Permanent Representative
Mr Uladzimir BABOK
Hydrological Adviser
Ms Ekaterina ISTOMINA
Regional Association
Region VI: Europe
Regional Involvement
Region VI: Europe
Responsible Ministry
Date of WMO Membership
Expert Network
Expert Network
Focal Points
Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM)
All Information
- Part 1 (NMS Mandate and Planning)
- Part 2 (NMS Capacity)
- Part 3 (Quality Management)
- Part 4 (Disaster Risk Reduction)
- Part 5 (Data and Observations)
- Part 6 (Services)
- Part 7 (Climate Services)
- Part 8 (Hydrology)
- Part 9 (Social Media)
1.14 Link to national drought policy
1.19 A consultative platform for the public sector, private sector, academia and civil society to foster regular cooperative dialogue
1.7 Title of primary legislative act determining NMS functions
Law of the Republic of Belarus on hydrometeorological activities
1.8 Other regulatory framework applicable to NMS functions
1.9 Mandate for provision of climate services
1.10 Unit dedicated to climate-related activities nn
1.12 Other organizations (governmental, academic, private, commercial, etc.) providing climate services in the country
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
1.17 Formal agreements between public and private sector (Service Delivery)
1.3 Legal status of the NMS
Government agency with commercial activities
1.15 Studies on socio-economic benefits undertaken in the last 10 years
1.2 Title of the institution with authority over the service:
1.1 Title of the National Meteorological or Hydrometeorological Service (NMS)
Republican center for hydrometeorology, control of radioactive contamination and enviromental monitoring
1.18 Legislation provisions concerning private sector participation in the delivery of information and services along the value chain
The legislation does not allow any participation of non-NMHS entities in the provision of information and services (NMHS is the sole provider)
2.1 Gender distribution of staff (Total Male)
2.1 Gender distribution of staff (Total)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Climatologists/Climate Services (Male)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Climatologists/Climate Services (Female)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Climatologists/Climate Services
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Researchers (Male)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Researchers (Female)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Researchers
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Support Staff (Male)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Support Staff (Female)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Support Staff
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Other (Male)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Other (Female)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Other
2.14 Total annual budget
2.15 Main sources of funding
2.16 Percentage of budget coming from non-government budget
2.17 Budget trend in the recent 3-5 years
Steadily increasing
2.18 Sources of funding for improving the hydrometeorological infrastructure, etc.
National agencies;
2.19 Development/strategic plan in place in NMS, covering the next 3-5 years
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Management (Male)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Meteorologists
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Meteorological Technicians (Male)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Meteorological Technicians (Female)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Meteorological Technicians
2.6 Staffing trend in recent 3-5 years
Steadily decreasing
2.23 Communications capacity and outreach
A press relations office that regularly interacts with the press;A presence on social media channels;checked
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Meteorologists (Male)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Meteorologists (Female)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Hydrologists (Male)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Hydrologists (Female)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Hydrologists
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Hydrological Technicians (Male)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Hydrological Technicians (Female)
2.2 Number of staff by professional category - Hydrological Technicians
2.5 Number of staff due to retire in next 5 years (Climate)
2.5 Number of staff due to retire in next 5 years (hydrological Technician)
2.5 Number of staff due to retire in next 5 years (Hydrologists)
2.5 Number of staff due to retire in next 5 years (Management)
2.5 Number of staff due to retire in next 5 years (Meteorological Technician)
2.5 Number of staff due to retire in next 5 years (Meteorologists)
2.5 Number of staff due to retire in next 5 years (Other)
2.5 Number of staff due to retire in next 5 years (Researcher)
2.5 Number of staff due to retire in next 5 years (support staff)
3.7 NMS has ensured that personnel engaged in service provision have successfully completed the Basic Instruction Package for Meteorologists (BIP-M)
Yes, in part
3.8 Percentage of aeronautical meteorological forecasters possessing a qualification in conformity with BIP-M
Between 75% and 99%
3.9 Timeline for BIP-M completion by aeronautical meteorological forecasters
3.1 Implementation of QMS for international air navigation
Yes, in full
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - WMO Information System - When to be in place
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - WMO Information System - Implementation status
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - WMO Information System - Assessment Frequency
