Aeronautical Meteorology Scientific Conference 2024 (AeroMetSci-2024)

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21 to 25 October 2024 | WMO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland

Jump to: Introduction | Conference Information | Official Announcement and Call for AbstractsSubmit an Abstract | Instructions for presenters | Provisional Programme | How to register to attend | Contact Us


The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is convening, under the auspices of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Hydrological, Marine and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM), the Aeronautical Meteorology Scientific Conference. The conference will be held at the WMO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland from 21 to 25 October 2024. 


Conference Information

The main objective of the conference is to showcase scientific and technological advances in meteorological observations and forecasts, expand focus on the integration of meteorological information decision-support services into the global air traffic management system, and examine further the impacts of climate change and variability on aviation.

The theme of the conference is:

“Aviation, weather and climate: scientific research and development for enhanced aeronautical meteorological services in a changing climate.”

The conference will comprise a blend of plenary keynote presentations, national and regional case studies and panel discussions, taking into account leading scientific/academic research and aviation industry best practices and developments. Poster sessions will also take place throughout the week. The session themes include:

  • Session 1 - Science underpinning meteorological observations, nowcasting and deterministic and probabilistic forecasts
  • Session 2 - Impact-based information and decision support services for aviation
  • Session 3 - Science to understand the impacts of climate change on aviation and aviation environmental issues

The conference is an in-person only event and will be conducted entirely in English.

For further information, including the intended audience, please see the Concept Note.

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Official Announcement and Call for Abstracts

To see WMO's official announcement and call for abstracts, please click on the following links: English | French | Spanish | Russian | Chinese | Arabic

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Submit an Abstract

noteTo submit an abstract for the conference, please complete the Abstract Submission Form not later than 21 June 2024.

A scientific committee will select papers for oral presentations and poster displays taking into account the abstracts received. Authors of short abstracts selected for oral presentation or poster presentation will be duly notified approximately one month after the deadline date.

Note, the acceptance of a short abstract for oral presentation will still require you to register for attendance at the conference. The non-acceptance of your abstract does not prevent you from registering for the conference. 

WMO may consider providing limited financial support to cover travel and/or subsistence allowance for participants from developing countries who are selected to deliver oral presentations or posters. A request for financial support should be clearly indicated at the time of abstract submission.

Guidelines for submission of abstracts

The following is intended to provide guidelines for the submission of short abstracts for the conference. All submitted short abstracts must conform to the following guidelines. Failure to conform to these guidelines may result in the rejection of your submission. 

A short abstract MUST:

A)    Be written in English only. Non-English language submissions will be rejected.
B)    Include the title of the presentation, the name of the lead author (and co-authors as appropriate) and affiliation plus contact information (email and telephone).
C)    Indicate whether the submission is intended for oral presentation or poster presentation. 
E)    Not exceed 300 words. Abstracts exceeding 300 words will not be considered.
F)    Not contain figures, tables or other graphics/illustrations.
G)    Indicate whether you are seeking WMO financial assistance to attend the conference if your short abstract is accepted for oral presentation or poster presentation.
H)    Be submitted not later than 21 June 2024. Any submissions after this date will not be considered. 

In the event that your abstract is selected, further guidelines will be supplied to you in advance of the conference (format, duration, etc.).

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Instructions for presenters

Authors of selected abstracts for oral or poster presentation are kindly requested to adhere to the instructions for presenters available here.

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Provisional Programme

Salle Obasi (ground floor of the WMO building)

October 2024 Monday 21 Tuesday 22 Wednesday 23 Thursday 24 Friday 25
  • Registration
  • Session 1 continued
  • Session 1 panel discussion
  • Session 1 continued
  • Session 2
  • Session 2 panel discussion
  • Session 2 poster session
  • Session 3
  • Session 3 panel discussion
  • Session 3 continued
  • Session 3 panel discussion
  • Closing
  • Opening ceremony
  • Keynote addresses
  • Session 1
  • Session 1 continued
  • Session 1 panel discussion
  • Session 1 poster session
  • Session 2 continued
  • Session 2 panel discussion
  • Session 3 continued
  • Session 3 poster session

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Conference Registrationregister-now

Registration for the conference is free of charge and should be done not later than 20 September 2024 through the Conference Registration Form.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact the WMO Secretariat via email:

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