Advisory Group on the Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS) Sub Committee (AG-WWMIWS-SubC)


Mr Erik DE GROOT - Vice-chair- ( Canada )
Dr Wei ZHAO - Core member- ( China )
Lic. Matias De Oto - Core member- ( Argentina )
Mr Alejandro DE LA MAZA - Core member- ( Chile )
Mr Kato, Koji - Core member- ( Japan )
Ms Dionysia Kotta - Core member- ( Greece )
Ms Florence BESSON - Core member- ( France )

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Terms of Reference

Advisory Group on WWMIWS Sub-Committee (AG-WWMIWS-SubC)
The Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS) Sub-Committee is an Advisory Group within the Standing Committee on Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services (SC-MMO). As stated in IMO A.1051(27) “The IMO-WMO Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS) is the internationally coordinated service for the promulgation of meteorological warnings and forecasts to vessels undertaking international or national voyages”. The WWMIWS SubC is the responsible body, under the SC-MMO, for monitoring and coordinating the provision of meteorological Maritime Safety Information (MSI) within the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), including other vessels not covered by the IMO Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention.
The SubC, through the SC-MMO and SERCOM, provides the technical advice and support to the WMO to deliver its commitment to the WMO-IMO WWMIWS within the IMO’s GMDSS. The WMO works closely in coordination with the IMO, given the relationship under the IMO SOLAS Convention, for meteorological broadcasts to be provided at least twice daily for ships at sea. The majority of WMO’s Members are contracting parties to this Convention and as such, the WMO assists Members to fulfil their obligations under SOLAS. The IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) and Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR) are the bodies within the IMO which lead on all policy and technical aspects of maritime safety related to the application of SOLAS. The WMO also works very closely with the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), which coordinates the World-Wide Navigation Warning System (WWNWS) Sub-Committee, for the provision of MSI for navigational warnings.
Terms of Reference
The WWMIWS SubC, in coordination with the WMO Marine Services Division, shall:
1. Advise and provide input to the WMO, through the SC-MMO and SERCOM, on all aspects related to the GMDSS, for WMO participation at the applicable IMO, IHO, IMSO, ITU and any other relevant meetings.
2. Provide, through the SC-MMO and SERCOM, the necessary technical support and advice to the WMO to further the cooperation with the IMO, IHO and IMSO, ITU and any other relevant entities.
3. Monitor and guide the WMO - IMO WWMIWS, which includes Members undertaking roles as Issuing Services and Preparation Services for the METAREAS, operating within the WMO Global Data Processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS).
4. Review and propose new methods to enhance the provision of MSI to mariners at sea.
5. Facilitate the implementation of any necessary changes in procedures for disseminating MSI required by the GMDSS, or systems that supersede the GMDSS, as adopted by the IMO.
6. Encourage the development of bilateral or multi-lateral arrangements between METAREA Coordinators in the provision of MSI, in particular contingency plans.

7. Prepare and review the various guidance documents for the WWMIWS and evaluate any proposed amendments on behalf of WMO Members prior to formal WMO, IHO and IMO consideration and approval.
8. Cooperate with other international organizations concerned with improving the global standards for disseminating MSI, namely IMO, IHO and IMSO.
9. Collaborate within the SC-MMO Expert Teams on areas of mutual interest including, but not limited to, standards and guidelines development, e-navigation requirements, competency and training implementation, and met-ocean observation and modelling requirements.
10. Liaise with and gather input from other relevant WMO entities and industry bodies on aspects relevant to the operation and improvement of the WWMIWS.

The SubC, is composed of the METAREA Coordinators as a mechanism for exchange and collaboration between each of their responsible areas. Other WMO Members (non METAREA Coordinating countries), representatives of the IMO, International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO) and the WMO Secretariats participate in an Ex-Officio capacity without voting rights. The SubC members, through the Chair, may invite recognized Observers and other suitably qualified individuals, including representatives of all Recognised Mobile Satellite Service (RMSS) providers, as Expert Contributors, to participate in specific activities as deemed appropriate.
WWMIWS-SubC is responsible for the following publications:
• WMO No. 9 Vol D, Information for Shipping
• METAREA Coordinator Handbook, 2019
• IMO resolution A.1051(27), as amended, on the IMO/WMO World-Wide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS), (MSC.470(101), as amended)
• International SafetyNET Services Manual, (MSC.1/Circ.1364, as revised)
• Iridium SafetyCast Service Manual, (MSC.1/Circ.1613, as revised)
• Resolution A.705(17), as amended, Promulgation of Maritime Safety Information, (MSC.468(101), as amended)
• Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information, (MSC.1/Circ.1310, as revised)
• IMO NAVTEX Manual - (MSC.1/Circ.1403, as revised)
• IMO GMDSS Master Plan (GISIS)
• UKHO Admiralty List of Radio Signals

WWMIWS-SubC contributes to the following publications:

• WMO Manual on Global Data Processing and Forecasting System, WMO 485 (led by INFCOM SC-ESMP): RSMC MMS
• WMO Manual on Marine Meteorological Services, WMO 558 (led by ETMS/SC-MMO)
• WMO Guide on Marine Meteorological Services, WMO 471 (led by ETMS(SC-MMO)
• WMO No.9, Vol C1, Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins (led by INFCOM/SC-IMT)

1 As defined in the IMO-IHO Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and warning Service Guidance Documents – IMO resolution A.1051(27), as amended
2 Recognized WMO Observer organizations are held at WMO

The Chair Responsibilities are described at

The Expert Team will be supported by the Marine Services Division – the role of which is described at

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