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Energy systems are the engine of economic and social development. Energy generation and planning of operations are markedly affected by meteorological events and energy systems are increasingly exposed to the vagaries of weather and climate affecting both the availability and energy demand. By taking into account weather and climate information, energy systems can therefore considerably improve their resilience to weather extremes, climate variability, and change, as well as their full chain of operations during their entire life-cycle. Under the current efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within the context of a low-carbon development path, the share of renewable energy in the energy mix of countries is expected to increase dramatically. Energy is essential for the functioning of the four priority areas of the GFCS (agriculture and food security, water, health and disaster risk reduction), while at the same time energy efficiency and generation of renewable energy are sensitive to weather, climate, and water. Through appropriate partnerships and stakeholder engagement, the application of weather and climate information can provide useful support to energy management decisions and relevant policymaking to achieve an optimal balancing of supply and demand as well as to drive behavioral changes in energy saving.