National Focal Points for Radio Frequency matters

About us

The objectives of establishing National Focal Points on Radio Frequency (RF) matters are threefold:

  1. To enhance the capabilities of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and other institutions with relevant mandates worldwide in addressing RF-related issues;
  2. To foster close communication between NMHSs and their respective National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), to ensure that they have a comprehensive understanding of the importance of and requirements on radio frequencies for meteorological and related environmental activities;
  3. To foster the development of new experts in the field of spectrum management from which the membership of the WMO Expert Team on Radio Frequency Coordination (ET-RFC) can be sustained, addressing capacity development and succession planning risks identified by ET-RFC.

Access to the radio-frequency spectrum is critical to the WMO’s global infrastructure that underpins weather, climate, water, and related environmental services worldwide. Radiosondes, ground-based meteorological radars (weather radars and radar wind profilers), oceanographic radars, ground-based remote-sensing systems (lightning location systems, microwave radiometers, etc.), passive and active space-based remote-sensing systems (meteorological and other related environmental satellites) and several types of ground-based space weather sensors are all reliant on radio spectrum to perform observations. Additionally, satellites, aircraft, hydrological observing systems, drifting buoys and other ocean-based platforms are reliant on radio spectrum for the dissemination of meteorological and related environmental data.

National Focal Points on RF matters are nominated by Members’ Permanent Representatives with WMO. Members should strive to cover with their nomination all WMO Earth system domains/disciplines (weather, climate, hydrology, atmospheric composition, cryosphere, ocean, space weather), which may be achieved by nominating several contacts, representing different communities of interest. The focal points are expected to provide the dedicated channel of communication with their respective NRAs on the one hand and with the WMO Secretariat and its ET-RFC on the other hand.

The National Focal Points on RF matters will receive support from the WMO ET-RFC to gain the necessary expertise and skills (if they do not yet have them) to ensure that they are fully capable of addressing the RF-related issues in accordance with the present Terms of Reference.

The potential opportunities for the focal points include:

  1. Participating in training activities on spectrum management organized by ET-RFC, including dedicated sessions with ET-RFC Members from their respective regions.
  2. Being kept up to date about the training opportunities provided by WMO and ITU-R.
  3. Participating in annual ET-RFC meetings online as observers.

You are invited to nominate your national focal points on RF matters. Please refer to the letter from WMO: 24769/2023/I/SSU _en (in all UN languages at


