Gap Analysis - Energy Survey

As the first component of the SG-ENE Capacity Development Plan, gap analysis and needs assessment in weather and climate services, research, and infrastructure for the public and private sectors enables the entire capacity development plan to be user-driven. The specific activity in this component is to collect data from the public and private sectors through surveys and strengthen collaboration with regional and national energy liaison points.

The first survey was designed by SG-ENE in early 2022 to analyze the status of National Meteorological Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in terms of weather, water and climate services for the whole energy sector to understand better the regional gaps and needs in the energy sector, and plan activities to support WMO member states in fulfilling their commitments under Paris Agreement. The survey was sent out to all the 193 members of the WMO, from which 103 countries responded as of January of 2023. The result of the survey of NMHSs is shown through the Climate and Energy Dashboard.


In July 2023, the second survey was sent out, targeting the energy private sector to understand better the current state of energy business and weather and climate services practices for energy, raise awareness of energy transition and energy resilience under climate change, and enhance the partnership between the private and public sector. The results of surveys, particularly for the private sector, could be used to understand stakeholders and regional players, like a stakeholder map. This could shed light on the players at each stage of the value chain of climate services and ultimately help situate where/at what stage capacity is needed most and for whom. In addition, potential national, regional and international partners could be identified during the stakeholder mapping exercise during the gap analysis. More results of the private survey will be accessible when ready.