fax: 246 424 4733
Email: dfarrell@cimh.edu.bb; dfarrell615@caribsurf.com
Website: http://www.cimh.edu.bb

* Training Courses to qualify Meteorological and Hydrological Technicians - entry/mid/senior-level; 4-6/9 months;
* Short-term specialised training; 1-2 weeks.

BRAZIL (Region Association: III)

Centro Virtual de Ensino e Treinamento em Meteorologia (CVEM) - RTC Brazil

Address: National Meteorolocal Institute – INMET, Eixo Monumental Sul, S/N – Setor Sudoeste, Brasilia – DF, CEP 70.680-900, BRAZIL

Tel: + 55 61 2102 4781
Email: helenir.oliveira@inmet.gov.br
Website: https://portal.inmet.gov.br/paginas/cvem


The participant institutions collectively offer:
* Undergraduate programmes
* Post-graduate courses 
* Technical level
* Professional Training

CHINA (Region Association: II)

Nanjing University of Information, Science and Technology (NUIST) Nanjing - RTC China

Address: 219 Ningliu Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210044 P.R.China
Tel: +86 25 58731404
Fax: +86 25 57010085
Email: rtc@nuist.edu.cn
Website: http://rtc.nuist.edu.cn/English/

* BSc. (4 yrs), MSc (3 years), PhD (at least 3 years after MSc.),Doctoral studies (3 years after PhD) in atmospheric sciences, applied meteorology, hydrometeorology, ecology, environmental sciences, and management.

* Short courses (three months or less): radar meteorology, agricultural meteorology, tropical cyclone, meteorological forecasts, meteorological disaster warning, prevention and mitigation, meteorological instrument use and maintenance, meteorological management, international cooperation on climate change, and climate information service.

CHINA (Region Association: II)

China Meteorological Administration Training Center (CMATC) Beijing - RTC China

Address: Beijing 100081, The People's Republic of China
Tel: +8610 68 40 86 00
Fax: +86 10 68 40 73 29
Email: intcmatc@cma.gov.cn; gaoxueh@cma.gov.cn
Website: http://en.cmatc.cn

* Meteorological training at graduate and technician-level addressing meteorological theory and technology, including in: met observing techniques, weather forecasting, satellite and radar met, NWP, Graphic software applications in meteorology.

COSTA  RICA (Region Association: IV)

Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) San José - RTC Costa Rica

Address: Departamento de Físíca Atmosférica, Oceánica y Planetaria, Sede "R.Facio", 2060 SAN JOSÉ, Costa Rica
Tel: (506) 2511 6600
Fax: (506) 207 5619
Email: marcial.garbanzo@ucr.ac.cr
Website: http://www.fisica.ucr.ac.cr/?q=node/49

* BSc in Meteorology; 4 years
* Licenciado (postgraduate Diploma) in Meteorology; 1 year
* MSc in Atmospheric Science; 2 years
* MSc in Hydrology; 2.5 year

EGYPT (Region Association: I)

The Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) Cairo - RTC Egypt

Address: Koubri El-Ouobba, P.O. Box 11784, CAIRO, Egypt
Tel: +202 26841070
Fax: +202 26849857
Email: aly_hosary@hotmail.com
Website: http://nwp.gov.eg

* Qualification Courses for entry-level Meteorological Technicians;
* Foundation Training for entry-level Meteorologists (32 weeks + 8 weeks OJT);
* Short-term Specialised Training in: satellite image interpretation, NWP; synoptic meteorology, agromet, various technician courses, aeronautical met, instruments, telecomm, satellite communication, instruments; telecomm.

INDIA (Region Association: II)

National Water Academy (NWA) - RTC India

Address: Pune-Sinhagad Road, Khadakwasla, Pune-411 024, India
Tel: +91-20-24380296
Fax: +91-20-24380392
Email: sn.pande@nic.in
Website: http://nwa.mah.nic.in

* The NWA is envisaged to function as `Center of Excellence’ for in-service training of water resources engineering personnel.

