Tropical Cyclone Regional Bodies
Two main components
The General Component is concerned with methodology like transfer of technology, information and scientific knowledge to Members, towards meeting the objectives of the TCP. It also encompasses the broader training requirements of the TCP.
The Regional Component comprises the planning and implementation of the programmes of the TCP Regional Bodies. Each of the five Regional Bodies has an Operational Plan or Manual which records the agreements reached on the sharing of responsibilities for the warning services, and their infrastructures, throughout its region. The plans were designed to provide the best possible forecasting and warning services within the limits of scientific knowledge and technological developments and of the available resources, ensuring full coordination and taking maximum advantage of the high level of cooperation which has been achieved. These plans are regularly updated to incorporate new facilities, advances and developments.
Five Regional Tropical Cyclone Bodies
- ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee
- WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones
- RA I Tropical Cyclone Committee for the South-West Indian Ocean
- RA IV Hurricane Committee
- RA V Tropical Cyclone Committee for the South Pacific and South-East Indian Ocean
Tropical Cyclone - Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres (TC-RSMCs)
Tropical Cyclone Warning Centres (TCWCs)
The six tropical cyclone Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres (RSMCs) together with four Tropical Cyclone Warning Centres (TCWCs) having regional responsibility, provide advisories and bulletins with up-to-date first level basic meteorological information on all tropical cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons everywhere in the world.
RSMC Miami - Hurricane Center
RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center
RSMC New Delhi - Tropical Cyclone Center
RSMC La Réunion-Tropical Cyclone Centre
RSMC Nadi -Tropical Cyclone Centre
RSMC Honolulu - Central Pacific Hurricane Center
TCWC-Port Moresby
Three main fields of activities
Operational Meteorology
Activities under this field are concerned with the provision of the required basic meteorological data, analyses and other processed products together with the application of appropriate techniques to ensure accurate tropical cyclone forecasting and timely warnings. The Operational Tropical Cyclone Plans/Manual drawn up by TC Regional Bodies are important accomplishments in this field.
Activities under this field are based on the WMO Operational Hydrology Programme (OHP) and are concerned with the provision of the required basic hydrological data and the application of the appropriate techniques to ensure accurate flood forecasting and timely warnings. Within the programmes of the Typhoon Committee and the Panel on Tropical Cyclones, wider accomplishments in this field, related to flood plain management and hydrological research, were achieved with the cooperation of ESCAP.
Disaster Risk Reduction
Activities under this field are concerned with all other structural and non-structural measures required to ensure the maximum safety of human life and the reduction of damage to a minimum.
Additionally, training in each of the three main fields above, research in meteorology and hydrology and the provision of other meteorological information and advice have been carried out under the TCP.