WWRP Regional Activities

To support WMO member states' activities and create an international network of expertise, WWRP is involved in several regional research projects:

Past Regional Activities


Project name Countries involved Duration Purpose
HIGHWAY (HIGH impact Weather lAke sYstem)  Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, UK, and USA 2017-2021 Develop improved early warning systems in the Lake Victoria basin.
ICEPOP (Korean Olympic Games) USA, UK, Japan and Russia 2015-2019 Improve the understanding of severe weather in winter over complex terrain through intensive observations and tests of the predictability of high resolution NWP and nowcasting systems including verification in support of the 2018 Pyeong-Chang Winter Olympic Games.
RELAMPAGO (Remote sensing of Electrification, Lightning, And Mesoscale/microscale Processes with Adaptive Ground Observations) Argentina, Brazil,
USA, and Mexico
2018 – 2019 Improve the assessment of sate of the art models used in forecasting extreme weather events in subtropical South America.
TOMACS (Tokyo Metropolitan Area Convection Study for Extreme Weather Resilient Cities) Japan, Australia, Brazil,
Canada, Germany,
South Korea, France, and USA
2013 – 2016 Improve the understanding of the processes and mechanisms of extreme weather using dense meteorological observation networks designed in the Tokyo Metropolitan District.
UPDRAFT (Understanding and Prediction of Rainfall Associated with landfalling Tropical cyclones) China, South Korea, USA, Hong Kong, and Japan 2014-2022 Improve the understanding and prediction of rainfall associated with landfalling tropical cyclones focusing on multi-scale downscaling and physical processes affecting rainfall intensity and distribution.
TLFDP (Typhoon Landfall Forecast Demonstration Project) China, South Korea, USA, Hong Kong, Australia, Philippines and Japan 2014-2022 Demonstrate the performance of the most advanced forecasting technqiues for landfalling tropical cyclones.
SCMREX (Southern China Monsoon Rainfall Experiment) China, South Korea, UK, USA, Hong Kong, Australia, Vietnam, Philippines and Japan 2014-2021 Improve our understanding of the structures and evolution of the South China heavy-rain-producing storms during the monsoon outbreak period and improve prediction of these high-impact rainfall events through field campaigns, data processing and sharing, numerical modeling and analysis.
EXOTICCA (Experiment on Typhoon Intensity Change in Coastal Area) China, South Korea, USA, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, and Japan 2013-2022 Improve the knowledge of abnormal intensity change, genesis and dissipation of TC in the WNP area. Improve the performance of TC intensity prediction and regional numerical modelling techniques. Develop an advanced storm surge, flooding, and damage risk estimate/forecast system.
HyMeX (Hydrological cycle in Mediterranean Experiment) France, Italy, Spain, Israel 2010-2020 Improve the understanding of the water cycle with emphasis on extreme events in the Mediterranean area.