11th Meeting of the RA I Dissemination Expert Group (RAIDEG-11)

11th RAIDEG meeting 8th December 2020 (virtual)



Time in UTC

12h00         Welcome (Chair – EUMETSAT – WMO)

12h10         Adoption of the agenda

12h15         Review of actions from previous meetings

12h30         MTG-Africa products:
- current baseline (reminder) and open points
- Presentation by SWIFT of their NWC activities
- discussion on SAF products (inc NWC SAF)

13h45         Break (30 minutes hours)

14h00         PUMA stations
- status of current PUMA upgrade
- outcome of the survey on current status of PUMA station
- design/specification of new PUMA station (inc MTG features)  

14h30         Review of EUMETCast dissemination baseline

15h00         Update on EUMETSAT data access mechanism (EUMETView, Ecast-Terrestrial)

15h30         Debriefing – MTG Africa Concept Note from the AUC-REC Joint Working Group

15h45         AOB

16h00         Closure of the meeting