Tropical Cyclone Programme (TCP)
The WMO Tropical Cyclone Programme (TCP), established in 1980, is tasked to establish national and regional coordinated systems to ensure that the loss of life and damage caused by tropical cyclones are reduced to a minimum.
To celebrate its 40th anniversary, TCP published the Review for the Forty Years of WMO Tropical Cyclone Programme (1980–2020) (WMO-No. 1270)
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Regional Tropical Cyclone Bodies
What are they? How are they organized?

Tropical Cyclone Operational Plans
Operational Plans/Manual of the five regional bodies
Severe Weather Information Center
Tropical Cyclone Forecaster Competency Frameworks
TCF competencies
International Workshop on Satellite Analysis of Tropical Cyclones
IWSATC series
Miniforum series on Tropical Cyclone Outlook in the South West Indian Ocean
TC Outlook in Southwest Indian Ocean