Instruments and Observing Methods (IOM) reports provide a consistent method for recording detailed information in addition to the core material found in the Guide to Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-No. 8), for specific audiences. They are important records of intercomparisons, field trials, specifications, and detailed analyses of metrological issues. For a detailed description of the IOM publication process, please check: Process for submission, review and approval of the IOM reports If you would like to have your work published as an IOM report, please download and fill out the following form: And then, send the form to the WMO Secretariat via email: |
Reference | Keywords | Title | Author(s) | Notes |
IOM 145 | Pyrheliometer | Report on the Fifth WMO Regional Pyrheliometer Comparison of RA II, held jointly with RA V 16-27 January 2023, Tsukuba, Japan | S. Sasaki et all., 2025 | WMO Library |
IOM 144 | TECO-2024 | Vienna, Austria, 23 - 26 September 2024 | WMO Library | |
IOM 143 | Upper-air measurements | Report of WMO's 2022 Upper-Air Instrument Intercomparison Campaign | R. Dirksen et all., 2024 | WMO Library |
IOM 142 | Metrology | Report of the BIPM-WMO Metrology for Climate Action Workshop 22-26 September 2022, On-line | WMO Library | |
IOM 141 | Pyrgeometers | Report on the Third WMO International Pyrgeometer Intercomparison (IPgC-III) 27 September to 15 October 2021, Davos, Switzerland | J. Gröbner and C. Thomann, 2023 | WMO Library |
IOM 140 | Pyrheliometer | Report on the WMO International Pyrheliometer Comparison (IPC-XIII) 27 September to 15 October 2021, Davos, Switzerland | W. Finsterle, 2023 | WMO Library |
IOM 139 | TECO-2022 | Paris, France, 10 - 13 October 2022 | WMO Library | |
IOM 138 | Radiation measurement | Proceedings of the Symposium on Radiation measurement - Sypmosium proceedings (zip files) Davos, Switzerland, 27 Sept - 15 October 2021 Presentations and recordings from IPC-XIII Symposium (website) | WMO Library | |
IOM 137 | Pyrheliometer | Baltic Region Pyrheliometer Comparison - 2018 | T. Carlund, 2022 | WMO Library |
IOM 136 | AWS, Tender specifications | Generic Automatic Weather Station (AWS) Tender Specifications | D. Body and F. Kuik, 2022 | WMO Library |
IOM 135 | Use of WMO-No. 8 | Survey on the Use of the Guide to Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-No. 8) | A. Lilja, S. Cohn, C. Fierz, J. Gueusquin, T. Konzelmann, P-W. S. Lau and A. Webb, 2022 | WMO Library |
IOM 134 | Interlaboratory comparison | Report on Interlaboratory Comparison in the field of Temperature, Humidity and Pressure in the WMO Regional Association II, V and VI (MM-ILC-2018-THP-2) | K. Nakashima, F. Barcenas, I. Dollery, D. Groselj, A. Merlone, X. Nan, J. Bojkovski and G. Beges, 2021 | WMO Library |
IOM 133 | Aircraft-based Observations | Tests, Comparisons and Operational Performance of the Water Vapor Sensing Systems (WVSS-II): CIMO Expert Team on Aircraft-based Observations | CIMO Expert Team on Aircraft-based Observations, 2019 | WMO Library |
IOM 132 | TECO-2018 | Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 8 - 11 October 2018 | WMO Library | |
IOM 131 | Solid Precipitations | WMO Solid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment (see also the list of SPICE publications) | R. Nitu (Canada) et al., 2018 | WMO Library |
IOM 130 | Pyrheliometers | Fourth WMO Regional Pyrheliometer Comparison of RA II, jointly held with RA V | M. Omori (Japan), M. Milner (Australia), T. Aoyagi, O. Ijima, Y. Tsutsumi (Japan), 2018 | WMO Library |
IOM 129 | Pyrgeometers | Report on the Second International Pyrgeometer Intercomparison (27 Sept - 15 Oct 2015, PMOD/WRC) | J. Gröbner and C. Thomann (Switzerland), 2018 | WMO Library |
