WWOSC 2014_17
The World Weather Open Science Conference
(17 August 2014)
- 08:30 - 10:00
Chairs: Laurent Dubus and Beth Ebert
08:30 WW-JPL02.01 - Why should we be concerned about meteorological impacts on
our energy systems?
Alberto Troccoli1, Laurent Dubus2, 1CSIRO, Canberra, Australia, 2EDF, Chatou,
09:15 WW-JPL02.02 - Advances and prospects in assimilation of weather and climate
Jean-Noel Thepaut1, 1ECMWF, Reading, UK
SCI-PS101- 10:30 - 12:00
ISS - Land-Atmosphere interactions and water cycle
Chair: Christa Peters-Lidard
11:40 SCI-PS101.04 - Daily local coupling and predicting convective initiation
Ahmed Tawfik1, Paul Dirmeyer1, 1George Mason University, Fairfax, USA
SCI-PS102 -
10:30 - 12:00
NPE - Cross-cutting research on verification techniques
Chair: Barbara Casati
10:30 SCI-PS102.01 - User-focused approaches for forecast evaluation
Barbara Brown1, Jeff Lazo1, Elizabeth Ebert2, 1NCAR, Boulder, USA, 2CAWCR, Melbourne, Australia
11:20 SCI-PS102.03 - Verifying deterministic and probabilistic forecasts of
objectively clustered weather regimes.
Ric Crocker1, Robert Neal1, David Fereday1, 1Met Office, Exeter, UK
11:40 SCI-PS102.04 - Narrowing the “Valley of Death” by facilitating R2O
Maria Pirone1, Stephen Marley1, 1Harris Corporation, Washington, USA
10:30 - 12:00
Data assimilation methodology and diagnostic tools
Chair: Theresa Bick
SCI-PS104 -
10:30 - 12:00
ODA - THORPEX field campaigns
Chair: Maxi Boettcher
10:30 SCI-PS104.01 - The THORPEX Pacific Asian Regional Campaign (T-PARC) and
affiliated programs: objectives, results, and implications
Patrick Harr1, Sarah Jones2, David Parsons3, 1Naval Postgraduate School,
Monterey, USA, 2DWD, Frankfurt, Germany, 3University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA
SCI-PS105 -
10:30 - 12:00
New technologies and observation instrumentation innovations: from urban to global
Chair: Johannes Schmetz
10:30 SCI-PS105.01 - Achievements and challenges for atmospheric observations
from micro- to meso-scales
Mathias Rotach1, 1University of Innsbruck, Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, Innsbruck,
11:20 SCI-PS105.03 - GlobalSense: Next Generation, In situ observing system based
on large ensembles of airborne probes
John Manobianco1, John Zack1, 1MESO Inc, Troy, USA
11:40 SCI-PS105.04 - The Quebec climate monitoring program
Onil Bergeron1, 1Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement, de la Faune et des Parcs,
Québec, Canada
SCI-PS106 -
10:30 - 12:00
ODA - Observations and their assimilation in global to convective scale models
Chair: Ron Gelaro
11:00 SCI-PS106.02 - Assimilating cloud affected infrared radiances at the Met
Ed Pavelin1, Roger Saunders1, 1Met Office, Exeter, U.K.
11:20 SCI-PS106.03 - Observation contribution in the analysis of CPTEC/INPE
Fabio Diniz1, Dirceu Herdies1, 1CPTEC/INPE, Cachoeira Paulista, Sao Paulo,
SCI-PS107 -
10:30 - 12:00
P&P - Atmospheric and oceanic composition (processes, physics, modelling)
Chair: Kristina Lundgren
10:30 SCI-PS107.01 - Evaluating the impact of aerosols on numerical weather
Arlindo daSilva1, Saulo Freitas2, Angela Benedetti3, 1NASA/Goddard Space
Flight Center, Greenbelt, USA, 2Center for Weather Prediction and Climate Forecast (CPTEC/INPE),
Cachoeira Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 3European Centre
for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Reading, UK
11:20 SCI-PS107.03 - Does natural and anthropogenic aerosol have an impact on
numerical weather prediction?