INDIA (Region Association: II)

Meteorological Training Institute (IMD) Pune - RTC India

Address: India Meteorological Department, IMD Colony campus, Dr.Homi Bhaba Road, Pashan, Pune-411008, India
Tel: +91 20 2586 5530
Fax: +91 20 2586 5530
Email: dutta.drsomenath@gmail.com, mtipune@imd.gov.in
Website: http://www.imdpune.gov.in/training/index.html

* Advanced Meteorological Training course, Forecasters Training Course, Intermediate Met training Course, No tuition fees & subsidised accommodation

INDIA (Region Association: II)

India Meteorological Department Training Centre (IMD) New Delhi - RTC India

Address: Mausam Bhavan, Lodi-Road, NEW DELHI 110003, India
Tel: (91-11) 24670701
Fax: (91-11) 24623220
Email: sdattri@gmail.com

* Initiation Courses for Met. Telecomm Operators, 4 months;
* Specialisation/Refresher Courses in Satellite and Radar Meteorology, Atmospheric Electricity, Digital Telecommunication, Instruments, 4-6 months.

INDIA (Region Association: II)

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) Roorkee - RTC India

Address: Department of Hydrology, Roorkee-247 667, Uttarkhand, India
Tel: +91 1332 285236 & +91 1332 285370 & +91 1332 285473
Fax: +91 1332 273560
Email: head@hy.iitr.ac.in
Website: http://www.iitr.ac.in

* International Post Graduate Course in Hydrology
* Courses in surface water hydrology (floods, droughts), water resources systems, watershed management, Geo-hydrology, ground water geophysics, stochastic hydrology, hydro-informatics, environmental hydrology etc.

INDONESIA (Region Association: V)

The Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) - RTC Indonesia

Address: Pusdiklat BMKG, Jalan Angkasa I No. 2 Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat, Kode Pos 10610, Indonesia
Tel: +622165867058
Fax: +622165867058
Email: maman.sudarisman@bmkg.go.id; maman_sudarisman@yahoo.com

* Short term courses

INDONESIA (Region Association: V)

Research Centre for Water Resources (RCWR) - RTC Indonesia

Address: Jl Ir. H. Juanda 193 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia 40135
Tel: +62-22-2504053
Fax: +62-22-2500163
Email: pusat@pusair-pu.go.id; cooperation.rcwr@gmail.com

* Short term courses in hydrology

IRAN (Region Association: II)

Islamic Republic of Iran Meteorological Organization (IRIMO) Tehran - RTC Iran

Address: Islamic Republic of Iran Meteorological Organization, Meraj Ave., Mehrabad Airport, P. O. Box: 13185-461 Tehran, Iran
Tel: +982166070038
Fax: +982166070005
Email: affairs.intl@gmail.com, savizsehat@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.irimo.ir

* Long and short term courses in meteorology

IRAQ (Region Association: II)

Iraqi Meteorological Organization (IMO) Baghdad - RTC Iraq

Address: Almansoor, P.O. Box 6078, BAGHDAD, Iraq
Tel: +964-770 5191799
Fax: (964-1) 55 225 05/07
Email: imos.train@meteoseism.gov.iq & dsa196061@yahoo.com

* Short term courses in meteorology

ISRAEL (Region Association: VI)

Postgraduate Training Centre for Applied Meteorology (PTCAM) Bet Dagan - RTC Israel

Address: P.O. Box 25, BET-DAGAN 5025001, Israel
Tel: (972-3) 968 2116
Fax: (972-3) 960 4065
Email: rtc.bet.dagan@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ims.gov.il/

* International postgraduate short-term workshops on the following specialised subjects: Agricultural Metereorology, Aviation Meteorology, AWS, Renewable Energy and Green Building.

ITALY (Region Association: VI)

National Research Council - Institute for BioEconomy (CNR-IBE) Florence - RTC Italy

Address: National Research Council, Institute of BioEconomy, Via G. Caproni, 8 - 50145  FIRENZE, Italy
Tel: +39 06 49937680
Email: marina.baldi@ibe.cnr.it
Website: https://climateservices.it/rtc-italy/

* Postgraduate short-term training seminars in applied meteorology and climatology, with emphasis on satellite and GIS applications for agrometeorology and environmental protection; 2 weeks.