IOM 128 | Interlaboratory comparison | Interlaboratory Comparison in the field of Temperature, Humidity and Pressure in the WMO Regional Association VI (MM-ILC-2015-THP) | J. Bojkovski, J. Drnovsek, D. Groselj and G. Beges (Slovenia), 2018 | WMO Library |
IOM 127 | AWS | Offenbach, Germany, 24-26 October 2017 |
| WMO Library |
IOM 126 | Siting classification, AWS | J. Fisler, M. Kube, C. Stocker, E. Grünter (Switzerland), 2017 | WMO Library | |
IOM 125 | TECO-2016 | Papers and Posters presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO TECO 2016) (zip files), For a direct access to a particular paper, poster, presentation and recording, please click here. | WMO Library | |
IOM 124 | Pyrheliometers | The International Pyrheliometer Comparison - Final Report | W. Finsterle (Switzerland), 2016 | WMO Library |
IOM 123 | AMDAR, Aircraft-Based Observations | Currently Developing and Future Communications and Technology Impact on AMDAR | Jean-Marc Gauber, 2015 | WMO Library |
IOM 122 | Survey on calibration, RA II | Survey on meteorological instruments, calibration and training RAII | K. Nakashima (Japan), 2015 | WMO Library |
IOM 121 | Radiosondes | Measurement of upper-air pressure, temperature and humidity | J. Nash (United Kingdom), 2015 | WMO Library |
IOM 120 | Pyrgeometers | Pyrgeometer Calibration Procedure at the PMOD/WRC-IRS | J. Gröbner and S. Wacker (Switzerland), 2015 | WMO Library |
IOM 119 | Calibration, uncertainty | Guidance on the computation of calibration uncertainties | Jérôme Duvernoy (France), 2015 | WMO Library |
IOM 118 | Radar | Evaluation of CIMO Weather Radars Survey and Web based Weather Radar Database | O. Sireci (Turkey), 2015 | WMO Library |
IOM 117 | Mercury | Survey on Alternatives for Dangerous and Obsolete Instruments | Amudha Bakthavathsalu (India), Rabia Merrouchi (Morocco), 2015 | WMO Library |
IOM 116 | TECO-2014 | Papers and Posters presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation, | WMO Library | |
IOM 115 | AMDAR | AMDAR Onboard Software Functional Requirements Specification Version 1.1, 2 June 2014 | WMO Library | |
IOM 114 | AMDAR | AMDAR Onboard Software Functional Requirements Specification Version 1.0, 16 July 2013 | WMO Library | |
IOM 113 | Pyrheliometers | Third WMO Regional Pyrheliometer Comparison of RA II | N. Ohkawara, H. Tatsumi, O. Ijima, H. Koide, S. Yamada (Japan), 2013 | WMO Library |
IOM 112 | Pyrheliometers | Baltic Region Pyrheliometer Comparison 2012 | T. Carlund (Sweden), 2013 | WMO Library |
IOM 111 | Survey, RA II | RA II - Survey on the Surface, Climate, Upper-air Observations, and Quality Management | Japan Meteorological Agency, 2012 | WMO Library |
IOM 110 | Wind Profilers | Experiences of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) with the Operation of Wind Profilers (2011) | Japan Meteorological Agency, 2012 | WMO Library |
IOM 109 | TECO-2012 | Papers and Posters presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation, | WMO Library | |
IOM 108 | Pyrheliometers | The International Pyrheliometer Comparison - Final Report | W. Finsterle (Switzerland), 2011 | WMO Library |
IOM 107 | Radiosondes | WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems | J. Nash, T. Oakley (all United Kingdom), H. Vömel (Germany), LI Wei (China), 2011 | WMO Library |
IOM 106 | Thermometer screens and | WMO Field Intercomparison of Thermometer Screens/Shields and Humidity Measuring Instruments | M. Lacombe (France), D. Bousri (Algeria), M. Leroy (France), M. Mezred (Algeria), 2011 | WMO Library |
IOM 105 | WMO-BIPM Workshop | Report onthe WMO-BIPM workshop on "Measurement Challenges for Global Observing Systems for Climate Change Monitoring - Traceability, Stability and Uncertainty" | WMO Library | |