Bernhard Vogel1, Eleni Athanasopoulou2, Tobias Schad1, Daniel Rieger1,
Isabel Kraut1, Heike Vogel1, 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2National
Observatory of Athens, Greece
11:40 SCI-PS107.04 - Modelling the Canadian Arctic and northern air quality using
Wanmin Gong1, Stephen Beagley1, Sophie Cousineau2, Jack Chen3, Mourad
Sassi2, 1Air Quality Research Division, Science and Technology Branch, Environment Canada,
Downsview, Canada, 2National Prediction Operations,
Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment Canada, Dorval, Canada, 3Marine
and Ice Service, Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Canada
SCI-PS108 -
10:30 - 12:00
P&P - Clouds and radiation
Chair: Jason Milbrandt
10:30 SCI-PS108.01 - Challenges confronting cloud and radiation
Graeme L. Stephens1, 1California Institute of Technology, Pasedena, USA
11:00 SCI-PS108.02 - The influence of Cloud Radiative Effects (CRE) on the ITCZ
Benjamin Moebis1, Bjorn Stevens1, 1Max Planck Institute for Meteorology,
Hamburg, Germany
11:20 SCI-PS108.03 - Information content of infrared hyperspectral data:
clear-sky vs. all-sky
Yi Huang1, Louis Garand2, 1McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 2Environment
Canada, Doval, Canada
11:40 SCI-PS108.04 - Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation interactions in deep convective
clouds over tropical East Africa
Joshua Ngaina1, Alfred Opere1, Joseph Ininda1, Nzioka Muthama1,
1Department of Meteorology, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya
SCI-PS109 -
10:30 - 12:00
Dynamics & predictability of middle latitude weather systems & their higher and
lower latitude interactions
Chair: Heini Wernli
10:30 SCI-PS109.01 - Tropical-Extratropical interactions illuminated through
adjoint studies
Carolyn Reynolds1, James Doyle1, Clark Amerault1, 1Naval Research
Laboratory, Monterey, USA
11:00 SCI-PS109.02 - Dynamical processes and forecast uncertainty associated with
extreme weather over North America during October 2007
Benjamin Moore1, Lance Bosart1, Daniel Keyser1, 1Department of Atmospheric
and Environmental Sciences, University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, USA (exceeds size limit)
11:20 SCI-PS109.03 - Sensitivity and predictability of severe extratropical
James Doyle1, Carolyn Reynolds1, Clark Amerault1, P. Alex Reinecke1, 1NRL, Monterey, USA (exceeds size limit)
11:40 SCI-PS109.04 - Predictability of explosive cyclogenesis over the
northwestern Pacific region using ensemble reanalysis
Akira Kuwano-Yoshida1, Takeshi Enomoto2, 1JAMSTEC, Yokohama, Japan,
2Kyoto University, Uji, Japan
SCI-PS110 -
10:30 - 12:00
P&P - Tropical cyclones and tropical convection
Chair: Gay Jane Perez
10:30 SCI-PS110.01 - Interactions between equatorial waves and tropical cyclones
Paul Roundy1, 1University at Albany, Albany, USA
11:00 SCI-PS110.02 - Tropical cyclogenesis in a tropical wave critical layer
Ali Asaadi1, Gilbert Brunet2,3, Peter M.K. Yau1, 1Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences,
McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 2Meteorological Research
Division, Environment Canada, Montreal, Canada, 3Met Office, Exeter, UK (exceed size limits)
11:20 SCI-PS110.03 - A climatology of central american gyres
Philippe Papin1, Lance Bosart1, Ryan Torn1, 1University at Albany, Albany, USA
11:40 SCI-PS110.04 - Idealized large eddy simulations of a tropical cyclone-like
boundary layer
Benjamin Green1, Fuqing Zhang1, 1The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA (exceeds size limit)
10:30 - 12:00
PPP - Polar Prediction Project
Chair: Peter Bauer
10:30 SCI-PS111.01 - Overview of the Polar Prediction Project
Thomas Jung1, 1AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany
11:40 SCI-PS111.04 - Aircraft-based observations of turbulence fluxes over the
Arctic marginal ice zone: Early results from ACCACIA
Andrew Elvidge1, Alex Weiss2, Ian Renfrew1, Ian Brooks3, Tom Lachlan-
Cope2, 1UEA, Norwich, UK, 2British Antarctic Survey, UK, 3University of Leeds, UK
SCI-PS112 -
10:30 - 12:00
WHI - Development of applications in the forecasting process
Chair: Jennifer Vanos
10:30 SCI-PS112.01 - Future nowcasting systems: Lessons from the WWRP Olympic
Nowcasting Projects
