National Focal Points for WDQMS


Htay LWIN - Focal point- ( Myanmar )
Selami Yildirim - Focal point- ( Türkiye )
Alexandre NTAHONDI - Focal point- ( Burundi )
AlQuraini, Munira Khamis - Focal point- ( Oman )
Angela Celozzi - Focal point- ( Italy )
Coura Guèye - Focal point- ( Senegal )
Dr Antje Claussnitzer - Focal point- ( Germany )
Dr Kuldeep SRIVASTAVA - Focal point- ( India )
Dr Samuel BUISÁN - Focal point- ( Spain )
Dr Sarah Gallagher - Focal point- ( Ireland )
Dr Sibylle VON LÖWIS - Focal point- ( Iceland )
Dr Yasmin Kaore Lago Kitagawa - Focal Point - second- ( Brazil )
Dr Zaheer Ahmad BABAR - Focal point- ( Pakistan )
Eng. AYMEN AGREBI - Focal point- ( Tunisia )
Eng. Gabriel GUIGOU - Focal Point - second- ( Uruguay )
Ernesto Marchesoni - Focal point- ( Uruguay )
Jakub Madejak - Focal point- ( Poland )
Leandre Amian - Focal point- ( Côte d'Ivoire )
Mohamed Athoumani - Focal point- ( Comoros )
Moussa Mouhaimouni - Focal point- ( Niger )
Mr Abd El-Hamid El-Awdy - Focal point- ( Egypt )
Mr Ahmad Altaryar - Focal point- ( Jordan )
Mr Ali SHAREEF - Focal point- ( Maldives )
Mr Amos D MTONYA - Focal point- ( Malawi )
Mr Amr Mohamed AMR MAHMOUD - Focal Point - second- ( Egypt )
Mr Andre Jude Jose - Focal point- ( Philippines )
Mr Andreja STANKOVIC - Focal point- ( Serbia )
Mr Arturs Svarinskis - Focal point- ( Latvia )
Mr Biraj KANDEL - Focal point- ( Nepal )
Mr Bongumenzi Themba - Focal point- ( Eswatini )
Mr Branislav CHVILA - Focal point- ( Slovakia )
Mr Charles PATERSON - Focal point- ( Canada )
Mr Cristoffer Wittskog - Focal point- ( Sweden )
Mr Daniyar Yerdenov - Focal point- ( Kazakhstan )
Mr Djergo GAYA - Focal point- ( Chad )
Mr Dominique Davrinche - Focal point- ( France )
Mr Driss BARI - Focal point- ( Morocco )
Mr Dwayne SCOTT - Focal point- ( Belize )
Mr Ernesto Marchesoni - Focal point- ( Uruguay )
Mr Ervins Grebess - Focal point- ( Latvia )
Mr Eyad Alkhateb - Focal point- ( Saudi Arabia )
Mr Gavin Yeap - Focal point- ( Singapore )
Mr Hamed Jassim Al-Enezi - Focal point- ( Kuwait )
Mr Huy Duong Do - Focal point- ( Viet Nam )
Mr Iqbal Iqbal - Focal point- ( Indonesia )
Mr Jakub SAWICKI - Focal point- ( Poland )
Mr Jevgenijs Begens - Focal point- ( Latvia )
Mr Kalle-Matti Koivula - Focal point- ( Finland )
Mr Koske, Philip Kimutai - Focal point- ( Kenya )
Mr M M. P. Mendis - Focal point- ( Sri Lanka )
Mr Mansour AL SHABIBI - Focal point- ( Oman )
Mr Melesse LEMMA - Focal point- ( Ethiopia )
Mr Miha DEMSAR - Focal point- ( Slovenia )
Mr Mutau, Chritopher - Focal point- ( Zambia )
Mr Omar Abdulaziz OBAIDAN - Focal point- ( Qatar )
Mr Phil Shinkfield - Focal Point - second- ( Australia )
Mr Pierre ZUE EYA - Focal point- ( Gabon )
Mr Rene Tim - Focal point- ( Antigua and Barbuda )
Mr Robert TOTH - Focal point- ( Hungary )
Mr Robert DE MAID - Focal point- ( Australia )
Mr Ronnie Dalsgaard - Focal point- ( Denmark )
Mr Satesh Nanlall - Focal point- ( Guyana )
Mr Satoshi Hagiya - Focal point- ( Japan )
Mr Shay Greene - Focal point- ( Ireland )
Mr Silipa Art Mulitalo - Focal point- ( Samoa )
Mr Simon Andre Dirkse - Focal point- ( Namibia )