KENYA (Region Association: I)

University of Nairobi (UON) Nairobi - RTC Kenya

Address: Department of Meteorology, 30197 - 00100, NAIROBI, Kenya
Tel: 020 - 4449004 ext 2070
Fax: 020 - 4449902
Email: dept-meteo@uonbi.ac.ke; fopijah@gmail.com
Website: http://meteorology.uonbi.ac.ke

*BSc in Meteorology (4 years)
*Postgraduate Diploma in Meteorology (1 year)
*Postgraduate Diploma in Operational Hydrology (1 year)
*Postgraduate Diploma in Aviation Meteorology (1 year)
*Master of Science in Meteorology (2 years)
*Master of Science in Aviation Meteorology (2 years)
*Master of Science in Agrometeorology (2 years)
*Master of Science in Climate Change (2 years)
*Doctor of Philosophy in Meteorology (3-4 years)
*Doctor of Philosophy in Climate Change (3-4 years)

KENYA (Region Association: I)

Institute for Meteorological Training and Research (IMTR) Nairobi - RTC Kenya

Address: Dagoretti Corner, Ngong Road, P.O. Box 30259-00100 GPO, NAIROBI, Kenya
Tel: (254-20) 3867 880-5
Fax: (254-20) 3876 955
Email: imtr@meteo.go.ke, irdkmd@gmail.com, nicksmaingi@gmail.com
Website: http://www.meteo.go.ke/index.php?q=imtr

* Training Courses to qualify Met. Technicians; 1/2 years;
* Post-graduate Diploma in Hydrology; 9 months;
* Short-term specialised training: Forecasting, Climate, Aviation, Agromet; Hydromet, Water Management, Remote-sensing, Instruments, etc.

MADAGASCAR (Region Association: I)

Ecole Nationale d’Enseignement de l’Aéronautique et de la Météorologie (ENEAM) Antananarivo - RTC Madagascar

Address: ENEAM – B.P. 62 Ivato Aéroport – Antananarivo 105 - Madagascar
Tel: +261320756394;+261337238258
Fax: (261- 20) 22 44973
Email: contact@eneam.mg, dir.etude@eneam.mg

* Initial training leading to the different levels of meteorological technicians according to WMO classification; and ongoing training for personnel already active by public services and/or airline companies, for recycling or advanced objectives

MADAGASCAR (Region Association: I)

Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique d'Antananarivo (ESPA) Antananarivo - RTC Madagascar

Address: ESPA – B.P. 1500 Ambohitsaina – Antananarivo 101 – Madagascar
Tel: +261202268915 & (261) 32 07 563 94
Fax: +261202227696
Email: ramanakoto@gmail.com, espa.tana@gmail.com 

* Diplôme en  météorologie, 3 ou 4 ans, selon le niveau d'admission;
* DEA (MSc) en météorologie, 2 ans.

NIGER (Region Association: I)

Centre Régional Agrhymet (AGRHYMET) Niamey - RTC Niger

Address: Centre AGRHYMET, B.P. 11011, NIAMEY, Niger
Tel: (227) 20 31 53 16
Fax: (227) 20 31 54 35
Email: admin@agrhymet.ne
Website: http://www.agrhymet.ne

* Formation d' Ingénieurs en Agrométéorologie et en Hydrologie; 28 mois;
* Formation de Techniciens Superieurs en Agrométéorologie, en Hydrologie et en Instruments et maintenance micro-informatique; 23 mois;
* Formations Continues.

NIGER (Region Association: I)

Ecole Africaine de la Météorologie et de l'Aviation Civile (EAMAC) Niamey - RTC Niger

Address: EAMAC B.P. 218, Niamey NIGER
Tel: (227)20 72 36 62
Fax: (227) 20 72 22 36
Email: eamacsec@asecna.org, konedia@asecna.org
Website: http://www.eamac.ne

* Formation des ingénieurs d'exploitation de la météorologie, 3 ans;
* Formation des techniciens supérieurs de la météorologie, 3 ans;
* Formations continues: 2-4 semaines.

