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The Impacts of Particulate Matter on Crop Yield: Mechanisms, Quantification and Options for Mitigation. 2023. World Meteorological Organization: (WMO-No. 1340) Geneva, Switzerland. [PDF available] |
Handbook of Drought Indicators and Indices. World Meteorological Organization and Global Water Partnership, 2016: M. Svoboda and B.A. Fuchs (WMO-No. 1173) Geneva, Switzerland and Stockholm, Sweden. [English PDF] [Arabic PDF] [Chinese PDF][French PDF][Spanish PDF] [Russian PDF]
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Guidelines for the Education and Training of personnel in Meteorology and Operational Hydrology Volume 1: Supplement No. 2: Guidelines for Curricula on Agricultural Meteorology. 2009. WMO-No. 258. [PDF Available]

Management of Natural and Environmental Resources for Sustainable Agricultural Development. 2008. Proceedings of a CAgM Expert Team, 13-16 February 2006, Portland, USA. Edited by R. Stefanski and P. Pasteris. AGM-10, WMO/TD-No. 1428. [PDF Available]
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Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Agricultural Meteorology. 2004. Proceedings of the Training Workshop, 7-11 July 2003, Dehradun, India. Edited by M.V.K. Sivakumar, P.S. Roy, K. Harmsen, and S.K. Saha. AGM-8, WMO/TD-No. 1182. [PDF Available]

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Automated Weather Stations for Applications in Agriculture and Water Resources Management: Current Use and Future Perspectives. 2001. Proceedings of an International Workshop held in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, 6-10 March 2000. Edited by Kenneth G. Hubbard and M.V.K. Sivakumar. AGM-3, WMO/TD No. 1074, Lincoln, Nebraska: High Plains Climate Center and Geneva, Switzerland: WMO. [PDF Available - 28.0 MB - scanned from paper version]

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Coping with Drought in Sub-Saharan Africa: Better Use of Climate Information. 2000. AGM-1,WMO/TD N° 1035. Geneva, Switzerland: World Meteorological Organization. 29 p. [PDF Available - 0.2 MB]

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