RA II WG-S Expert Team on Services for Aviation (ET-AVI)


Dr Amudha Bakthavathsalu - Core member- ( India )
Dr Dang Quang Nguyen - Associate expert- ( Viet Nam )
Dr Mehajan, Rajeev Kumar - Associate expert- ( India )
Md. Monowar Hossain - Associate expert- ( Bangladesh )
Mr Gajendra Kumar - Associate expert- ( India )
Mr GU, Lei - Associate expert- ( China )
Mr Putchaphan - SIRISAP - Associate expert- ( Thailand )
Mr Xinhua LIU - Associate expert- ( China )
Mr Yeonghun KIM - Associate expert- ( Republic of Korea )
Ms Bushra Alqubaisi - Associate expert- ( Qatar )
Ms Erika HAYAMI - Core member- ( Japan )

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Terms of Reference

(i) Lead the Implementation Project (IP)
• RA II-17-S-IP-4: Improve meteorological services for aviation
(ii) Support WG Services in the identification of meteorological capabilities at a national, subregional and/or regional level to fulfil the needs on aviation users;
(iii) Promote and facilitate the sharing of experience and good practices, uptake and exchange of scientific and technological advancement to meet evolving user requirements for high-quality, borderless, harmonized and cost-effective aeronautical meteorological information and services;
(iv) Promote, in cooperation with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), regional bodies and Members, efficient and effective governance of aeronautical meteorological service provision through the development and/or enhancement of appropriate cost-recovery mechanisms (including for regional and subregional service provision), information and data exchange policies and good practices;
(v) Develop training material and other educational/learning outreach to assist Members in the implementation of quality management systems and compliance with the competency and qualification requirements of personnel providing meteorological service for international air navigation, with an emphasis on developing and LDCs;
(vi) Collaborate with the Standing Committee on Services for Aviation of SERCOM to preserve continuity of priorities between the regional and global levels.

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