NIGERIA (Region Association: I)

Meteorological Research and Training Institute (MRTI) Lagos - RTC Nigeria

Address: Meteorological Department Oshodi, P.M.B. 12542, LAGOS, Nigeria
Tel: +2348023718654
Fax: +2348038587116
Email: paoodjugo@yahoo.com & paoodjugo@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.nimet.gov.ng/rtc-lagos

* Training courses to qualify Meteorological Technicians; 1 year;
* Training courses in specialised subjects: Forecasting, ICT, Agrometeorology; Meteorological and hydrological instrumentation; 3-6 months;

NIGERIA (Region Association: I)

Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA)- RTC Nigeria

Address: Department of Meteorology, P.M.B. 704 AKURE, Nigeria
Tel: +234 816 153 0011
Fax: - 
Email: emokogbue@gmail.com & aabalogun@futa.edu.ng
Website: http://met.futa.edu.ng/page.php?pageid=181

* Undergraduate Courses for BSc in Meteorology,4-5 years;
* MSc/PhD in Meteorology with specialisation in either NWP, Air Pollution; Agrometeorology.; Mesoscale Met; Hydrometeorology; 2-3 years.

PERU (Region Association: III)

Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM) Lima - RTC Peru

Address: Departamento de Ingeniería Ambiental, Física y Meteorología, Facultad de Ciencias, Av. La Molina, Apartado 12-056,  Lima – Perú
Tel: 5113488925
Fax: 5113488925
Email: vcmquebec@lamolina.edu.pe; fciencias@lamolina.edu.pe
Website: http://www.lamolina.edu.pe/facultad/ciencias/CRFM/crfm/

* El Departamento Académico de Ingeniería Ambiental Física y Meteorología, es una Dependencia académica de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM), está dedicado a la investigación científica en las áreas de la Ingeniería, Gestión y Tecnología Ambiental; Meteorología, Energías Renovables y Física Aplicada.
* Tiene como objetivo contribuir a una eficiente formación profesional que apoyen la transformaron del país, proporcionando cursos básicos y de especialidad para el currículo de Ingeniería Ambiental. Asimismo está dedicada a la investigación científica en las áreas de la Ingeniería, Gestión y Tecnología Ambiental; Meteorología, Energías Renovables y Física Aplicada.

PERU (Region Association: III)

Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI) Lima - RTC Peru

Address: Jr. Cahuide 785, Jesús María - Lima
Tel: (01) 614 1414
Fax: (01) 614 1414
Email: tgarcia@senamhi.gob.pe
Website: https://www.senamhi.gob.pe/

* Online and Face-to-face short courses

PHILIPPINES (Region Association: V)

University of the Philippines (UP) Quezon City - RTC Philippines

Address: Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology (IESM)
National Science Complex, University of the Philippines - Diliman
QUEZON CITY 1101, Philippines
Tel: (63-2) 976 061
Email: laragones@iesm.upd.edu.ph

* Postgraduate Diploma and Master's degree programmes in Meteorology;
* PhD degree programme.

PHILIPPINES (Region Association: V)

Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) Quezon City - RTC Philippines

Address: PAGASA, PAGASA, 1100 Quezon City, Philippines
Tel: (632) 434-3675
Fax: (632) 434-3675
Email: cynthia_celebre@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.pagasa.dost.gov.ph/

*Meteorological Technicians Training Course 5-6 months *Meteorologists Training Course 11-12 months
*Short term training courses in specialized subjects 1- 3 weeks

REPUBLIC OF KOREA (Region Association: II)

Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) - RTC Korea

Address: 61, Yeouidaebang-ro 16 gil, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, 07062, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-2-2181-0033
Fax: +82-2-2181-0029
Email: cloudship@korea.kr / eunsuk@kma.go.kr / oungk@korea.kr

* Short term training courses in specialized subjects
* Distance learning courses  in specialized subjects

QATAR (Region Association: II)

Qatar Aeronautical Academy (QAA) Doha -RTC Qatar

Address: Qatar Aeronautical Academy(QAA) Doha-RTC Qatar, Ras Abu Aboud Street, PO Box 4050, Doha-State of Qatar
Tel: 974-44408853
Fax: 974-44313092
Email: revikumarp@qaa.edu.qa
Website: http://www.qaa.edu.qa

* Diploma in Meteorology (two and a half years duration)-BIPMT Senior Level, BIPM-Forecaster (One and a half years duration) Junior Met Technician (5 to 6 months duration). Special and short courses of one to two weeks duration for employees in National Met Services in the field of Aviation Meteorological Forecastiong, Aviation Meteorological Observation, Marine Meteorology, Surface Met Instruments and Observation Practice and Satellite Cloud Imagery Interpritation. 