Paul Joe1, Tom Keenan2, Jian Jie Wang3, George Isaac1, Dmitry Kiktev4,
1Environment Canada, Toronto, Canada, 2Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research,
Melbourne, Australis, 3China Meterological Administration, Beijing, China, 4Roshydromet, Moscow,
11:20 SCI-PS112.03 - Impact of heat stress on agricultural crops
Kyoungmi Lee1,
Hyun-Suk Kang1, Jongho Lee1, 1National Institute of Meteorological Research, Jeju-do, South Korea
11:40 SCI-PS112.04 - The envisioned aviation weather services and challenges to
nowcasting science
Ping-wah Li1, Pak-wai Chan1, 1Hong Kong Observatory, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
UAS- PA400 -
10:30 - 12:00
Energy and transportation services, applications and decisions
Chair: Alberto Troccoli
User optimized weather and power forecasts: Fostering acceptance through dialog
Daniel Lee, V. Stauch, I. Alberts
Weather, climate & the energy sector
Laurent Dubus
Weather & transportation services in Montreal :
What connection
Mr.France Bernard, France
Weather & Transportation
Sheldon Drobot
12:30 - 13:30 White Paper on IWAQFR Session
International Workshop on Air Quality Forecasting Research (IWAQFR)
Overview of gaps to be discussed in
White Paper on ‘Integrated
Meteorology & Chemistry Models’
Alexander Baklanov
UAS-PS304 -
13:30 - 15:00
Energy applications and services
Chair: Laurent Dubus
13:40 UAS-PS304.01 - Spatially seamless forecasting of wind power generation with
generalized power curves
Cristian Waimann1, Pierre Pinson2, Andrea Celeste Saulo1,3, 1Centro de
Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmosfera, UMI-IFAECI/CNRS, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2Technical
University of Denmark, Center for Electric Power and Energy, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, 3Universidad de
Buenos Aires, Departamento de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y los Océanos, Buenos Aires, Argentina
14:00 UAS-PS304.02 - Southern Africa's Hydro-Economy and Water Security (SAHEWS)
- Integrating seasonal forecasting into decision-making
Stephen Dorling1, 1University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
14:20 UAS-PS304.03 - Improved weather forecasts for energy operations within the
German research project EWeLiNE
Kristina Lundgren1, Renate Hagedorn1, Detlev Majewski1, 1Deutscher
Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany
14:40 UAS-PS304.04 - National Weather Service supporting decision making in the
Eugene Petrescu1, 1NOAA / NWS / Alaska Region, Anchorage, US
UAS-PS305 -
13:30 - 15:00
Agricultural impacts, applications, and decision-making
Chair: Joseph Kapuku
13:40 UAS-PS305.01 - Agro meteorology, a need for an industrializing agriculture
in the highlands of western Cameroon
Nkue Nouwezem Daniel Jude1, Mipo Tchazi Lines1, 1University of Dschang,
Dschang, Cameroon
14:00 UAS-PS305.02 - Climate change adaptation of the agricultural seed business
sector: A cross-country study
Md Khalid Hossain1, Sharif As-Saber1, 1RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
14:20 UAS-PS305.03 - Farmers’ adaptive behaviour to climatic change
Betty Nabatanzi1, Dorothy Namuddu2, Emmanuel Musoke3, 1Millennium Development Consult
(MDC),Mukono,Uganda, 2Grassland International Uganda
(GIU))-Masaka, Uganda, 3Faculty of Social Sciences, Makerere University,
Kampala, Uganda
14:40 UAS-PS305.04 - Assessment of drought impacts, adaptation and mitigation
measures in Maharashtra state, India
Parmeshwar Udmale1, Yutaka Ichikawa1, Hiroshi Ishidaira1, 1University of
Yamanashi, Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan
SCI-PS113 -
16:30 - 18:00
ISS - Land-Atmosphere interactions and water cycle
Chair: Francois Anctil
16:30 SCI-PS113.01 - Land-atmosphere interactions, the water cycle, and climate
Sonia Seneviratne1, Edouard Davin1, Peter Greve1, Lukas Gudmundsson1,
Martin Hirschi1, Brigitte Mueller1, Boris Orlowsky1, Rene Orth1, 1Institute for Atmospheric and
Climate Science, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
17:00 SCI-PS113.02 - Impact of land surface on subseasonal forecasting skill:
Inter-model comparison
Zhichang Guo1, Paul Dirmeyer2, 1COLA, Fairfax, USA, 2GMU, Fairfax, USA
17:20 SCI-PS113.03 - Synoptic versus orographic control on stationary convective
