2nd Meeting of the Study Group on Integrated Energy Services (SG-ENE)


The meeting was chaired by Alberto Troccoli (Chair SG-ENE) and Tobias Fuchs (Co-chair)

1. Opening remarks (Dr. Alberto Troccoli , Roberta Boscolo)

  • Introductory remarks by Johan Stander and/or Ian Lisk (Director of WMO Services Department, President of SERCOM)
  • Reviewing SG-ENE TORs and minutes previous meeting

2. Discussion on priorities and workplan (A. Troccolo, Tobias Fuchs) 

  • Workstreams, deliverables and commitments (A.Troccoli)
  • Energy Exemplar update (Roberta Boscolo)
  • Cross-cutting activities with other SGs (T. Fuchs)

3. Drawing a plan of capacity building (Alberto Toccoli, Roberta Boscolo)

  • Strategies and target areas definiton within a horizon of 4 years
  • Regular trainining activities potentials (Summer schools?)
  • Members’ potential and contribtuition  

4. Presenting the tools for interactive working: shared folder, webpage, collaborative whiteboard (Hamid Bastani)

5. Any other business (Alberto Troccoli)