Mr Somkuan Tonjan - Focal point- ( Thailand )
Mr Steve KNOWLES - Focal point- ( New Zealand )
Mr Sunny Maharjan - Focal point- ( Nepal )
Mr Syfred FUNDE - Focal point- ( South Africa )
Mr TÜTEN, Özden - Focal Point - second- ( Türkiye )
Mr Wiam Kordab - Focal point- ( Lebanon )
Mr Wiam KORDAB - Focal point- ( Lebanon )
Mr Xiaowu YANG - Focal point- ( China )
Mr Yoda Adaman - Focal point- ( Burkina Faso )
Ms Anita PAUL - Focal point- ( Austria )
Ms Beryl Andrade - Focal point- ( Seychelles )
Ms CALDERON, Janette - Focal point- ( Chile )
Ms Cristina PRATES - Focal point- ( ECMWF )
Ms Diana Samulionyte - Focal point- ( Lithuania )
Ms Dulamsuren Dashkhuu - Focal point- ( Mongolia )
Ms Elena Aurelia TENE - Focal point- ( Romania )
Ms Estelle GRUETER - Focal point- ( Switzerland )
Ms Esther SAUL - Focal Point - third- ( Vanuatu )
Ms Gohar GEVORGYAN - Focal point- ( Armenia )
Ms Ines SRZIC - Focal point- ( Croatia )
Ms Jayun HEO - Focal point- ( Republic of Korea )
Ms Kymbat ALIBAYEVA - Focal point- ( Kazakhstan )
Ms Liset SILVA OROPESA - Focal point- ( Cuba )
Ms Lora YOSIFOVA - Focal point- ( Bulgaria )
Ms Lubova PIROZENOKA - Focal point- ( Latvia )
Ms Marina Georgiana VILCEA - Focal Point - second- ( Romania )
Ms Mary BUTLER - Focal point- ( Bahamas )
Ms Miina KRABBI - Focal point- ( Estonia )
Ms Mirna ZAVALA - Focal point- ( Honduras )
Ms Noor Azra AHIM - Focal point- ( Malaysia )
Ms Pema SYLDON - Focal point- ( Bhutan )
Ms Pema SYLDON - Participant- ( Bhutan )
Ms Razia Sultana - Focal point- ( Bangladesh )
Ms Sharon Grace JOHNOLSON - Focal Point - second- ( Vanuatu )
Ms Sharon Stone - Focal point- ( Canada )
Ms Songyi LEE - Focal point- ( Republic of Korea )
RWC Argentina - Focal point- ( Argentina )
Sangwaldech Prasarn - Focal point- ( Thailand )
Ulrika Behrenfeldt - Focal point- ( Sweden )

Documents and Publications

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Terms of Reference

National Focal point for WDQMS shall:
1. Liaise with the OSCAR/SURFACE NFP in the country/territory to ensure that metadata from all stations exchanging data internationally are available and updated in OSCAR/SURFACE;
2. Provide timely answers to all queries and tickets sent by the respective RWC related to issues and incidents with observations from the country/territory;
3. Initiate and coordinate actions that need to be performed at a national level, related to issues and incidents with observations from the country/territory, in order to solve them as quickly as possible;
4. Promulgate nationally the WDQMS related practices and procedures specified in the WMO Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume I – General Meteorological Standards and Recommended Practices, with support of any related guidance and training material;
5. Follow all the procedures agreed at a regional/subregional level in the context of the respective RWC;
6. Liaise with other relevant WMO regional centres of the region, particularly with regional instrument centres and regional training centres, as appropriate

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