IOM 104 | TECO-2010 | Papers and Posters presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation, | WMO Library | |
IOM 103 | RIC | Evaluation Scheme for Regional Instrument Centres and Other Calibration Laboratories | Jérôme Duvernoy (France), 2010 | WMO Library |
IOM 102 | Solid Precipitation | Rodica Nitu and Kai Wong (Canada), 2010 | WMO Library | |
IOM 101 | Calibration Laboratory | Guidance on Instrumentation for Calibration Laboratories, including Regional Instrument Centres | D. Groselj (Slovenia), 2010 | WMO Library |
IOM 100 | Lightning Detection Systems | Evaluation of the Survey on Lightning Detection Systems - Report on Current Operational Networks | M. Dahoui (Morocco), 2010 | WMO Library |
IOM 99 | Rainfall Intensity | WMO Field Intercomparison of Rainfall Intensity Gauges (10.4 MB) | E. Vuerich, C. Monesi, L. Lanza, L. Stagi (all Italy), E. Lanzinger (Germany), 2009 | WMO Library |
IOM 98 | Pyranometers | Sub-Regional Pyranometer Intercomparison of the RA VI members from South-Eastern Europe | K. Premec (Croatia), 2009 | WMO Library |
IOM 97 | Pyrheliometers | Second WMO Regional Pyrheliometer Comparison of RA II | H. Sasaki (Japan), 2009 | WMO Library |
IOM 96 | TECO-2008 | Papers and Posters presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation, | WMO Library | |
IOM 95 | Radiosondes | Global criteria for tracing the improvements of radiosondes over the last decades | P. Jeannet (Switzerland), C. Bower (USA), B. Calpini (Switzerland), 2008 | WMO Library |
IOM 94 | TECO-2006 | Papers and Posters presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation, | WMO Library | |
IOM 93 | Instruments | T. Prager (Hungary), J.P. van der Meulen (Netherlands), 2006 | WMO Library | |
IOM 92 | GPS Water Vapour | National/Regional Procedures of GPS Water Vapour Networks and Agreed International procedures | S. De Haan (The Netherlands), 2006 | WMO Library |
IOM 91 | Pyrheliometers | The International Pyrheliometer Comparison - Final Report | W. Finsterle (Switzerland), 2006 | WMO Library |
IOM 90 | Radiosondes | The WMO Intercomparison of GPS Radiosondes - Final Report | R. da Silveira, G. F. Fisc, L.A. Machado, A.M. Dall'Antonia Jr., L.F. Sapucci, D. Fernandes, R. Marques (all Brazil), J. Nash (UK), 2006 | WMO Library |
IOM 89 | Remote Sensing | E. N. Kadygrov (Russian Federation), 2006 | WMO Library | |
IOM 88 | Radars | E. Büyükbas, O. Sireci, A. Hazer, I. Temir, A. Macit, C. Gecer (all Turkey), 2006 | WMO Library | |
IOM 87 | AWOS | E. Büyükbas, L. Yalçin, Z. Dag, S. Karatas (all Turkey), 2006 | WMO Library | |
IOM 86 | Metrology | Training Material on Metrology and Calibration: Measurement Theory | J. Duvernoy, A. Dubois (all France), 2006 | WMO Library |
IOM 85 | Radiosondes | The WMO Radiosonde Humidity Sensor Intercomparison - Final Report of Phase I and Phase II | Phase I: A. Balagurov, A. Kats, N. Krestyannikova (all Russian Federation) | WMO Library |
IOM 84 | Rainfall Intensity | The WMO Laboratory Intercomparison of Rainfall Intensity Gauges - Final Report | L. Lanza, L. Stagi (all Italy), M. Leroy, C. Alexandropoulos (all France), W. Wauben (The Netheralnds), 2006 | WMO Library |
IOM 83 | Radiosondes | The WMO Intercomparison of Radiosonde Systems - Final Report | J. Nash, R. Smout, T. Oakley (all UK), B. Pathack (Mauritius), S. Kurnosenko (USA), 2006 | WMO Library |
IOM 82 | TECO-2005 | Papers and Posters presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation, | WMO Library | |
IOM 81 | Urban Observations | Initial Guidance to Obtain Representative Meteorological Observations at Urban Sites | T. Oke (Canada), 2006 | WMO Library |
