WIS 2.0 Implementation plan and transition from GTS to WIS2

Navigation: WIS 2.0 Implementation Plan | Transition Guide(WMO-No.1323) | Transition Principles


WIS 2.0 implementation plan 

The WMO Information System 2.0 (WIS 2.0) will be implemented according to the schedule provided in Figure 1. A one-year pilot phase will start at the end of 2022, with several countries collaborating in building the WIS 2.0 infrastructure. Each country will have a different role in the WIS 2.0 framework and will implement a specific component.

Figure1: WIS2 implementation timeline

   Figure 1 WIS 2.0 Implementation Timeline

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Transition Guide (WMO-No.1323) 

According to the WIS 2.0 implementation plan (see figure 1), the Global Telecommunication System (GTS) will be decommissioned by 2030, and National Meteorological and Hydrological Services NMHSs will use the WIS 2.0 platform for data exchange. During the transition period, there will be a mix of centres operating WIS 2.0 and WIS/GTS. Some of them will be running both data-sharing frameworks simultaneously, with the difficulties associated with maintaining two operational systems for the same purpose. Therefore, a transition plan will be developed during the pilot phase, taking into account the time necessary for Members to migrate to the new systems and reducing, at the minimum, the time of parallel operation of both systems for a Member.

The Provisions for the Transition from WIS 1.0 and Global Telecommunication System (GTS) to WIS 2.0, including capacity development was approved at INFCOM-3 and then endorsed at EC-78 

For more information, read about the WIS2 Transition Guide

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Transition principles

The following principles are appropriate for the transition:

Principle 1 Each NMHS will be able to make the migration during the agreed period 2025-2030.

-      NMHSs will migrate between 2025 and 2030 at a time convenient for them. There will not be a simultaneous migration of all the WIS Centres from WIS1 to WIS2

Principle 2: No GTS data loss during the transition.

-     During the pre-operational phase, and in coordination with the regional associations and GISCs, WIS2 infrastructure will be established to avoid data loss during the transition. The aim of this infrastructure is to ensure that data sent on the GTS can be received by a site having migrated on WIS2, and data, previously sent on the GTS, sent on WIS2 can be received by a site still on the GTS

Principle 3: Each Centre will decide when decommissioning the WIS1 and GTS.

-   Decommissioning WIS1 and GTS services will be the decision of each National Centres (NC)/DCPC/Global Information System Centre (GISC) when they will consider that the migration is complete for them and their users

-  After migration to WIS2, it is not required to run a Message Switching System (MSS) to receive or send data from Centres not having made the transition. The centre will decide when and if they want to stop their MSS. They can also stop the data dissemination to GTS.

Principle 4: New data (eg. GBON, Climate, Hydrology, Cryosphere) will be exchanged solely on WIS2.

  • WIS2 is designed to enable the WMO Unified Data Policy, and to support the WMO Global Basic Observing Network. The new data will be available on WIS2. A centre not having made the migration to WIS2 will not receive the new data. This data will not have a GTS headers TTAAii and will not be exchanged over the GTS

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(Last update: 7 March 2025)