Measurement Lead Centres

Measurement Lead Centres

MLCs are centre of excellence that provide high-level expertise in the testing of surface-based remote sensing and in situ instruments and in the standardization of instrument performance.

Based on their expertise and facilities, MLCs will contribute to developing guidance for the benefit of all WMO Members to improve their capacities in testing, development and standardization of meteorological instruments and systems performance.  

Measurement Lead Centres are requested to report regularly on their performances using the Form for Regular Reporting of Measurement Lead Centres.

New proposals for Measurement Lead Centres should be made using the Form for Submission of New Measurement Lead Centres.

The Terms of Reference of Measurement Lead Centres as approved by the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM), at its 1st session (3rd part) in April 2021 are listed below. Specific thematic focus area(s) will be defined in collaboration between INFCOM and the MLC, based on their proposal.


Designated Measurement Lead Centres

Terms of Reference for Measurement Lead Centres

General Terms of Reference for Measurement Lead Centres

  1. The purpose of the Measurement Lead Centre (MLC) shall be:
    1. To provide high-level expertise in testing of surface-based remote sensing and in situ instruments and in standardization of instrument performance, interoperability and compatibility in support of the Earth system observation
    2. And also to capture and distribute openly, as appropriate, the results and supporting data upon request and if appropriate.
  1. The MLC shall be a “centre of excellence” where latest instrument technology, systems and techniques are applied and explored, towards, among others, providing advice on their potential for operational and cost-effective use by Members.
  1. The MLC shall publish and promote, as appropriate, details of its capabilities, expertise, facilities and services offered to Members. The MLC shall publish contact details through which Members can seek expertise and services.
  1. The MLC shall provide, publish and promote, as appropriate, their achievements and findings, in particular on integration of surface-based remote sensing and in situ measurements, as well as on the development of standard procedures related to instrument use, operation and maintenance. Note: Achievements and findings can be published as reports and guidance documents in the relevant WMO publications (for example, IOM reports) or scientific journals, and presented at relevant conferences (for example, TECOs).
  1. The MLC shall be instrumental in the efforts of INFCOM/Standing Committee on Measurements, Instrumentation and Traceability (SC-MINT) to bridge the gaps between countries by assisting INFCOM/SC-MINT in conducting training and capacity development. Where appropriate, the MLC should develop a special relationship with a companion facility from a developing country.
  2. The MLC should collaborate with other MLCs and WMO regional centres with focus areas of common interest, other scientific and development institutions and agencies, and instrument manufacturers.
  1. The MLC should implement and maintain a quality management system.
  1. The MLC shall provide at least one report every two years to INFCOM/SC-MINT. The MLC’s activity will be regularly evaluated by INFCOM/SC-MINT to ensure they are delivering the expected outcomes.
  1. The MLC shall nominate a contact person responsible for communication between the MLC and the INFCOM/SC-MINT. The MLC shall be collaborative with INFCOM/SC-MINT and responsive to their requests, including contribution to the activities of relevant expert team(s), as appropriate.
  1. The MLC shall inform the INFCOM/SC-MINT, with a copy to the WMO Secretariat, if they no longer have the capabilities to meet the MLC Terms of Reference.