
Adela HOLUBOVA - Focal point- ( Czechia )
Azizur Rahman - Focal point- ( Bangladesh )
David Codjo Degbey - Focal point- ( Benin )
Dr ABDERRAZAK ARIF - Focal point- ( Tunisia )
Dr Andrea Pazmino - Focal point- ( France )
Dr Antti Hyvärinen - Focal point- ( Finland )
Dr Cihan DUNDAR - Focal point- ( Türkiye )
Dr Dagmar Kubistin - Focal point- ( Germany )
Dr Elke LUDEWIG - Focal point- ( Austria )
Dr Emilio CUEVAS-AGULLÓ - Focal point- ( Spain )
Dr Filippos TYMVIOS - Focal point- ( Cyprus )
Dr Hugo DE BACKER - Focal point- ( Belgium )
Dr Jimmy GASORE - Focal point- ( Rwanda )
Dr KHOMSI, Kenza - Focal point- ( Morocco )
Dr Kjetil TØRSETH - Focal point- ( Norway )
Dr Mike HARVEY - Focal point- ( New Zealand )
Dr Osvaldo CUESTA SANTOS - Focal point- ( Cuba )
Dr S.D. ATTRI - Focal point- ( India )
Dr Salah Mahmoud, Zeinab - Focal point- ( Egypt )
Dr Sarah Gallagher - Focal point- ( Ireland )
Dr Vijay Kumar Soni - Focal point- ( India )
Dr Yasser Khalaf - Focal point- ( Saudi Arabia )
Elvis Anthony MEDINA DIONICIO - Focal Point - second- ( Peru )
Major Francesca MARCUCCI - Focal point- ( Italy )
Mr Abdul MATIN - Focal point- ( Bangladesh )
Mr Abdulkarem Masshi - Focal Point - second- ( Saudi Arabia )
Mr Ali Rahmi - Focal point- ( Morocco )
Mr Ali SHAREEF - Focal point- ( Maldives )
Mr Almas SHABDANOV - Focal point- ( Kazakhstan )
Mr Andrea Rossa - Focal point- ( Switzerland )
Mr Antoine NASSARA - Focal point- ( Benin )
Mr BAIKA, Sidi - Focal point- ( Algeria )
Mr Balisi GOPOLANG - Focal point- ( Botswana )
Mr Chouaibou GUÈYE - Focal point- ( Senegal )
Mr Collen MUTASA - Focal point- ( Zimbabwe )
Mr Cornelius BECKER - Focal point- ( Suriname )
Mr Ernesto Marchesoni - Coordinator- ( Uruguay )
Mr Gnatoulouma KPABEBA - Focal point- ( Togo )
Mr Gopalkishan BEEGOO - Focal point- ( Mauritius )
Mr Harish PRATAP - Focal point- ( Fiji )
Mr Hreinn HJARTARSON - Not in Role- ( Iceland )
Mr Juan Crespo - Focal point- ( Chile )
Mr Kazuhiro TSUBOI - Focal point- ( Japan )
Mr Michael NEGASH - Focal point- ( Eritrea )
Mr Michalis MOUSKOS - Focal point- ( Cyprus )
Mr MUI, Hong Kei - Focal point- ( Macao, China )
Mr Namoudou CONDE - Focal point- ( Guinea )
Mr Nguessabe MADJIBAYE - Focal point- ( Chad )
Mr Orlin GUEORGUIEV - Focal Point - second- ( Bulgaria )
Mr Saviour PORTER - Focal point- ( Malta )
Mr Velimir Milic - Focal point- ( Croatia )
Mr Viktor Dézsi - Focal point- ( Hungary )
Mr Zia-ud-Din KHAN - Focal point- ( Pakistan )
Ms Ana Carvalho - Focal point- ( Sweden )
Ms Denise De Pina - Focal point- ( Cabo Verde )
Ms E. DITSHWENE - Focal point- ( Botswana )
Ms Heather Morrison - Focal point- ( Canada )
Ms Inna VODOLASKOVA - Focal point- ( Ukraine )
Ms Iveta INDRIKSONE - Focal point- ( Latvia )
Ms Maria MICHELARAKI - Focal point- ( Greece )
Ms Marijana MUROVEC - Focal point- ( Slovenia )
Ms Mercedes OCAMPO - Focal point- ( Uruguay )
Ms Sarah Prior - Focal point- ( Australia )
Ms Stellamar Igarzabal - Co-coordinator- ( Uruguay )
Ms Sumin KIM - Focal point- ( Republic of Korea )
Prof. Alfonso PINO - Focal point- ( Panama )
Prof. ZHANG, Xiaoye - Focal point- ( China )
Rose LEKALESOI - Focal point- ( Kenya )
Sam Cleland - Focal point- ( Australia )

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Terms of Reference

The National Focal Point for GAW is to be appointed by a Permanent Representative of a country with WMO to support the implementation of the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme in their country or territory and serve as a focal point on technical and operational matters related to GAW. The National Focal Point has the following Terms of Reference:

• Keep abreast with the work of the GAW Programme within their country or territory and have a good knowledge of national institutions working on atmospheric composition in the country,
• Provide information on GAW relative activities to the Permanent Representative with WMO,
• Serve as a contact point for enquires related to the National GAW activities from the WMO Secretariat and other interested bodies,
• Assist with the search of national experts in atmospheric composition for relevant bodies of WMO,
• Keep a register of all GAW observing stations on the national territory,
• Serve as National Focal Point for GAWSIS-OSCAR/surface (be registered in OSCAR with the role of “GAW National Focal Point”) for the atmospheric composition network, which includes:
1. Revision of GAW stations metadata in GAWSIS-OSCAR/surface,
2. Creation of additional Station Contacts, including for the purposes of registration of new stations upon request of the Station Principal Investigator, and updating existing Station Contacts for the stations under their national responsibility. A Station Contact is authorized to edit information for the station(s) under his/her responsibility. A returning Station Contact could create new stations (for international networks, such contacts should be added by the Network Focal Point),
3. Issue WIGOS station identifiers for the new stations in national territory,
4. Carry out an annual evaluation of stations’ information of the network under their national responsibility.

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