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Operational Forecasting (PWS) - When to be in place
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Operational Forecasting (PWS) - Implementation status
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Operational Forecasting (PWS) - Assessment Frequency
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Weather Broadcasters and Communicators (PWS) - When to be in place
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Weather Broadcasters and Communicators (PWS) - Implementation status
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Weather Broadcasters and Communicators (PWS) - Assessment Frequency
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - User Requirements (PWS) - When to be in place
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - User Requirements (PWS) - Assessment Frequency
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - User Requirements (PWS) - Implementation status
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Satellite Skills and Knowledge - When to be in place
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Network Management (OBS) - Assessment Frequency
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Meteorological Observations (OBS) - When to be in place
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Meteorological Observations (OBS) - Implementation status
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Meteorological Observations (OBS) - Assessment Frequency
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Satellite Skills and Knowledge - Assessment Frequency
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Satellite Skills and Knowledge - Implementation status
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Network Management (OBS) - When to be in place
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Network Management (OBS) - Implementation status
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Instrumentation (OBS) - When to be in place
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Instrumentation (OBS) - Implementation status
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - DRR (PWS) - Implementation status
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - DRR (PWS) - Assessment Frequency
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Climate Services - When to be in place
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Climate Services - Implementation status
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Climate Services - Assessment Frequency
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Calibration (OBS) - When to be in place
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Calibration (OBS) - Assessment Frequency
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Aeronautical Meteorological Observer - When to be in place
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Aeronautical Meteorological Observer - Implementation status
Yes, in full
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Aeronautical Meteorological Observer - Assessment Frequency
Five years or more
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Aeronautical Meteorological Forecasters - When to be in place
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Aeronautical Meteorological Forecasters - Implementation status
Yes, in full
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Aeronautical Meteorological Forecasters - Assessment Frequency
Five years or more
3.5 Timeline for implementation of QMS for early warning services
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Marine Weather Forecasters - When to be in place
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Marine Weather Forecasters - Implementation status
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Marine Weather Forecasters - Assessment Frequency
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Instrumentation (OBS) - Assessment Frequency
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Education and Training Providers - When to be in place
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Education and Training Providers - Implementation status
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Education and Training Providers - Assessment Frequency
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - DRR (PWS) - When to be in place
3.3 Timeline for full implementation of QMS for international air navigation?
3.2 Type of QMS for international air navigation implemented
3.4 Implementation of QMS for early warning services
Yes, in full
3.6 Training and assessment of personnel on WMO competency assessment frameworks - Calibration (OBS) - Implementation status
4.8 Percentage of local governments in the country having a plan to act on early warnings
4.7 Number of people per 100,000 covered by early warning information through local governments or through national dissemination mechanisms in your country
4.5 Monitoring and forecasting systems in place for multiple hazards occurring simultaneously or cumulatively over time
4.4 Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (MHEWS) in place in the country
4.3 NMS membership in national committee or platform coordinating DRR activities
4.2 National committee or platform composed of ministries, agencies and other stakeholders in place at the national ro sub-national levels, which coordinates Disaster Risk Reduction activities
4.1 NMS warnings delivered using Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) format
4.10 NMS contribution and/or engagement in these risk assessments
4.11 Hazard, exposure and vulnerabilty information used in country as an input into emergency planning and the development of warning messages
