RA VI Task Team on Research, Modelling and Prediction


Dr Anca BROOKSHAW - Member- ( ECMWF )
Mr Alban Doko - Member- ( Albania )
Ms Ana Savovic - Coordinator- ( Serbia )
Prof. Fadi Comair - Alternate representative- ( Cyprus )

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Terms of Reference

Research, Modelling and Prediction is a pillar/a component of the Regional Framework for weather, water, climate and related environmental services (RFWWCES). The Team will contribute to its development by mobilizing the existing Research, modelling and prediction capabilities in the Region.

The objectives of the Research, Modelling and Prediction Pillar are to:

- Target research towards developing and improving practical applications and information products to satisfy the identified needs of climate information users, subject to the current state of science and the current level of technology, especially in the four near-term RFWWCES priority areas.

- Enhance communication, interaction, and cooperation among the corresponding research communities, climate information providers and users with the help of the User Interface Platform (RA VI RCC Users Forum).

- Enhance the science readiness level for producing improved climate projections, predictions, and user-tailored climate information products.

- Continue to improve our understanding of the Earth’s climate aspects to enhance our ability to provide useful climate information services.

The scope can be defined as:

- Encompassing a combination of fundamental and applied climate research.

- Embracing atmospheric sciences, oceanography, hydrology, cryosphere sciences, terrestrial and marine biogeochemistry, research on socio-economic and human systems, and research on climate–dependent applications in key areas of human activity.

- Considering the Earth as a system, i.e., focusing on the significant interactions of all its components including human and natural subsystems.

- Including information on the past climate based on paleoclimate research and observations, and prognostic information on the future climate up to the end of this century and beyond based on exploiting our understanding of predictable processes and phenomena.

- Covering a continuum of time scales (i.e., beyond the typical two-week limit of deterministic weather prediction) and relevant space scales (i.e., national, regional, and global).

- Combining deterministic and probabilistic sources of climate information to evaluate climate information uncertainty, limits, and value for decision-making.

- Including all types and methods of research such as observations, field and model experiments, process studies, pilot predictions and projections, assessment, production and validation of relevant datasets and derived information, etc.

- Including policy-relevant, but not policy-prescriptive, information.

- Facilitating both innovative research and capacity development (CD) at the global, regional, and national levels.

RFWWCES implementation requires resources and expertise to develop science-based information along with the technologies and innovative solutions to enable effective adaptation, mitigation and risk management activities associated with climate variability and change.

The main function of the RMP is to facilitate, in close coordination with service providers and users, improvements in relevant scientific knowledge so that it can be transformed into valuable science-based climate information.

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