Study Group on WMO Cryosphere Crosscutting Functions: Global Cryosphere Watch (SG-CRYO)

Study Group on WMO Cryosphere Crosscutting Functions: Global Cryosphere Watch (SG-CRYO)

With reference to Resolution 50 (Cg-18) on the pre-operational phase of the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW), Resolution 48 (Cg-18) on Polar and High Mountain priorities, and Resolution 6 (EC-71) on the EC Panel of Experts on Polar and High Mountain Observations, Research and Services (EC-PHORS), 

The proposed Study Group will fulfil the following functions:

  • Provide recommendations on the integration of Terms of Reference of GCW and EC-PHORS, as approved by Resolutions 48 and 50 (Cg-18) and Resolution 6 (EC-71), with the Terms of Reference and modus operandi of the Standing Committees of technical commissions and of the Research Board, to meet the requirements for cryosphere information of all WMO activities, as defined in the WMO Strategic and Operating Plans, and identify gaps;
  • Assess synergies with the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), [UK] and other relevant programmes and partners, fostering greater reciprocity within the WMO community and with current and emerging partners in the field of cryosphere;
  • Recommend to the constituent bodies an optimal integration of these activities within the governance structure of WMO and a coordination mechanism, to facilitate meeting the requirements for cryosphere information, including for further developments.

SG-CRYO Structures

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SG-CRYO Meetings 

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