RA VI Task Team on further development of GMAS Framework


Mr Milan DACIC - Secretariat- ( WMO Secretariat )
Ms Ana CASALS CARRO - Alternate member- ( Spain )
Ms Sari LAPPI - Secretariat- ( WMO Secretariat )

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Terms of Reference

(a) Review successful approaches and methodologies in RA VI such as EUMETNET-Meteoalarm, Roshydromet-Meteoalert, TSMS Meteo and other available technologies such as MyDewetra, in order to systematize and prepare RA VI background information for the further deliberation about the GMAS Framework,

(b) Seek the views of the Members of RA VI about their position regarding the GMAS Framework, including their expectations in this regard, and draft a position paper/conclusion on the ways forward,

(c) Submit the position paper to the RA VI president and the management group, which will further agree on the approach and accordingly inform/support the work of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (Services Commission) and its GMAS Expert Team, through RA VI representatives therein, and by doing so establish the joint RA VI position regarding the GMAS Framework,

(d) Draft an outline of the implementation plan with possible key activities of GMAS in RA VI, as appropriate.

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