National Climate Services Information Systems (CSIS) Focal Points


Dr Anna Mamara - Focal point- ( Greece )
Dr CLEMENT BOYCE - Focal point- ( Malawi )
Dr David WALLAND - Focal point- ( Australia )
Dr Denis STUBER - Focal point- ( France )
Dr Denis STUBER - Focal point- ( New Caledonia )
Dr Donatas Valiukas - Focal point- ( Lithuania )
Dr Emanuela Piervitali - Focal point- ( Italy )
Dr Enkelejda KUCAJ - Focal point- ( Albania )
Dr Hans Olav HYGEN - Focal point- ( Norway )
Dr Hasan A. ALDASHTI - Focal point- ( Kuwait )
Dr Indira Kadel - Focal point- ( Nepal )
Dr Lam Phuc HOANG - Focal point- ( Viet Nam )
Dr Luteru Tauvale - Focal point- ( Samoa )
Dr Monika LAKATOS - Focal point- ( Hungary )
Dr Naomi KUMI - Focal point- ( Ghana )
Dr Nato Kutaladze - Focal point- ( Georgia )
Dr Ousmane NDIAYE - Focal point- ( Senegal )
Dr Ram Kumar DHURMEA - Focal point- ( Mauritius )
Dr Roxana BOJARIU - Focal point- ( Romania )
Dr Serhat SENSOY - Focal point- ( Türkiye )
Dr Tarek Salhab - Focal point- ( Lebanon )
Dr Thea TURKINGTON - Focal point- ( Singapore )
Dr Tin Mar Htay - Focal point- ( Myanmar )
Dr Zhiqiang GONG - Focal point- ( China )
Maimuna Usman Borno - Focal point- ( Nigeria )
Mr Zahid - Focal point- ( Maldives )
Mr Adeleke OYEGADE - Focal point- ( Nigeria )
Mr Afada Al Hubaishi - Focal point- ( Oman )
Mr Ali Mohamed AL-Mannai - Focal point- ( Qatar )
Mr Allan Rarai - Focal point- ( Vanuatu )
Mr Andrew TAIT - Focal point- ( New Zealand )
Mr Arkan Abdullah Mozan - Focal point- ( Iraq )
Mr Batdorj Dashdondog - Focal point- ( Mongolia )
Mr Bipendra PRAKASH - Focal point- ( Fiji )
Mr Bongumenzi Themba - Focal point- ( Eswatini )
Mr Carles MIQUEL GARCIA - Focal point- ( Andorra )
Mr Djergo GAYA - Focal point- ( Chad )
Mr Dragan Mihic - Focal point- ( Serbia )
Mr EL KHATRI, Said - Focal point- ( Morocco )
Mr Frantz PAUL - Focal point- ( Haiti )
Mr Furshpan, Avner - Focal point- ( Israel )
Mr Glenroy BROWN - Focal point- ( Jamaica )
Mr HAMIDOU Coulibaly - Focal point- ( Mauritania )
Mr Humaid AL BADI - Focal point- ( Oman )
Mr Kaynar Bolatov - Focal point- ( Kazakhstan )
Mr Khayber Rahmani - Focal point- ( Afghanistan )
Mr Kiyotoshi TAKAHASHI - Focal point- ( Japan )
Mr Komalchand DHIRAM - Focal point- ( Guyana )
Mr Lyson Phiri - Focal point- ( Zambia )
Mr M'Poh N'Koyi - Focal point- ( Togo )
Mr Mamadou Adama DIALLO - Focal point- ( Mali )
Mr Martín IBARRA OCHOA - Focal point- ( Mexico )
Mr Mehdi Kerrouche - Focal point- ( Algeria )
Mr Mohammed Yahya - Focal point- ( Yemen )
Mr Mosuoe Letuma - Focal point- ( Lesotho )
Mr Nadeem FAISAL - Focal point- ( Pakistan )
Mr Omar Younis Hamadin - Focal point- ( Jordan )
Mr Orlanda Mendes - Focal point- ( Guinea-Bissau )
Mr Oscar AYALA - Focal point- ( Ecuador )
Mr Peter GIBBA - Focal point- ( Gambia (The) )
Mr Pierre ZUE EYA - Focal point- ( Gabon )
Mr Pontus Törnwall - Focal point- ( Sweden )
Mr Ricardo João Deus - Focal point- ( Portugal )
Mr Ronald GORDON - Focal point- ( Belize )
Mr Salah Amar - Focal point- ( Libya (State of) )
Mr Simon Andre Dirkse - Focal point- ( Namibia )
Mr Ugyen Chophel - Focal point- ( Bhutan )
Ms A.R. WARNASOORIYA - Focal point- ( Sri Lanka )
Ms Ana MORATA GASCA - Focal point- ( Spain )
Ms Ana R. CHACON - Focal point- ( Costa Rica )
Ms Andrea Vajda - Focal point- ( Finland )
Ms Beryl Andrade - Focal point- ( Seychelles )
Ms Cherise BRATHWAITE - Focal point- ( Barbados )
Ms Claudia CRUZ - Focal point- ( Chile )
Ms Denise De Pina - Focal point- ( Cabo Verde )
Ms Elena DONICH - Focal point- ( Ukraine )
Ms Grinia AVALOS - Focal point
Ms Hala Alaali - Focal point- ( Bahrain )
Ms Heather Morrison - Focal point- ( Canada )
Ms Hildegard Kaufmann - Focal point- ( Austria )
Ms HOCINE Souhila - Focal point- ( Algeria )
Ms Jomkhan Sakka Mart - Focal point- ( Thailand )
Ms Juliette Bukuru - Focal point- ( Burundi )
Ms Kamaitia Rubetaake - Focal point- ( Kiribati )
Ms Katarina Mikulova - Focal point- ( Slovakia )
Ms Khazainani Salleh - Focal point- ( Malaysia )
Ms Kila Kila - Focal point- ( Papua New Guinea )
Ms Lena Lindström - Focal point- ( Sweden )
Ms Lo Chiang CHENG - Focal point- ( Canada )
Ms Lulu Nkomeng Dipao - Focal point- ( Botswana )
Ms Mary BUTLER - Focal point- ( Bahamas )
Ms Melita Percec Tadic - Focal point- ( Croatia )
Ms Miina KRABBI - Focal point- ( Estonia )
Ms Mojca DOLINAR - Focal point- ( Slovenia )
Ms Noora Ahmad Alboinin - Focal point- ( Qatar )
Ms Patricia Nying'uro - Focal point- ( Kenya )
Ms Peou PHALLA - Focal point- ( Cambodia )
Ms Rozemien De Troch - Focal point- ( Belgium )
Ms Sara Abdel Mahmoud - Focal point- ( Sudan )
Ms Seluvaia ILOLAHIA - Focal point- ( Tonga )
Ms Svetlana ANISKEVICA - Focal point- ( Latvia )
Ms Tanja LIKSO - Focal point- ( Croatia )
Ms Vianca BENÍTEZ - Focal point- ( Panama )
Ms Vigil SALTIBUS - Focal point- ( Saint Lucia )
Ms Yelena KHALATYAN - Focal point- ( Armenia )
Prof. Agnieszka Wypych - Focal point- ( Poland )