4.12 Performance of MHEWS evaluated in the country
4.13 Feedback and lessons learned translated into improvements of the MHEWS
4.14 NMS engaged in performance reviews of the national MHEWS/DRR platform
4.9 Accessible, understandable, usable and relevant disaster risk information and assessment available to people at the national and local levels_x000D_
4.6 MHEWS warning of potential cascading impacts_x000D_
5.6 A National WIGOS Implementation Plan adopted/approved
5.5 A national process in place for acting on quality problem information received from the WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System
5.4 Number of staff trained in OSCAR/Surface
5.3 A national WIGOS partnership agreement in place for integration and open-sharing of observations from NMS and non-NMS sources
5.2 A national WIGOS governance mechanism in place
5.1 Country/territory covered by a Regional WIGOS Centre (RWC)
5.11 Communication systems used to access data and products
5.12 Country participation in WMO Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) scheme for the collection and transmission of meteorological observations at sea
5.13 Number of marine meteorological and oceanographic observing stations operated in the country (Institutional partners - non-NMS)
5.13 Number of marine meteorological and oceanographic observing stations operated in the country (NMS)
5.13 Number of marine meteorological and oceanographic observing stations operated in the country (Private partners)
5.14 Marine meteorological and oceanographic observing data shared and exchanged with WMO
5.15 Collaborative agreements or partnerships in the country concerning integrated marine meteorological and oceanographic observations
6.9 Preparation and dissemination of marine forecasts or warning services by NMS as a Preparation Service of the Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS) within the framework of the Global Marine Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
6.8 NMS use of a Flash Flood Guidance System for issuing flash flood warnings
6.6 Production of decadal forecasts
6.5 Technical requirements necessary to enable NMS to produce/provide impact-based forecast and warning services
6.4 Impact-based forecast and warning services produced/provided by NMS
6.3 Communication channels used to disseminate products and services
6.1 Services provided by NMS
Public Weather Services;Flash Flood Warnings;Impact-based forecast and warning services;Severe weather forecasting, incl. in the Arctic;Extreme heat;Cyclones;Climate Services;Ice analysis and forecasting services ;Coastal hazards forecasting and warnings;Agrometeorological Services;Visualization of current gauge height and discharge;Streamflow, Flood and low flow statistics;Representative values of discharges;Earthquake/Seismic Services;Volcanological monitoring and alert services;
6.11 Forecasts and warnings received by NMS from the marine MetArea Issuing Service under GMDSS
6.15 NMS use of cooperative mechanisms, such as mentoring and sharing of expertise, in order to support Members in need to resolve existing deficiencies in the provision of marine meteorological services
7.1 NMHS participation in identification of climate-sensitive national development priorities in:
Nationally determined contribution (NDC) to the Paris agreement;National Adaptation Plan (NAP);National development policy or strategy;National sectoral policies and strategies (e.g. food security, health, etc.);
7.2 NMHS participation in capacity assessment of key stakeholders (including NMHSs and NHSs) by:
Identifying key stakeholders for improving climate-related outcomes in priority sectors (UIPs focused on GFCS priorities: health, agriculture and food security, WRM , energy, DRM);Identifying key climatic factors of socio-economic significance at the national levels, establishing baseline knowledge based on capacity assessments and co-defining with stakeholders climate information needs for sectoral decision-making at national level;Identifying feasible climate services for meeting priority needs and capacity needs/requirements for their development and delivery;
7.3 NMHS participation in the implementation of national plans/frameworks (e.g. NAPs or national action plans) by:
7.4 NMHS has undertaken resources reviews of relevant ongoing and planned partner projects by:
Jointly meeting with national government Ministries/Departments and their counterpart(s) major international organizations (UNDP, IFIs, WFP, FAO, WHO etc.) as necessary to articulate NMHS needs to support development decisions;Negotiating access to financing from ongoing programmes and/or contributing to the development of new proposals to address identified needs;
7.5 NMHS participates in national planning, coordination, information sharing and monitoring structures by:
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Agriculture )
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Aviation)
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Building )
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Commercial )
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Emergency planning and response )
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Energy industry )
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Environmental protection )
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Finance and insurance )
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Fisheries )
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Forestry )
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Government)
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Human health )
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Local authorities)
