Standing Committee on Climate Services (SC-CLI) (2020-2024)
Standing Committee on Climate Services
SC-CLI meetings from the previous intersessional period (2020-2024)
- 1st Meeting of the Standing Committee on Climate Services, 19-20 February 2021 (online session)
- 2nd Meeting of the Standing Committee on Climate Services, 21-22 April 2021 (online session)
- 3rd Meeting of the Standing Committee on Climate Services, 5-6 October 2021 (online session)
- 4rd Meeting of the Standing Committee on Climate Services, 5-7 April 2022 (hybrid session)
- 5th Meeting of the Standing Committee on Climate Services, 31 August - 1 September 2022 (hybrid session)
- 6th Meeting of the Standing Committee on Climate Services 13 - 15 June 2023 (Geneva)
Related Publications
Expert Teams
Below you will find all information/documents related to the Expert teams under the Standing Committee on Climate Services
ET-CMA: Expert Team on Climate Monitoring and Assessment
- Mr John Kennedy (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) - Co-lead
- Ms Jessica Blunden (United States of America) - Co-lead
- Mr Randall S. Cerveny (United States of America)
- Mr Chang'a Ladislaus Benedict (United Republic of Tanzania)
- Ms Liudmila Kolomeets (Russian Federation)
- Ms Renata Libonati (Brazil)
- Mr Awatif Ebrahim Mostafa (Egypt)
- Mr Serhat Sensoy (Türkiye)
- Mr Ardhasena Sopaheluwakan (Indonesia)
- Mr Jose Luis Stella (Argentina)
- Mr Blair Trewin (Australia)
- Ms Freja Vamborg (ECMWF)
- Mr Zhiwei Zhu (China)
Terms of reference
1) Promote fit-for-purpose climate monitoring applications including climate analysis and watches derived from in-situ observations, reanalysis, satellite and other emerging data sources;
2) Provision of expert leadership for and review of the WMO flagship climate products, e.g. WMO Statements, Climate indicators, World Records of Weather and Climate Extremes, in support of climate policy and actions.
- Special meeting on Climate Normal and Baselines 12 May 2022 (minutes)
- First Meeting of the Expert Team on Climate Monitoring and Assessment (ET-CMA)
Reports and Publications
- State of the Global Climate (2020, 2021, 2022)
- State of the Climate in Africa (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)
- State of the Climate in Latin America and the Caribbean (2020, 2021, 2022)
- State of the Climate in Asia (2020, 2021, 2022)
- State of the Climate in South-West Pacific (2020, 2021, 2022)
- State of the Climate in Europe (2021, 2022)
- Step-by-step guidelines for the preparation of regional state of climate reports
- