The Regional Association VI Working Group on Hydrology
WMO RA VI Hydrology Forum
RA VI Hydrological forum, 2-4 April 2019, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Session 1
- Availability of hydrological data in Austria
- Basic facts
- Bilateral cooperation on boundary waters
- CEN-ISO standard on network design
- Comparizon of traditional and new measurement techniques
- Integration of meteo-hydro-cryosphere observation networks
- Monitoring and Observations for 21st century (MOXXI) Group
- Outsourcing the hydrological monitoring network
- Redesigning the stations network
- WMO HydroHub
Session 2:
- WMO Flood Forecasting Initiative and End-to-End Early Warning Systems for flood forecasting (E2EEWS)
- WMO Global Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS), Current Situation and How RAVI Can Get Involved?
- Outcomes of CHy-Ext
- SEE-MHEWS-A – Multi Hazard Early Warning Advisory System for South East Europe
Session 3:
- European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) – recent developments
- Global Water Partnership CEE (Central and Eastern Europe)
- Flood regimes of rivers in the Danube Basin - UNESCO-IHP regional collaboration
- Rhine River Basin Commission
- Sava River Flood Forecasting and Warning System
Session 4:
Session 6: (Group outputs)
Working Group on Climate and Hydrology (WG/CH)
- Second meeting of the RA VI Working Group on Climate and Hydrology, Oslo, Norway, 19 September 2016
- WMO RA VI Hydrology Forum - Concept and launch meeting, Koblenz, 8 to 10 May, 2012
- The Working Group on Climate and Hydrology (WG/CH) has been established by the XV Session of RA-VI (Brussels, September 2009) through its Resolution 4 (XV-RA VI). [More information]
Eleventh Session of the RA VI Working Group in Hydrology
Reports & documents
- Final report Regional Association VI - Europe Working Group on Hydrology, Eleventh Session, Toulouse, France, 25 – 27 March 2009
- Report of the president of the Working Group by J. Kubát (Czech Republic)
- Presentation - Secretariat report
- Report of the chairperson of the Subgroup on Flood Forecasting and Warning by Mr I. Karro (Sweden) - Appendix 2
- Presentation
- Report of the expert on Public Relations and Visibility of Hydrological Services by Ms M. Simota (Annex 1 - Annex 2 - Annex 3)
- Presentation
- Report of the expert on networking for contributions to regional initiatives related to water (RA VI Hydrology Network) by M.Puuponen
- Presentation
- Report of the expert on Climate and Water by T. Kokkonen, H. Koivusalo, A. Jolma, H. Laine, and Olli Vari
- Presentation
- Report of the expert on Water Monitoring and Assessment by V. Vuglinsky (Russian Federation)"
- Presentation
- Report of the expert on Potential Extreme Floods by B. Ozga-Zielinsk
- Presentation
- Report of the expert on Drought Assessment and Forecasting by Ms G. Monacelli (Italy)
- Presentation
- Report on international standards for hydrological observation and processing in RA-VI region based on a questionnaire by Zs Buzás (Annex4)
- Presentation
- Proposed terms of Reference of the Working Group on Hydrology in RA VI for the period 2009 – 2013
- Météo-France and hydrology by Jean-Marie Carrière (Météo-France) - Presentation
- National and Regional services for flood forecasting and hydrometry by Caroline Wittwer
(SCHAPI) - Presentation
Tenth Session of the RA VI Working Group in Hydrology
The fourteenth session of the Regional Association VI, which met in Heidelberg (Germany) in September 2005, re-established the Working Group on Hydrology (WGH) for the inter-sessional period 2006-2009 and re-appointed Mr Jan Kubát (Czech Republic) for a second term as Regional Hydrological Advisor and chair of the Group. It also designated Mr J.-M. Tanguy (France) as vice-chairperson. The Association also established sub-groups and appointed the following core members as chairs or experts of the WGH:
- Mr I. Karro (Sweden), chairperson of the Subgroup on Flood Forecasting and Warning
- Ms I. Simota (Romania) as expert on Public Relations and Visibility of Hydrological Services
- Mr M. Puupponen (Finland) as expert on Networking for contribution to regional initiatives related to water
- Mr T. Kokkonen (Finland) as expert on Climate and Water
- Mr V. Vuglinsky (Russian federation) as expert on Water Monitoring and Assessment
- Mr B. Ozga-Zielinski (Poland) as expert on Potential Extreme Floods
- Ms G. Monacelli (Italy) as expert on Drought Assessment and Forecasting.
It also adopted by its resolution 17 (XIV-RA VI) the WGH programme of work on the basis of a proposal developed at the WGH meeting in Pruhonice, Prague (Czech Republic) in May2005 (report of the session).
WGH cooperation with European Union and its bodies
Cooperation with European Union is particularly focused on the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and aims at increasing the involvement and contribution of NHSs in the process.
To support the implementation of the WFD and ensure the consistent application of its principles in all EU member states, the European commission has established a Common Implementation Strategy (CIS). The NHSs of the European countries recognize the need of having proper representation in this mechanism and tasked the WGH to voice their concerns in the various working groups stemming from the CIS. The RA VI WGH has been granted observer status in the CIS and the following WGH members are participating in CIS activities:
- Strategic Coordination Group – M. Puupponen (Finland) as observer
- WG on Reporting – R. Busskampf (Germany)
- WG on Groundwater – E. Kullman (Slovak Republic)
- Water scarcity and droughts forum – G. Monacelli (Italy)
- WG on Floods – B. Ozga-Zielinski (Poland) and I. Karro (Sweden)
The WGH and the EU Joint Research Centre (Institute for Environment and Sustainability) of Ispra are also exploring way for cooperating in the area of establishment of standards on hydrological data quality, data exchange, observation and processing.
WGH and RA VI Strategic Plan and Action Plan
The Regional Association nominated Mr J. Kubát, as member of the task team for the preparation of the RA VI Strategic Plan and Action Plan as representative of the RA VI hydrological community in his capacity of Regional Hydrological Adviser. The WGH, along with the other regional WG, provided inputs to their formulation. The strategic plan has been adopted in late 2007.
As it concerns hydrology and water resources, the plan recognizes the need for prevention and mitigation of natural disasters through early warning and vulnerability assessment; the ever greater needs, requirements and capabilities to deliver new and further services, especially in respect of water-sensitive economy, climate change, water resources management; the general decrease in funding for NHSs, and the subsequent need for improvements to the infrastructure, especially in the east of the Region. It consequently sets a number of priority areas of intervention such as increasing the number of national and cross–boundary flood warning and alert systems, improving the capabilities of NHS for hydrological forecasts and analysis. It puts emphasis on the implementation of pilot projects, such as the proposal for the reinforcement of hydrometeorological forecasts on the Sava River basin and on the improvement of national capabilities for water resources assessment, in light of the foreseeable impacts of climate change.
(RA VI Strategic and action plan full version)
Related documents
- RA VI Working Group on Hydrology, Tenth Session (Pruhonice, Prague, Czech Republic, 4 – 7 May 2005)
- final report
- Expert reports submitted to the tenth session:
- Public relations and the visibility of NHSs by Mr P.Givone (France)
- Climate and water by Mr O.Varis (Finland)
- Potential extreme floods by Mr B.Ozga-Zielinski (Poland)
- Drought assessment and forecasting by Mrs G.Monacelli (Italy)
- Subgroup on Institutional Aspects of Monitoring and Assessment by Mr A. Snorrason (Iceland, coordinator)
- Subgroup Flood Forecasting and Warning by Mr I. Karro (Sweden, coordinator)
- RA VI Working Group on Hydrology, Ninth Session (Berlin, Germany, 15-20 February 2002)
- final report
- Expert reports submitted to the ninth session:
- Integration of Environmental Monitoring Networks by A. Snorrason (Iceland) and M. Puupponen (Finland)
- Integration and Coupling of Hydrological Models with Water Quality Models: Applications in Europe by B. Arheimer and J. Olsson (Sweden)
- Application of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Operational Hydrology by J. Fürst (Austria)
- Regional Aspects of HOMS by J. Hladný (Czech Republic)
- Climate and Water: on the search for improved interconnections between climate models and scenarios, hydrology, and water resources management by O. Varis, T.Kajander and R. Lemmelä (Finland)
- Extreme Floods by H. Engel (Germany)
- Operational Hydrological Reference Basins by M. Spreafico
- Sediment Transport by Z. Buzás, O. Starosolszky and L. Rákóczy (Hungary)
- RA VI Working Group on Hydrology, Eighth Session (Helsinki, Finland, 21 -25 October 1997)