WMO/EUMETSAT Training on the use of satellite products for Agrometeorology

Courses on the use of satellite products
for agro-meteorological applications

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
5-9 May 2014


Programme Participants Brochure photos



Day 1: Monday 5 May 2014


Day 2: Tuesday 6 May 2014


Day 3: Wednesday 7 May 2014

  • Products used for monitoring crops (anomaly maps, graphs of temporal evolution, spatial aggregation, diagnostic) by Oscar Rojas, FAO/Hervé Kerdiles, JRC

- Methods and Analysis: Rainfall and NDVI Anomaly Maps

- Methods and Analysis 2: Rainfall and NDVI Seasonal Graphs 


Day 4: Thursday 8 May 2014


Day 5: Friday 9 May 2014