Andrew Barrett1, Suzanne Gray1, Daniel Kirshbaum2, Nigel Roberts3, David
Schultz4, Jonathan Fairman4, 1University of Reading, Reading, UK, 2McGill University, Montreal,
Canada, 3MetOffice@Reading, Reading, UK, 4University of
Manchester, Manchester, UK
17:40 SCI-PS113.04 - Field evaluation of the Maximum Entropy Production
transpiration model
Anne Morais1, Annie-Claude Parent1, François Anctil1, Biljana Music2,
1Department of Civil and Water Engineering, Université Laval, Québec, Canada,
2Ouranos, Consortium on Regional Climatology and Adaptation, Montreal, Canada
SCI-PS114 -
16:30 - 18:00
ODA - Data assimilation methodology and diagnostic tools
Chair: Takemasa Miyoshi
16:30 SCI-PS114.01 - Toward improving the role of the static error covariance in
hybrid 4D EnVar
Daryl Kleist1,2, Kayo Ide2, 1University of Maryland, College Park, USA,
17:00 SCI-PS114.02 - Improving balance in the NCEP Hybrid Ensemble-Var data
assimilation system
Catherine Thomas1,2,3, Daryl Kleist2,3, Rahul Mahajan1,2, 1I.M. Systems Group,
College Park, USA, 2Environmental Modeling Center, National Centers for Environmental Prediction,
College Park, USA, 3University of Maryland, College
Park, USA
17:40 SCI-PS114.04 - Evaluation of cost vs. impact of Met office observing
Rebecca Reid1, Richard Marriott1, 1Met Office, Exeter, UK
16:30 - 18:00
ODA - THORPEX field campaigns
Chair: Florian Harnisch
16:30 SCI-PS115.01 - The ECMWF Data Targeting System (DTS) and its use in THORPEX
field campaigns
David Richardson1, Cihan Sahin1, Alexis Doerenbecher2, Sharan Majumdar3,
Stefan Klink4, 1ECMWF, Reading, UK, 2CNRM-GAME, Meteo-France, Toulouse, France, 3University of
Miami, Miami, USA, 4EUMETNET Observations
Programme, c/o DWD, Offenbach, Germany
17:00 SCI-PS115.02 - Highlights of studies at DLR and LMU based on aircraft
observations during T PARC
Martin Weissmann1, Florian Harnisch1, Kathrin Folger1, 1Hans-Ertel-Centre for
Weather Research, LMU, Munich, Germany
17:20 SCI-PS115.03 - Results of airborne observations in the framework of THORPEX
and an outlook to T-NAWDEX 2016
Andreas Schäfler1, Maxi Boettcher2, George Craig3, Andreas Dörnbrack1,
Christian Grams2, Florian Harnisch4, Uwe Marksteiner1, Marc Rautenhaus5, Heini Wernli2, 1Deutsches
Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Physik der
Atmosphäre, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 2Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich,
Switzerland, 3Meteorologisches Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians-
Universität, München, Germany, 4Hans-Ertel Centre for Weather Reserach, Meteorologisches Institut,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany,
5Computer Graphics and Visualisation Group, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany
SCI-PS116 -
16:30 - 18:00
ODA - New technologies and observation instrumentation innovations: from urban to global
Chair: Susanne Crewell
17:20 SCI-PS116.03 - Continuous water vapor profiling with a diode-laser-based
Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL)
Scott Spuler1, Bruce Morley1, Kevin Repasky2, Drew Moen2, Amin Nehrir3,
1National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, USA, 2Montana State University, Bozeman, USA,
3NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, USA (exceeds size limit)
SCI-PS117 -
16:30 - 18:00
ODA - Observations and their assimilation in global to convective scale models
Chair: Florence Rabier
17:00 SCI-PS117.02 - Recent progress and perspective on the observation data use
Yoshiaki Sato1, 1Japan Meteorological Agency, Tokyo, Japan
17:40 SCI-PS117.04 - Downscaling FY3-MWRI soil moisture integrating FY3-
VIRR/MERSI visible/infrared data
Lixin Dong1, Shihao Tang1, 1National Satellite Meteorological Center, Beijing,
SCI-PS118 -
16:30 - 18:00
P&P - Clouds and radiation
Chair: Graeme Stephens
16:30 SCI-PS118.01 - High definition clouds and precipitation for climate
prediction results from a unified German research initiative
Florian Rauser1, 1Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany
17:00 SCI-PS118.02 - Stationary orographic cloud bands: Dynamic and sportive
interests link satellite observations with mesoscale modelling
Hans Volkert1, 1DLR-IPA, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
