WHOS web services and supported tools

WHOS data are organized and published in different WHOS Views. WHOS Views are the data subsets defined by a given area, institution, temporal extent, and/or variable, e.g. WHOS-Arctic.

Each WHOS View can be accessed by means of various tools and applications. For this, WHOS web servicesmakes available web service endpoints implementing various standard communication protocols and metadata/data models that are supported by different tools.

WHOS endpoints and examples of supported tools

To access and use all data of a specific WHOS View, users need to configure their tool, application or system with the corresponding web service endpoint selected below. In order to make the endpoints operational, users should complete them with:

  1. View Identifier (to access and use specific data subsets): 
    • whos-arctic (hydrometeorological data for the Arctic basin)

    • whos-plata (hydrometeorological data for the La Plata river basin)

    • whos (all WHOS data aggregated by data provider) 

  2. Personal Token Identifier generated after WHOS User Registration

Web service: OAI-PMH

Metadata model: WIGOS/ISO 19139

WHOS Endpoint:https://whos.geodab.eu/gs-service/services/essi/token/{Your Personal Token Identifier}/view/{View Identifier}/oaipmh


appOSCAR - a resource developed by WMO in support of Earth Observation applications, studies and global coordination.


appGeoNetwork - a catalog application to manage spatially referenced resources. It provides powerful metadata editing and search functions as well as an interactive web map viewer. 


Web service: CUAHSI WOF HIS Central Catalog

Data model: CUAHSI WaterML 1.0

WHOS Endpoint:https://whos.geodab.eu/gs-service/services/essi/token/{Your Personal Token Identifier}/view/{View Identifier}/hiscentral.asmx


appHydroDesktop - a free and open-source GIS-enabled desktop application that allows users to search for, download, visualize, and analyse hydrological and climate data.



Water Data Explorer - a web-based tool allowing a broad range of users to discover, access, visualize, and download data from any Information System that makes available water data in WaterML format through WaterOneFlow services.


Web service: CUAHSI WOF HydroServer

Data model: CUAHSI WaterML 1.0

WHOS Endpoint:https://whos.geodab.eu/gs-service/services/essi/token/{Your Personal Token Identifier}/view/{View Identifier}/cuahsi_1_1.asmx


appR WaterML library - a free and open-source software package allowing developers to access WHOS functionalities from R applications including Jupyter Notebooks.


appPyWaterML - a python package developed at Brigham Young University’s (BYU) Hydroinformatics laboratory allowing to access WaterOneFlow (WOF) web services and retrieve information in different formats.


appWCF Data Service Template plugin – allows developers to use WHOS functionalities in C# applications.


appNode.js WaterML client – a JavaScript application developed by National Water Institute of Argentina (INA) that can be used through a REST API or through a web GUI.


Web service: OGC SOS

Data model: OGC O&M

WHOS Endpoint:https://whos.geodab.eu/gs-service/services/essi/token/{Your Personal Token Identifier}/view/{View Identifier}/sos


app52 North Helgoland - a web-based OGC SOS client that can connect to WHOS using OGC SOS protocol.


Web service: USGS Water Services

Data model: USGS RDB

WHOS Endpoint:https://whos.geodab.eu/gs-service/services/essi/token/{Your Personal Token Identifier}/view/{View Identifier}/gwis/iv/


appUSGS GWIS (Graphical Water Information System) - a JavaScript library for creating time-series interactive plots that users can easily insert into their web pages.


Web service: DAB Observation & Measurement API

Data model: GeoJSON and OM-JSON OGC DP 15 - 100r1 based

WHOS Endpoint:https://whos.geodab.eu/gs-service/services/essi/token/{Your Personal Token Identifier}/view/{View Identifier}/rest


Web service: DAB Timeseries API

Data model: GeoJSON and OM-JSON OGC DP 15-100r1 Based

WHOS Endpoint:https://whos.geodab.eu/gs-service/services/essi/token/{Your Personal Token Identifier}/view/{View Identifier}/timeseries-api


appGI-suite JS API – a client-side Open APIs designed and developed in JavaScript to simplify the development of applications and tools, especially web portals, making use of the DAB.

Web service: ESRI Feature Server

Data model: JSON based

WHOS Endpoint:https://whos.geodab.eu/gs-service/services/essi/token/{Your Personal Token Identifier}/view/{View Identifier}/ArcGIS/rest/services/WHOS/FeatureServer


appArcGIS Online - is a complete cloud-based GIS mapping software that connects people, locations and data using interactive maps.


Web service: CSW

Data model: ISO 19139

WHOS Endpoint:https://whos.geodab.eu/gs-service/services/essi/token/{Your Personal Token Identifier}/view/{View Identifier}/csw


appISO Standard  -defines Geographic MetaData XML (gmd) encoding, an XML Schema implementation derived from ISO 19115         


appQGIS MetaSearch Plugin  -MetaSearch is a QGIS plugin to interact with metadata catalog services, supporting both the OGC API - Records and OGC Catalog Service for the Web (CSW) standards.