Monitoring, Analysis, and Prediction of Air Quality MAP-AQ

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Monitoring, Analysis, and Prediction of Air Quality (MAP-AQ)


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Overarching Objective

Develop and implement a global air pollution monitoring, analysis, and prediction system for air quality with downscaling capability in regions of the world affected by high levels of atmospheric pollutants, in particular in Asia, Latin America, and Africa.


MAP-AQ stands for Monitoring, Analysis, and Prediction of Air Quality. This is a new international initiative that has been endorsed as an emerging activity of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) project and a contributing activity to the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

MAP-AQ focuses on a number of activities listed below.

  • To constitute and develop a consortium of expert groups to coordinate and enhance research and services that will help mitigate air pollution, specifically in regions of the world where high concentrations of pollutants are observed.
  • To develop and implement a global air pollution monitoring, analysis, and prediction system with downscaling capability in regions of the world that are affected by high levels of atmospheric pollutants, particularly in the low and middle-income countries.
  • To combine an ensemble of state-of-the-art multi-scale chemical transport models, high-resolution emission inventories, space observaions, surface measurements and post-processing techniques to provide near-real-time forecasts and analyses of air pollution and its effect at the global to regional and local scales.
  • To co-design and co-develop with users and other stakeholders relevant products and services, and transfer air quality related information to the public.
  • To co-design and co-develop with policymakers emission control strategies to reduce air pollution in the long-term.
  • To create collaborative efforts for the application of the system to urban planning.
  • To develop educational activities in support of the capacity building.


MAP-AQ Flowchart


MAP-AQ Co-Chairs

Guy P Brasseur (NCAR/Max Planck Institute for Meteorology)
Rajesh Kumar (NCAR)

MAP-AQ Steering Committee

Vincent-Henri Peuch (ECMWF, UK),
James H. Crawford (NASA, USA),  
Nicolas Huneeus (University of Santiago, Chile),
Rebecca Garland (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa),
Manish Naja (Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences, India),
Xuemei Wang (Sun Yat Sen University, China),  
Yvonne Scorgie (Office of Environment and Heritage, Australia), 
Ashraf Zakey (The Egyptian Meteorological Authority, Egypt),

Alexander Baklanov (WMO),
Judith Hoelzemann (IGAC),

MAP-AQ Projects

Partnership with China on Space Data (PANDA)
Prediction of Air Pollution in Latin America (PAPILA)


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