RA VI Working Group for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems

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Terms of Reference

Resolution 3.2/1 (RA VI-18)


(1) To establish the Regional Association VI Working Group for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (WG Infrastructure), to work under the guidance of the RA VI president and management group, in cooperation and collaboration with the relevant bodies of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (Infrastructure Commission), according to the following terms of reference:

(a) Follow up on the WMO Strategic Plan; World Meteorological Congress, Executive Council and Regional Association VI resolutions, decisions and recommendations addressing observation and infrastructure-related matters, for the activities to be undertaken at a regional level,

(b) Identify needs for improvement in RA VI Members’ capabilities to implement the current and draft future WMO standards and regulations, including the implementation of the regional aspects of WIGOS, the draft GBON and WIS2 implementation plans, and develop a regional roadmap and implementation plan to support Members as needed and promote and support capacity development activities,

(c) Provide feedback to INFCOM on RAVI Members’ uptake and implementation, as well as requirements and capability to implement draft new standards and regulations, and work with INFCOM to design and deliver support to the Members,

(d) Engage with relevant organisations in the region to ensure RAVI recognition in external organisations and complementarity of activities,

(e) Support the technical aspects of developing the necessary infrastructure in the areas with least coverage (polar, marine, high mountains) and for the underrepresented domains, e.g. cryosphere, in collaboration with INFCOM,

(f) Propose pilot and demonstration projects in/from the region,

(g) Facilitate the transfer of knowledge from developed to developing Members,

(h) Support the technical aspects of the Hydrological Status and Outlook System and the State of the Water report,

(i) Provide general and specific assistance to Members to enhance systems’ capabilities and enable effective implementation and compliance,

(j) Provide feedback to INFCOM on RAVI Members' requirements and needs including providing input to the proposed work plan of the Commission.

(2) That the working group shall be composed of:

(a) A chair and a vice-chair,

(b) Task teams, with the task-team leaders serving as core members of the working group,

(c) Other experts serving as associate members of the working group, as necessary.

(3) To designate Dr Fernando Belda, [Spain], as chair of the working group and Mr/Mrs _____, [Member State], as vice-chair; (To be updated during/after the session)

(4) To empower the RA VI president and the management group to designate the core and associate members of the working group, who should, preferably, be selected from the group of RA VI experts, appointed members, chairs or vice-chairs of the relevant technical commission subsidiary bodies (RA VI-18/INF. 3.2),

(5) To request the chair:

(a) To submit to the RA VI president, and the management group, a proposal for the composition of the task teams and their terms of reference,

(b) To agree on the modalities of work and submit to the RA VI president and the management group within four months, a work programme for the period 2021–2024 with due account being taken of the priority actions identified by the regional association,

(c) To provide an annual progress report and a final report at least three months before the nineteenth session of the regional association.

(6) To invite Members:

(a) To nominate core and associate experts who are committed to serving actively on the working group, with due attention being paid to gender balance and sub-regional balance,

(b) To support the activities of the working group,

(c) To actively support the work of the RA VI Teams and groups, particularly with the experts who are members of INFCOM teams.

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