IOM 80 | Radiosondes | WMO Catalogue of Radiosondes and Upper-Air Wind Systems in use by Members in 2002; and | J. Elms (UK), 2003 | WMO Library |
IOM 79 | Radars | J. Dibbern, D.Engelbarg, U.Goersdorf, V.Lehmann, H.Steinhagen (Germany); N.Latham, J.Nash, T.Oakley (UK); H.Richner (Switzerland), 2003 | WMO Library | |
IOM 78 | AWS | Algorithms Used in Automatic Weather Stations - Evaluation of Questionnaire | M.D. Gifford (USA), 2003 | WMO Library |
IOM 77 | Road Measurements | J.M. Terpstra (Netherlands) and | WMO Library | |
IOM 76 | Radiosondes | WMO Intercomparison of GPS Radiosondes - Executive Summary Alcantara, Brazil, 20 May-10 June 2001 | R.B. da Silveira, G. Fisch, L.A.T. Machado, A.M. Dall´Antonia Jr., L.F. Sapucci, D. Fernandes (all Brazil), and J. Nash (UK), 2003 | WMO Library |
IOM 75 | TECO-2002 | Bratislava (Slovakia), 23-25 September 2002 |
| WMO Library |
IOM 74 (TD 1028) | TECO-2000 | Papers Presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation, Beijing (China), 23-27 October 2000 |
| WMO Library |
IOM 73 (TD 887) | Present weather | WMO Intercomparison of Present Weather Sensors/Systems - | M. Leroy (France), C. Bellevaux (France) and J.P. Jacob (France), 1998 | WMO Library |
IOM 72 (TD 886) | Radiosondes | Report by the Rapporteur on Radiosonde Compatibility Monitoring | T. Oakley (United Kingdom), 1998 | WMO Library |
IOM 71 (TD 878) | Instruments | J.P. van der Meulen (Netherlands), 1998 | WMO Library | |
IOM 70 (TD 877) | TECO-1998 | Papers Presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation, Casablanca ( Morocco), 4-12 May 1998 |
| WMO Library |
IOM 69 (TD 874) | Radars | T. Mammen (Germany), 1998 | WMO Library | |
IOM 68 (TD 873) | Surface Obs. | J.B. Odero (Kenya), 1998 | WMO Library | |
IOM 67 (TD 872) | Precipitation | WMO Solid Precipitation Measurement Intercomparison - Final Report | B.E. Goodison (Canada), P.Y.T. Louie (Canada) and D. Yang (China), 1998 | WMO Library |
IOM 66 (TD 871) | Thermometers | Recent Changes in Thermometer Screen Designs and their Impact | A. Barnett (UK), D.B. Hatton (UK) and D.W. Jones (UK), 1998 | WMO Library |
IOM 65 (TD 862) | AWS | Guidance on Automatic Weather Systems and their Implementation | Observation and Engineering Branch, Australian Bureau of Meteorology, 1997 | WMO Library |
IOM 64 (TD 861) | Pyrheliometers | Tercera Comparación Regional de la OMM de Pirheliómetros Patrones Nacionales de la AR III - (Informe Final) | Manuel Vargas Muñoz (Chile), 1997 | WMO Library |
IOM 63 (TD 860) | Remote sensors | D.W. Beran (USA), 1997 | WMO Library | |
IOM 62 (TD 859) | Instruments | P. Gregoire (France) and G. Oualid (France), 1997 | WMO Library | |
IOM 61 (TD 842) | Road Obs. | R.E.W. Pettifer (UK) and J. Terpstra (Netherlands), 1997 | WMO Library | |
IOM 60 (TD 771) | Radiosondes | S. Kurnosenko (Russian Fed.) and T. Oakley (UK), 1996 | WMO Library | |
IOM 59 (TD 742) | Radiosondes | WMO International Radiosonde Comparison - Phase IV, Tsukuba (Japan), 1993 - Final Report. | S. Yagi (Japan), A. Mita (Japan) and N. Inoue (Japan), 1996 | WMO Library |
IOM 58 (TD 670) | AWS |
| WMO Library | |
IOM 57 (TD 588) | TECO-94 |
| WMO Library | |
IOM 56 (TD 587) | Radiosondes | Report by the Rapporteur on Radiosonde Compatibility Monitoring | T. Oakley (United Kingdom), 1993 | WMO Library |
IOM 55 (TD 589) | Instruments | J. Ehinger (Switzerland), 1993 | WMO Library | |
IOM 54 (TD 578) | Instruments | By J.P. van der Meulen (Netherlands), 1993 | WMO Library | |
IOM 53 (TD 572) | Pyrheliometers | Segunda Compariación de la OMM de Pirheliómetros Patrones Nacionales AR III, Buenos Aires, 1991 | M. Ginzburg (Argentina), 1992 | WMO Library |