Dr Benjamin Rohrdantz - Focal point- ( Germany )
Dr Fariza YUNUS - Focal point- ( Malaysia )
Dr Kuldeep SRIVASTAVA - Focal point- ( India )
Dr Maxime HERVO - Focal point- ( Switzerland )
Dr Mohammad Zomorrodi - Focal point- ( Australia )
Dr Noel Fitzpatrick - Focal point- ( Ireland )
Dr Ole Krarup Leth - Focal point- ( Denmark )
Dr Tanel Voormansik - Focal point- ( Estonia )
Eng. Abdulaziz Al-Rashdi - Focal Point - second- ( Oman )
Eng. James NYAGA - Focal point- ( Kenya )
Mr ABBA AMAZIA - Focal Point - second- ( Cameroon )
Mr Abdul MATIN - Focal point- ( Bangladesh )
Mr Alawi Mohammed - Focal point- ( Yemen )
Mr Almir Gjata - Focal point- ( Albania )
Mr Ambika Prasad Baral - Focal point- ( Nepal )
Mr Brahim MEDDAHI - Focal point- ( Algeria )
Mr Bruce Wayne HARTLEY - Focal Point - second- ( New Zealand )
Mr Chahabane Youssouf, Wathik - Focal Point - second- ( Comoros )
Mr Didi Enslin - Focal point- ( South Africa )
Mr Drel Herland IBARRA - Focal Point - second- ( Congo )
Mr Dwayne SCOTT - Focal point- ( Belize )
Mr Edison Ricardo CRUZ MORA - Focal Point - second- ( Ecuador )
Mr Eric ALLAIX - Focal point- ( France )
Mr Fayyaz NAZIR - Focal Point - second- ( Pakistan )
Mr Fily SISSOKO - Focal point- ( Mali )
Mr Francis CHITHILA - Focal point- ( Malawi )
Mr Godfrey HABUKURI - Focal point- ( Rwanda )
Mr Henderson Kellman - Focal point- ( Barbados )
Mr Ibrahim ASSOUMANI - Focal point- ( Comoros )
Mr Ilyes Zarrouk - Focal point- ( Tunisia )
Mr Issac Diarra - Focal Point - second- ( Mali )
Mr Jean Moriba LOUA - Focal point- ( Guinea )
Mr John Nanau - Focal point- ( Solomon Islands )
Mr Kanat Arstanbekov - Focal point- ( Kyrgyzstan )
Mr KiChang YOON - Focal Point - second- ( Republic of Korea )
Mr Konrad Ika - Focal point- ( Nauru )
Mr Kuenzang - Focal Point - second- ( Bhutan )
Mr Li, Yingchong - Focal point- ( China )
Mr Majid Al Kuwari - Focal point- ( Qatar )
Mr Marat Bakhtiyarov - Focal point- ( Uzbekistan )
Mr Marián JURAŠEK - Focal point- ( Slovakia )
Mr Matonatcho PALANGA - Focal point- ( Togo )
Mr Moises Monteiro - Focal Point - second- ( Guinea-Bissau )
Mr Nelson LALANDE - Focal point- ( Seychelles )
Mr Olaib Rashed - Focal Point - second- ( Yemen )
Mr Olzhas Alimzhanov - Focal Point - second- ( Kazakhstan )
Mr Omar Abdulaziz OBAIDAN - Focal Point - second- ( Qatar )
Mr OTIENO, Elias Odhiambo - Focal Point - second- ( Kenya )
Mr Peter de Joux - Focal point- ( New Zealand )
Mr Peter Tharwat Mezaree - Focal Point - second- ( Egypt )
Mr Promise Qhibi - Focal Point - second- ( South Africa )
Mr Sofiane MEKIMENE - Focal Point - second- ( Algeria )
Mr Sudvajus, Lukas - Focal point- ( Lithuania )
Mr Sunatullo Pirov - Focal point- ( Tajikistan )
Mr Syed Ahsan Ali BOKHARI - Focal Point - third- ( Pakistan )
Mr Tevita Taufa - Focal point- ( Tonga )
Mr Tomasz Wojtaszek - Focal Point - second- ( United States of America )
Mr TUAN NGUYEN XUAN - Focal point- ( Viet Nam )
Mr Ulf Nordh - Focal point- ( Sweden )
Mr Vuniwaqa Veitokiyaki - Focal point- ( Fiji )
Mr Yessen Myrzagulov - Focal point- ( Kazakhstan )
Mr Youssef DARARI - Focal point- ( Morocco )
Mr Zamikhaya Magogotya - Focal Point - third- ( South Africa )
Ms Ali Aichatou GOUNGA - Focal point- ( Niger )
Ms Amal Samanter - Focal point- ( Canada )
Ms Barbara SURIJA - Focal point- ( Croatia )
Ms Gohar GEVORGYAN - Focal point- ( Armenia )
Ms Iveta INDRIKSONE - Focal point- ( Latvia )
Ms Junghee CHO - Focal Point - third- ( Republic of Korea )
Ms Natthaporn Lertsamranpinit - Focal Point - second- ( Thailand )
Ms Pa Pa SWE - Focal point- ( Myanmar )
Ms Razia Sultana - Focal Point - second- ( Bangladesh )
Ms Sinead Duffy - Focal Point - second- ( Ireland )
Ms Swe Zin Oo - Focal Point - second- ( Myanmar )
Ms Ugyen Lhamo - Focal point- ( Bhutan )

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Terms of Reference

National focal points should:
1. Serve as the national contact for, and contribute to, relevant radio-frequency related activities nationally, regionally and/or globally;
2. Promote the WMO positions on the relevant agenda items of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), as developed by the Expert Team on Radio Frequency Coordination (ET-RFC), at the national level by:
a. Actively participating in spectrum management committees and activities led by their National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), advocating for the WMO positions at relevant committees,
b. Ensuring their NRA is provided with a copy of the WMO’s WRC Position Paper each time a new or revised position paper is approved.
3. Foster the dissemination of relevant radio-frequency guidance, recommendations, and other materials that are distributed by the WMO Secretariat to ensure that it reaches the relevant stakeholders within the meteorological community and beyond;
4. Engage with their respective NRAs to ensure that they have a comprehensive understanding of the importance of and requirements for radio frequencies for meteorological and related environmental activities, and seek NRAs support in the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) activities, in particular in the ITU WRC preparation process;
5. Participate in the national, regional and/or international activities on relevant radiocommunication regulatory issues and, in particular, to get involved in the work of relevant regional telecommunication organizations and ITU-R, especially ITU-R Study Groups 5 and 7 on Terrestrial (including radiolocation) and Science services, respectively;
6. Register adequately all radiocommunication stations and radio frequencies used for meteorological and related environmental operations and research with their NRA;
7. Inform the ET-RFC of any new radio-frequency requirements or usage to initiate appropriate international procedures to obtain the right to deploy and operate new equipment and then ensure their long-term protection. This information is crucial due to the long process to obtain international recognition.
8. Inform the ET-RFC of the outcomes of their domestic discussions with their NRAs that are relevant to the ET-RFC and its work. This could include raising awareness of domestic spectrum proceedings that may be of interest to the wider international meteorological community. This reporting mechanism aims to raise awareness among ET-RFC members of national RF matters and regulatory proceedings that are of interest to the WMO and its Members.

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