RA V WG-S Expert Team on Climate Services (ET-CLI)

The Expert Team on Climate Services (ET-CLI) is part of the Regional Association V (South-West Pacific) Working Group on Services. This team focuses on promoting climate services in the region, holding regular Regional Climate Forums (RCOFs) and supporting the publication of annual State of the Climate in the South-West Pacific reports.
Activities Output
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RA V Regional Climate Centres (RCCs)
[Demonstration Phase] Pacific RCC Network
The RA V Pacific RCC Network in its initial phase consists of five nodes. Each node is composed of a consortium led by a lead institution or co-leads.
Visit Website[Demonstration Phase] Southeast Asia (SEA) RCC Network
The RA V SEA RCC Network in its initial phase consists of three nodes. Each node is led by an institution and may include contributions from other nodes in a consortium.
Visit WebsiteState of the Climate in the South-West Pacific 2023
Annual report on climate conditions and trends in the South-West Pacific region.
View ReportET-CLI OP 2024-2027 Activities
View Activities Tracker
- Formal designation of RCC Networks in SEA and the Pacific In progress
- Hold a Regional Workshop on the Pacific RCC-Network Coordination Meeting Completed
- Hold ENSO RA V virtual workshop/sharing session Not started
- Prepare a stock-take report on special application products In progress
- Adopt objective seasonal predictions into RCOF processes on a trial basis In progress
- Organize regular RCOFs In progress
- Support the regular publication of the State of the Climate in the South-West Pacific In progress
Relevant Resources
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Satellite-derived Products
[DRAFT] Guide to Climatological Practices
Fourth edition of the Guide, produced by SC-CLI.
Hourly CMORPH satellite precipitation estimation based on real-time data.
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Near real-time Gauge-calibrated Rainfall Product developed based on the Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) project. Data such as accumulated rainfall and standardized precipitation index (SPI) are available.
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Documents and Publications
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Related Meetings
Terms of Reference
(a) To facilitate the development of a report on the evaluation of services provided during the pilot phase by the Regional Climate Centre (RCC) nodes to the president of RA V through the chair of the Working Group on Services and to assist in the WMO designation process of RCC;
(b) To foster development of climate services in the region across all climate timescales: sub-seasonal, seasonal, multi-annual, decadal, and beyond;
(c) To provide guidance on updating data management practices, including quality criteria and specifications based on evolving - and requirements of - climate policy and services at all timescales, including for regional and national levels;
(d) To guide the use of standardized and user-targeted approaches required for the operational functioning of the Climate Services Information System (CSIS) at the regional (RCCs) and national (NMHS) levels, including through: the systematic generation and exchange of climate data; climate monitoring; analysis of high impact events; climate prediction; objective forecast products and climate projections;
(e) To provide technical advice on strengthening the Regional Climate Outlook Forums (RCOFs)/Regional Climate Forums (RCFs), so as to facilitate the sustained exchange of data and products relevant to current and evolving user needs and requirements for climate services;
(f) To provide advice on and assist in the implementation of various climate information and prediction services in RA V for sectors such as agriculture, fishery, water, energy, and health for better urban planning and disaster risk reduction;
(g) To provide advice on and assist in identifying climate-related education and training courses/workshops, including information technology and management courses;
(h) To coordinate with relevant SERCOM subsidiary bodies and provide advice to the Working Group on Services on the above issues;
(i) To coordinate, as appropriate, with other relevant regional expert teams/groups outside of WMO in order to minimize duplication of work and maximize collaboration.
(b) To foster development of climate services in the region across all climate timescales: sub-seasonal, seasonal, multi-annual, decadal, and beyond;
(c) To provide guidance on updating data management practices, including quality criteria and specifications based on evolving - and requirements of - climate policy and services at all timescales, including for regional and national levels;
(d) To guide the use of standardized and user-targeted approaches required for the operational functioning of the Climate Services Information System (CSIS) at the regional (RCCs) and national (NMHS) levels, including through: the systematic generation and exchange of climate data; climate monitoring; analysis of high impact events; climate prediction; objective forecast products and climate projections;
(e) To provide technical advice on strengthening the Regional Climate Outlook Forums (RCOFs)/Regional Climate Forums (RCFs), so as to facilitate the sustained exchange of data and products relevant to current and evolving user needs and requirements for climate services;
(f) To provide advice on and assist in the implementation of various climate information and prediction services in RA V for sectors such as agriculture, fishery, water, energy, and health for better urban planning and disaster risk reduction;
(g) To provide advice on and assist in identifying climate-related education and training courses/workshops, including information technology and management courses;
(h) To coordinate with relevant SERCOM subsidiary bodies and provide advice to the Working Group on Services on the above issues;
(i) To coordinate, as appropriate, with other relevant regional expert teams/groups outside of WMO in order to minimize duplication of work and maximize collaboration.
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