National Focal Points for OSCAR/Surface
Mr Albert M.Sherman - Focal point
Mr Albert M.Sherman - Focal point
Mr Sayed Taher - Focal point
Ms Clara ORIA - Focal point
Ms Elena DONICH- ( Ukraine )
Ms Léa Labeur- ( France )
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Terms of Reference
National Focal point for OSCAR/Surface shall:
1. Liaise with the National WIGOS FP in the country/territory to ensure that all the operators of the relevant observing systems in the country/territory are aware of OSCAR and ready to make the required metadata routinely available to OSCAR;
2. Coordinate user account creation in OSCAR for the people accredited, to manage within OSCAR the relevant metadata from the country/territory;
3. Promulgate the WMO Technical Regulations relevant to OSCAR, as well as the guidance and training materials for an adequate use of OSCAR;
4. Make all efforts to ensure that all accredited users of OSCAR are well trained to make the right use of the editing tools available in OSCAR;
5. Promote, in collaboration with the WMO Secretariat and in compliance with the required standards, the use of automatic, or semi-automatic, machine-to-machine transfer of information for insertion/updates of metadata within OSCAR, from the relevant observing systems of the Member country/territory;
6. Work closely with the established Regional WIGOS Centre (RWC) of the region/subregion;
7. Upon request, provide the Secretariat and the RWC with an overview of the country/territory WIGOS metadata status in OSCAR;
8. Take, without any delay, actions in order to correct any erroneous and/or missing metadata identified in OSCAR, regarding the Member country/territory observing systems;
9. Collaborate with the relevant WMO working bodies and the Secretariat to perform the critical review and gap analysis at national and regional levels, using the OSCAR/Analysis tool.
1. Liaise with the National WIGOS FP in the country/territory to ensure that all the operators of the relevant observing systems in the country/territory are aware of OSCAR and ready to make the required metadata routinely available to OSCAR;
2. Coordinate user account creation in OSCAR for the people accredited, to manage within OSCAR the relevant metadata from the country/territory;
3. Promulgate the WMO Technical Regulations relevant to OSCAR, as well as the guidance and training materials for an adequate use of OSCAR;
4. Make all efforts to ensure that all accredited users of OSCAR are well trained to make the right use of the editing tools available in OSCAR;
5. Promote, in collaboration with the WMO Secretariat and in compliance with the required standards, the use of automatic, or semi-automatic, machine-to-machine transfer of information for insertion/updates of metadata within OSCAR, from the relevant observing systems of the Member country/territory;
6. Work closely with the established Regional WIGOS Centre (RWC) of the region/subregion;
7. Upon request, provide the Secretariat and the RWC with an overview of the country/territory WIGOS metadata status in OSCAR;
8. Take, without any delay, actions in order to correct any erroneous and/or missing metadata identified in OSCAR, regarding the Member country/territory observing systems;
9. Collaborate with the relevant WMO working bodies and the Secretariat to perform the critical review and gap analysis at national and regional levels, using the OSCAR/Analysis tool.
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