Fourth International Workshop on Satellite Analysis of Tropical Cyclones (IWSATC-4)

IWSATC-4 is aligned with the overall objective of the IWSATC series which is to increase the accuracy and reliability of satellite analysis of tropical cyclones through the sharing of the latest knowledge and technologies between the operational forecasters and the researchers in this area.
The specific objectives of IWSATC-4 are to:
1) Share recent and emerging developments in satellite sensors and associated analysis techniques for TC applications;
2) Enhance the understanding and application of TC satellite analysis techniques and recommend strategies for ongoing training and engagement as new technologies and applications emerge.

This is a three-day workshop, 3h each day, from 0100 to 0400 UTC.

  1. Tuesday 3 December, 0100-0400 UTC: Update on satellites and sensors - current status and emerging
  2. Wednesday 4 December, 0100-0400 UTC: Update on objective Satellite TC analysis methods
  3. Thursday 5 December, 0100-0400 UTC: Best practice applications of satellite analysis techniques for operations using case studies

The provisional agenda is here.
The presentations (PPT) are made available here. 
The recordings of each presentation (videos) are available on the WMO Vimeo site, here
The final report is available here and on the WMO E-Library here.