WIGOS Learning Portal published

In support of all Members on the further development of WIGOS throughout its operational phase, WMO has just published the WIGOS Learning Portal, on the WMO Moodle platform. This portal is a merger of “OSCAR/Surface Resources Portal” and “WDQMS Resources Portal for Regional WIGOS Centres”, and it contains learning materials for OSCAR/Surface, WDQMS and other WIGOS related activities. 

The contents of the portal are visible by everyone. If you want to post a message in the forum, or if you wish to receive notifications of new posts, you will be required to create an account on etrp.wmo.int and login to it . 

Please visit the WIGOS Learning Portal, at the URL https://etrp.wmo.int/course/view.php?id=146 and disseminate information about its existence with those who may be interested in your community. Do not hesitate to provide us your comments and suggestions.