Documents and Publications

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Terms of Reference

National Focal Points of the Climate Services Information System (CSIS) are closely engaged with technical aspects of climate services implementation at the national level. Their designation does not supersede other technical focal points working on other technical aspects.
Key functions include:
(1) Facilitate the functioning of the mechanism for WMO contributions to the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) and the activities including to:
(a) engage with partner organizations seeking to support the implementation of climate services,
(b) implement the activities and outputs of the country-focused results based framework for WMO contributions to the GFCS Objective 1 (Institutional, technical, financial and human resources mobilized for climate services planning, implementation and results monitoring targeting climate-sensitive national
(c) prepare products relevant for high-level climate-related policy processes and United Nations system joint action, such as catalogues of high-impact events for tracking associated losses and damage, preparation of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement, and National Climate Monitoring Products,
(d) keep under review the emerging features of the CSIS within the implementation of the GFCS at the national level and regularly report on the status and priority needs through updates to the checklist for climate services and WMO surveys contained in the WMO Country Profile Database,
(e) prepare short- and long-term action plans for national level implementation of the CSIS,
(f) monitor capacity needs for CSIS operationalization and identify, and coordinate access to, relevant capacity development resources to address those needs,
including through staff training, twinning arrangements with advanced services and expert deployments, national deployment of the Climate Services Toolkit (CST), and engagement with Regional Climate Centres (RCCs) and Regional Climate Forums (RCFs),
(2) Act as the primary contact point for liaising with WMO entities engaged in supporting climate services implementation at the national level – e.g. WMO and co-sponsored programmes, technical commission focal points, regional association working groups and focal points on climate and the GFCS, RCCs, and Global Producing Centres (GPCs) – and promote the alignment of the contributions of these entities towards addressing national climate services related technical priorities and needs.

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