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Maritime transport )
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Recreation, sport)
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Scientific )
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Tourism (incl. coastal zone))
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Transport )
7.6 User communities/sectors to which NMS provides climate products/information and estimated importance of users in various sectors for the NMS (Water resources)
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Management) - Total
8.16 Staffing trend in recent 3-5 years (Administrative support)
8.16 Staffing trend in recent 3-5 years (Higher Education university level)
8.16 Staffing trend in recent 3-5 years (Observers)
8.16 Staffing trend in recent 3-5 years (Other staff)
8.16 Staffing trend in recent 3-5 years (Specify other staff)
8.16 Staffing trend in recent 3-5 years (Technicians)
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Climatologists/Climate Services) - Female
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Climatologists/Climate Services) - Male
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Climatologists/Climate Services) - Total
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Hydrological Technicians) - Female
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Hydrological Technicians) - Male
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Hydrological Technicians) - Total
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Hydrologists) - Female
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Hydrologists) - Male
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Hydrologists) - Total
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Management) - Female
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Management) - Male
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Other) - Female
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Other) - Male
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Other) - Total
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Researchers) - Female
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Researchers) - Male
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Researchers) - Total
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Support Staff) - Female
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Support Staff) - Male
8.12 Number of NHS staff (Support Staff) - Total
8.33 Use of flood hazard, exposure and vulnerability information in the country to carry-out risk assessments at the national, provincial and local levels
8.11 Gender distribution of NHS staff (Male)
8.11 Gender distribution of NHS staff (Total)
8.13 Number of NHS staff with university degree
8.19 Total annual budget of the NHS
8.20 Main sources of funding
8.21 Percentage of budget coming from non-government budget
8.22 Trend of the government component of the budget during the recent 3-5 years
Steadily increasing
8.23 Sources of funding for improving the hydrological infrastructure, etc.
8.24 Quality Management System (QMS) for hydrology in use in the country
8.25 Status of QMS implementation
8.26 NHS in the process of establishing a QMS
8.27 NHS planning to establlish a QMS in the near future
8.29 Impact-based forecast and warning services produced/provided by NHS staff
8.30 Flash flood warnings issued by NMS
8.31 Flash Flood Guidance System used for issuing flash flood warnings
8.32 Access to quantitative subseasonal or seasonal hydrological forecasts by sectoral users in the country
8.34 Relationships maintained by NHS with users of information products to understand their needs and level of satisfaction with the services provided
8.17 Fellowships requested by NHS under the WMO Fellowships Programme in 2016-2017
8.9 Flood management plan(s) established or under development
8.8 NHS areas of responsibility
8.7 Title of the primary legislative act determining the NHS mandate
8.6 Legislative act regulating hydrology (or hydrometeorology, or similar) in the country
8.5 Name(s) of the main institution(s) responsible for operational hydrology
8.4 Legal status of the NHS
8.3 Title of the institution with the authority over the service
8.2 Exact title of NHS
8.1 National Hydrological Service (NHS) combined with the National Meteorological Service in a single entity
8.10 NHS membership in a national committee or platform coordinating disaster risk reduction activities
8.11 Gender distribution of NHS staff (Female)
8.14 Number of staff by age category (<20 )
8.14 Number of staff by age category (>50)
8.14 Number of staff by age category (20-30)
8.14 Number of staff by age category (30-40)
8.14 Number of staff by age category (40-50)
8.15 Number of staff due to retire in next 5 years (Climatologist/Climate Services)
8.15 Number of staff due to retire in next 5 years (hydrological Technician)
8.15 Number of staff due to retire in next 5 years (Hydrologists)
8.15 Number of staff due to retire in next 5 years (Management)
8.15 Number of staff due to retire in next 5 years (Other)
8.15 Number of staff due to retire in next 5 years (Researcher)
8.15 Number of staff due to retire in next 5 years (support staff)
9.1 Social media and web contacts - Facebook
9.2 Accronym of NMHS
Republican center for hydrometeorology, control of radioactive contamination and enviromental monitoring
9.1 Social media and web contacts - Website
9.1 Social media and web contacts - Twitter
9.1 Social media and web contacts - Instagram
Name | Centre type | Centre function | Principal GISC | Secundary GISC | CBS Endorsement | Technical Commission | Manual on WIS status |
NMC (Minsk) | NC | National Meteorological Centre | GISC Moscow | GISC Toulouse | Approved by Cg/EC | Equals Manual on WIS |