Expert Team on Operational Hydrological Prediction Systems (ET-OHPS)

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Terms of Reference

The integration of the hydrological cycle as a key component of Earth System modeling and prediction, allows for a better understanding and simulation of interlinked processes in the atmosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and oceans. It is therefore critical to consider hydrological modelling and prediction developments in the broader context of various related Earth System components. This Expert Team under SC-ESMP will facilitate the advancement and linked development of hydrological prediction within the Earth System prediction framework by focusing on operational hydrological prediction systems.
ET-OHPS is an Expert Team under SC-ESMP and works in close collaboration and coordination with the Standing Committee on Hydrological Services (SC-HYD) and Global Cryosphere Watch Advisory Group (GCW-AG). The activities and progress will be discussed at the Hydrological Coordination Panel (HCP) to enable coordination and synergies with other related bodies. The ET-OHPS shall focus on matters regarding the integration of large scale (global/continental/regional) Operational Hydrological Prediction Systems into WIPPS.

The Vision for ET-OHPS is to:
• Establish a community of global and regional operational hydrological experts and centers to make hydrological prediction products available to Members to meet user requirements ,
• Strengthen and, if necessary, facilitate the establishment of linkages between meteorological and hydrological centers to ensure that the operational transfer of NWP data to hydrological centers and hydrological data to meteorological centers meet the requirements, and
• Facilitate the integration of hydrology and cryosphere into coupled and seamless Earth System processing and prediction system activities.

Terms of Reference:
• Provide leadership, guidance, and oversight for the integration of large-scale hydrological predictions into GDPFS/WIPPS, including relevant standards and quality assurance measures. 
• Provide leadership, guidance, and oversight to establish GDPFS/WIPPS centres for the already established GDPFS/WIPPS activities for hydrological predictions, including the identification and connection with possible Members and organizations that operate their own models and that could host the centres. 
• Lead the establishment of new GDPFS/WIPPS activities and operational centres to provide hydrological predictions, amongst others, to produce data and information to support Member’s services.  
• Provide recommendation and advice for inclusion of the Operational Global and Regional Hydrological Modelling Community that is currently overseen by SC-HYD and that was established under the Water and Climate Coalition into WIPPS activities. 
• Provide recommendations in cooperation with SC-HYD for establishing common protocols and standards including those for global and regional hydrological prediction system outputs, performance metrics and verification processes.  
• Further develop cooperation between global meteorological, hydrological (plus other Earth system domains) prediction activities, groups, institutions, and centres and work towards the integration of hydrological prediction models with other earth system domain models. 
• Provide training materials and guidelines to NMHSs, basin authorities and other users on hydrological WIPPS products. 
• Liaise with relevant WMO Programs, technical commissions, regional associations, regional hydrological advisers, and international organizations as required.  
• Work in close collaboration with SC-HYD and GCW-AG and other relevant WMO bodies to support their service needs, including those of HydroSOS and the requirements of the State of the Water Report. 
• Address tasks assigned to SC-ESMP in the WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its related Plan of Action. 

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