Training Session on SARRA-H Crop Model Operational Implementation
Training Session on SARRA-H Crop Model Operational Implementation
Banjul, Gambia
24-28 February 2014
Programme | Participants | Meeting Report | Photos |
Day 1: Monday 24 February 2014
- Registration and Opening Ceremony(MOFWR/MOA/WMO/CIRAD/AGRHYMET)
- Workshop Context
- Metagri project by J. Camacho, WMO
- Crop Modelling at CIRAD & development of the SARRA-H by C. BARON, CIRAD
- Issues surrounding crop yield prediction & adaptation of the SARRA-H Model to the needs of the AGRHYMET Regional Centre & partner countries for crop monitoring by S. B. TRAORE, AGRHYMET
- Installation of SARRA-H software & demonstration of main components of the model by A.ALHASSANE / C. BARON / S.TRAORE
- Demonstration on climate data importation in SARRA-H by A.ALHASSANE / C. BARON / S.TRAORE
Day 2: Tuesday 25 February 2014
- Demonstration on climate data importation in SARRA-H(Continuation)
- Installation of R scripts & automated version for crop monitoringby H.SONGOTI / A.ALHASSANE / S.TRAORE
- Introduction to R software by H.SONGOTI / M. LY / C. BARON
- Presentation of R scripts and automated version for crop monitoring by H.SONGOTI / M. LY
Day 3: Wednesday 26 February 2014
- Example of simulations using SARRA-H(regional level) by A.ALHASSANE / H.SONGOTI / S.TRAORE
- Analysis and discussion of results generated at regional level by A.ALHASSANE / S.TRAORE/ C. BARON
- Preparation of simulation files for importation to SARRA-H(country exercise) by A.ALHASSANE / A.SITTA/S.TRAORE/H.SONGOTI
Day 4: Thursday 27 February 2014
- Preparation of simulation files for importation to SARRA-H(country exercise) Continuation by A.ALHASSANE / A.SITTA/S.TRAORE/H.SONGOTI
- Presentation & discussion of results by participants
Day 5: Friday 28 February 2014
- Discussions on way way forward
- Evaluation of the workshop