Aviation | News | 2024-06-10 | WMO publishes abridged final reports on SERCOM-3 and INFCOM-3

WMO has published the abridged final report of the third session of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Hydrological, Marine and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM-3), convened in Bali, Indonesia in March 2024. 

SERCOM is the parent body of WMO's Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI) and the SERCOM-3 session took decisions on the recommendations of the SC-AVI-3 meeting held in September 2023.

The final report of SERCOM-3 is available here on the WMO e-Library as WMO-No. 1352 in the English language. Other languages will follow in due course.

In addition, WMO has published the abridged final report of the third session of the Commission for Observations, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM-3), convened in Geneva, Switzerland in April 2024. 

The final report of INFCOM-3 is available here on the WMO e-Library as WMO-No. 1353 in the English language. Other languages will follow in due course.

These and other reports of relevance to aeronautical meteorology and services for aviation are available here

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