16th Meeting of the RA I Dissemination Expert Group (RAIDEG-16)

30 April 2024 via video conference

Time in UTC

(Dakar: UTC+0h; Brazzaville/Casablanca/Niamey: UTC+1h;
Darmstadt/Geneva: UTC+2h; Pretoria UTC +2h, Addis Ababa/Nairobi UTC+3h; Port Louis: UTC +4h)

Meeting report 

08:00     Introduction

  • Welcome (Chairwoman – EUMETSAT – WMO)
  • Adoption of the Agenda and Status of actions
  • Update on RAIDEG composition and national PoC

08:30     Session #1 –PUMA and ClimSA station

09:30     Session #2 – EO for Hydrology in Africa

10:00     Break

12:00     Session #3 - 16th EUMETSAT User Forum in Africa

  • Presentation of the scope of the on-line technical session (4-5 June) and plenary Session (16-20 September)
  • RAIDEG members contribution to the Forum (discussion)

13:00     Session #4 - EW4All, MTG-AMASF and WMO activities

13:45     Closing Session

  • AOB
  • Next meeting (physical meeting in September)

14:00     End of meeting