IOM 52 (TD 571) | Radars | Results of the Working Group on Weather Radars | Part I: G.G. Shchukin (Russian Fed.), and Part II: Hisao Ohno (Japan), 1993 | WMO Library |
IOM 51 (TD 570) | Lightning | Overview of Real-time Lightning Detection Systems for use by Meteorological Services | R.L. Holle (USA) and R.E. López (USA), 1993 | WMO Library |
IOM 50 (TD 541) | Radiosondes | D.J. Gaffen (USA), 1993 | WMO Library | |
IOM 49 (TD 462) | TECO-92 | Papers presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation, Vienna (Austria), 1992 |
| WMO Library |
IOM 48 (TD 328) | Precipitation | International Workshop on Precipitation Measurements |
| WMO Library |
IOM 47 (TD 452) | AWS | Reports of the CIMO Working Group on Surface Measurements - | D. Painting (UK), 1991 | WMO Library |
IOM 46 (TD 474) | Barometer | The WMO Automatic Digital Barometer Intercomparison, De Bilt (Netherlands), 1989 | J.P. van der Meulen (Netherlands), 1992 | WMO Library |
IOM 45 (TD 310) | Instruments | H. Döring (Germany), 1989 | WMO Library | |
IOM 44 (TD 345) | Pyrheliometers | First WMO Regional Pyrheliometer Comparison of RA IV, Ensenada (Mexico), 1989 | I. Galindo (Mexico) | WMO Library |
IOM 43 (TD 308) | Pyrheliometers | First WMO Regional Pyrheliometer Comparison of RA II/RA V, Tokyo (Japan), 1989 |
| WMO Library |
IOM 42 | Sunshine | WMO Automatic Sunshine Duration Measurement Comparison, Hamburg (Germany), 1989 |
| not published |
IOM 41 (TD 401) | Visibility | First WMO International Intercomparison of Visibility Measurements, United Kingdom, 1989 | D.J. Griggs (UK), D.W. Jones (UK), M.Ouldridge (UK) and W.R. Sparks (UK) | WMO Library |
IOM 40 (TD 451) | Radiosondes | WMO International Radiosonde Comparison - Phase III, Dzhambul (USSR), 1989 | A. Ivanov, A. Kats, S. Kurnosenko, N. Zaitseva (all USSR) and J. Nash (UK) | WMO Library |
IOM 39 (TD 313) | Precipitation | B. Sevruk (Switzerland) and S. Klemm (Germany), 1989 | WMO Library | |
IOM 38 (TD 316) | Hygrometers | WMO International Hygrometer Intercomparison, Oslo (Norway), 1989 | J. Skaar, K. Hegg, T. Moe, K. Smedstud (all Norway) | WMO Library |
IOM 37 (TD 309) | Radars | M. Gilet (France), 1989 | WMO Library | |
IOM 36 (TD 344) | Radiosondes | M. Kitchen (United Kingdom), 1988 | WMO Library | |
IOM 35 (TD 303) | TECIMO-IV | Papers presented at the Fourth WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation, Brussels (Belgium), 1989 |
| WMO Library |
IOM 34 (TD 289) | Psychrometers | WMO Assmann Aspiration Psychrometer Intercomparison, Potsdam (German Democratic Republic), 1987 | D. Sonntag (German Dem. Rep.), 1989 | WMO Library |
IOM 33 (TD 222) | TECO-1988 | Papers presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation, Leipzig (German Democratic Rep.), 1988 |
| WMO Library |
IOM 32 (TD 217) | Ceilometers | WMO International Ceilometer Intercomparison, United Kingdom, 1986 | D.W. Jones, M. Ouldridge and D.J. Painting (all United Kingdom), 1988 | WMO Library |
IOM 31 | Gustiness | The Measurement of Gustiness at Routine Wind Stations | A.C.M. Beljaars (Netherlands), 1987 | WMO Library |
IOM 30 (TD 195) | Radiosondes | WMO International Radiosonde Comparison, UK, 1984 and USA, 1985 | J. Nash (United Kingdom) and F. Schmidlin (USA), 1987 | WMO Library |
IOM 29 (TD 312) | Radiosondes | WMO International Radiosonde Intercomparison - Phase II, Wallops Island (USA), 1985 | F. Schmidlin (USA) | WMO Library |
IOM 28 (TD 174) | Radiosondes | WMO International Radiosonde Comparison - Phase I, Beaufort Park (UK), 1984 | A. H. Hooper (United Kingdom), 1986 | WMO Library |
IOM 27 (TD 176) | Radiosondes | WMO Catalogue of Radiosondes and Upper-Air Wind Systems in Use by Members (1986) |
| WMO Library |