RUSSIAN FEDERATION (Region Association: VI)

Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU) St. Petersburg - RTC Russian Federation

Address: 98 Malookinsky Ave, 195196, ST. PETERSBURG, Russian Federion
Tel: +7 812 633 01 96
Fax: +7 812 633 01 96
Email: rector@rshu.ru, E.Kozlova@rshu.ru, v.varzinova@rshu.ru
Website: http://www.rshu.ru/ & http://ums.rshu.ru/

* BSc (4 yrs) in Hydrometeorology, Oceanography, Ecology & Envir Physics, Economics & Socio-Human Sci;
* MSc (2 years after BSc),
* PhD (3 years after MSc or Diploma of Engineer),
* Doctoral studies (3 years after PhD)

RUSSIAN FEDERATION (Region Association: VI)

Moscow Hydrometeorological Technical School (MGMTEH) Moscow - RTC Russian Federation

Address: Zhelesnodorozhny 2, Hydrogorodok, 3-A, 143982 MOSCOW Reg, Russian Federation
Tel: +7 (495) 522-09-37
Fax: +7 (495) 522-09-37
Email: dir@mgmteh.ru

* Entry-level qualification programme for Meteorological Technicians; 26 months;
* Formation of Higher Technicians for Radar Systems, Environment; Automated systems for data processing; 26 months;

RUSSIAN FEDERATION (Region Association: VI)

Advanced Training Institute of Roshydromet (ATI) Moscow - RTC Russian Federation

Address: 143982 Russian Federation, Moscow region, city Balashikha, Kuschino, Gidrogorodok 3 A
Tel: +7 495 522-02-11
Email: rector@ipkmeteo.ru
Website: http://ipk.meteorf.ru

* Advanced training in hydrometeorology (observations, data processing and forecasting), ecology, management.

* The offerings are updated each year: http://ipk.meteorf.ru

SOUTH  AFRICA (Region Association: I)

South Africa Weather Service (SAWS) NMTC Pretoria - RTC South Africa

Address: South Africa Weather Service, Private Bag X097, PRETORIA 0001, South Africa
Tel: 0027 12 3676016
Fax: 0027 12 3676316
Email: winifred.jordaan@weathersa.co.za
Website: https://rtc.weathersa.co.za/ 

*All forecasting competencies (aviation, marine and PWS), specialized courses relaterd to forecasting remote sensing (radar, satellite and lightning detection) Numerical weather Prediction automatic weather station instalation, maintancne and verification, cloud observation.

SPAIN (Region Association: VI)

Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET)

Address: C/ Leonardo Prieto Castro, 8 (Ciudad Universitaria) 28040 Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 7197302
Fax: +34 915819896
Email: agrander@aemet.es
Website: http://www.aemet.es

* Formal (long term) courses and workshops (short term), as well as, technical training on distance learning

TURKEY (Region Association: VI)

Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS) - RTC Turkey

Address: Turkish State Meteorological Service, P.O. Box 401, ANKARA, Turkey
Tel: +90 312 302 27 95
Fax: +90 312 360 25 51
Email: maltinyollar@mgm.gov.tr
Website: http://www.rtc.mgm.gov.tr/

* Short-term (1-2 weeks) training seminars in satellite meteorology, agricultural meteorology and climate, weather forecasting; meteorological communications and applications.

UZBEKISTAN (Region Association: II)

Tashkent Hydrometeorological Profecional College (THMPC) Tashkent - RTC Uzbekistan

Address: 45, Kabulov Street, TASHKENT, Uzbekistan
Tel: (99871) 133 61 80
Fax: (99871) 133 20 25
Email: Uzhymet@meteo.uz

* Training programme to qualify Meteorological, Hydrological and Environmental Technicians; 26 months;
* Short-term training for Meteorological and Hydrological Technicians, hydromet observations, aviation, radar, forecasting, environment; 1-2 weeks.

VENEZUELA (Region Association: III)

Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) Caracas - RTC Venezuela

Address: Departamento de Meteorología e Hidrología, Ciudad Universitaria, CARACAS 1051, Venezuela
Tel: (00 58) 212 993 8121
Fax: (00 58) 212 993 2208
Email: salcedoa54@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ucv.ve

* BSc in Meteorology and Hydrology
* Postgraduate courses in Hydrology
* Other specialized courses online