Third Meeting of the Research Board (RB-3)

Under incoming chair Prof. Amanda LYNCH, Research Board hosted its third meeting virtually over a two-day period from 17 to 18 March 2022. The agenda included reports from the research programmes and task teams, but the focus of the meeting was on developing Research Board input to the ongoing Strategic Plan development. Break out group discussions were effective in ensuring comprehensive and thoughtful input to the 2024-27 Strategic Plan update, which was provided to the Research and Innovation Department on 26 March 2022 and further discussed at the PAC 27-29 April 2022. Two short time slots on two consecutive days were provided to support attendance and engagement. As a result, the meeting was well attended, with all but one Research Board member attending. Key outcomes and decisions from the meeting include:

(1)    to identify next steps to move the Concept Notes forward;

(2)    to identify clear goals for a potential Open Science Conference and champions to move this forward; and

(3)    to conduct a self-assessment of the Research Board and revise the current Terms of Reference in the next six months in preparation for Congress in 2023; and

(4)    to further discuss the Hydrology Action Plan at the next Research Board meeting in July.