IOM 26 | Instruments | Lectures presented at the Workshop for Instrument Specialists, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1984 (Spanish only) |
| WMO Library |
IOM 25 | Precipitation | Papers presented at the Workshop on the Correction of Precipitation Measurements, Zürich, Switzerland, 1985 |
| WMO Library |
IOM 24 (TD 231) | Instruments | E. Prokhorov (USSR), 1987 | WMO Library | |
IOM 23 (TD 51) | TECIMO-III | Keynote papers presented at the Third WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation, Ottawa (Canada), 1995 |
| WMO Library |
IOM 22 (TD 50) | TECIMO-III | Papers presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation, Ottawa (Canada), 1985 |
| WMO Library |
IOM 21 (TD 175) | Aerologic | A.H. Hooper (United Kingdom), 1986 | WMO Library | |
IOM 20 (TD 177) | AWS | P. Viton (France), 1986 | WMO Library | |
IOM 19 (TD 230) | AWS | D.T. Acheson (USA), 1987 | WMO Library | |
IOM 18 (TD 112) | Instruments | Guidance Material on Meteorological Instruments Suitable for Use in Developing Countries | E. S. Engawi (Saudi Arabia), 1986 | WMO Library |
IOM 17 (TD 38) | Precipitation | International Comparison of National Precipitation Gauges with a Reference Pit Gauge | B. Sevruk and W. R. Hamon, 1984 | WMO Library |
IOM 16 (TD 146) | Pyranometers | Comparison of Pyranometers and Electronic Sunshine Duration Recorders of RA VI, Budapest (Hungary), 1984 | G. Major (Hungary), 1986 | WMO library |
IOM 15 | TECEMO | Papers presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Cost-effective Meteorological Observations, Noordwijkerhout (Netherlands), 1984 |
| WMO Library |
IOM 14 | Instruments | Summary Results of a 1978 Survey of Calibration Facilities and of Tests and Evaluation of Instruments |
| out of print |
IOM 13 | Balloons | The Use of Hydrogen for Inflation of Meteorological Balloons, 1982 |
| WMO Library |
IOM 12 | Laser sensing | Meteorological Observations by Laser Indirect Sensing Techniques | A.O. van Gysegem (Belgium), 1982 | WMO Library |
IOM 11 | Radiosondes |
| WMO Library | |
IOM 10 | Psychrometer | Radiation Effects on the WMO Reference Psychrometer in the Field | R.G. Wylie and T. Lalas (Australia), | WMO Library |
IOM 9 | TECIMO-II | Papers presented at the Second WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation, Mexico City, Mexico, 1981 |
| WMO Library |
IOM 8 | Radars | G.A. Clift, 1981 | WMO Library | |
IOM 7 | Navaids | The Meteorological Use of Navaid Systems - A brief technical assessment | A. Lange (Finland), 1981 | WMO Library |
IOM 6 | Aerodrome | Preliminary Analysis of a Questionnaire on Aerodrome Meteorological Measurements | M.M. Etienne (Belgium), 1981 | WMO Library |
IOM 5 | Radiosondes |
| WMO Library | |
IOM 4 | Satellite | WMO Equipment Survey – Meteorological Satellite Ground-based Receiving Equipment, 1980 |
| WMO Library |
IOM 3 | Intercomparison | Lower Tropospheric Data Compatibility. Low-level Intercomparison Experiment, USA, 1979 |
| WMO Library |
IOM 2 | Instruments |
| WMO Library | |
IOM 1 | Automation | Automated Meteorological Systems. Papers presented at the Technical Conference on Evolution and Standardization of Observing Techniques in Light of Automation, Norrköping (Sweden), 1980 |
| WMO Library |
WMO-No. 759 | Psychrometer | Measurement of Temperature and Humidity - Specifications, Construction, Properties and Use of the WMO Reference Psychrometer, Technical Note No. 194, 1992 | R. G. Wylie and G. Lalas | WMO Library |
WMO-No. 449 | Evaporimeter | The CIMO International Evaporimeter Comparison, Final Report, 1976 |
| WMO Library |
WMO-No.315 | Thermometer design | The effect of thermometer screen design on the observed temperature | W.R. Sparks (UK) | WMO Library |