17:40 SCI-PS118.04 - Evaluation of coupled versus uncoupled cloud physics and
radiation in WRF
Gregory Thompson1, Mukul Tewari1, Kyoko Ikeda1, Sarah Tessendorf1, Jason
Otkin2, Fanyou Kong3, 1NCAR-RAL, Boulder, USA, 2CIMSS/U. Wisconsin, Madison, USA, 3OU-CAPS, Norman,
16:30 - 18:00
Dynamics & predictability of middle latitude weather systems & their higher and
lower latitude interactions
Chair: Jim Doyle
16:30 SCI-PS119.01 - Upscale error growth in simulations with resolved and
(stochastically) parametrized convection: A comparison
Tobias Selz1, George Craig1, 1Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München,
17:20 SCI-PS119.03 - Diabatic processes in extratropical cyclones: Dynamics and
relevance for forecast accuracy
Heini Wernli1, 1ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
17:40 SCI-PS119.04 - Impacts on extended-range predictability of midlatitude
weather patterns due to recurving tropical cyclones
Patrick Harr1, Heather Archambault1, 1Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey,
SCI-PS120 -
16:30 - 18:00
P&P - Tropical cyclones and tropical convection
Chair: Chris Davis
16:30 SCI-PS120.01 - Necessary conditions for intensification of tropical
cyclones: The role of mesoscale systems and convective intensity
Edward Zipser1, 1University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
17:20 SCI-PS120.03 - Intensification of a sheared tropical cyclone in a WRF
Simulation: The evolution of a mesovortex
Leon Nguyen1, John Molinari1, 1University at Albany/SUNY, Albany, USA
17:40 SCI-PS120.04 - Eyewall convection during the rapid intensification of
Hurricane Rita (2005)
Michael Bell1, Annette Foerster1, Shannon McElhinney1, 1University of Hawaii,
Honolulu, USA
SCI-PS121 -
16:30 - 18:00
WHI - Development of applications in the forecasting process
Chair: Paul Joe
16:30 SCI-PS121.01 - Mesoscale Networks and the third dimension: Historical
perspectives and future prospectus
Walter F. Dabberdt1, 1Vaisala Group, Boulder, USA
17:00 SCI-PS121.02 - Nowcasting in data sparse regions
Estelle de Coning1, Morne Gijben1, Bathobile Maseko1, Cassandra Pringle1, Louis van Hemert1, 1South
African Weather Service, Pretoria, South Africa
UAS-PS307 -
16:30 - 18:00
Transportation impacts, applications, and decision-making
Chair: Atte Harjanne
16:40 UAS-PS307.01 - Moving towards a resilient transport network for the future:
integrating meteorology, engineering and social perspectives
Andrew Quinn1, 1University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
17:40 UAS-PS307.04 - The Pikalert Road weather hazard forecast system
Sheldon Drobot1, 1NCAR, Boulder, CO, USA
UAS-PS308 -
16:30 - 18:00
Agricultural impacts, applications, and decision-making
Chair: Khan Rahaman
16:40 UAS-PS308.01 - Cost of climate variability and change to farmers in rural
India: A spatio-temporal analysis
Mamta Mehra1, Nihar Jangle1, David Dror1, Sonu Aggarwal2, 1Micro Insurance
Academy, New Delhi, India, 2Weather Risk Management Services Limited, New Delhi, India
17:00 UAS-PS308.02 - Determinants of farm-level adaptation diversity to climate
extremes: Insights from farm households in India
Chandra Bahinipati1, 1Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad,
17:20 UAS-PS308.03 - Integrated Interdisciplinary approach to drought risks and
water management
Heather Lazrus1, Debasish PaiMazumder1, Erin Towler1, 1NCAR, Boulder, CO,
17:40 UAS-PS308.04 - Community-based solutions for weather-related agricultural
risk mitigation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Million Aytenfisu1, 1University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada
UAS-PS309 -
16:30 - 18:00
Special Session on the future of the weather enterprise
Chair: Brian Mills
16:40 UAS-PS309.01 - Unidata’s vision for Transforming Geoscience by moving data
services and software to the Cloud
Mohan Ramamurthy1, 1Unidata/UCAR, Boulder, CO, USA
17:00 UAS-PS309.02 - Engaging stakeholders as part of the MSC Services Strategy
Grace Koshida1, Jamie Smith1, Ken Macdonald1, 1Environment Canada, Meteorological Service of
Canada, Ottawa, Canada
17:40 UAS-PS309.04 - Weather, water and food security
Tom Beer1, Jianping Li2, Keith Alverson3, 1CAWCR, Melbourne, Australia,
2Institute of Atmospheric Physics CAS, Beijing, China, 3UNEP, Nairoi, Kenya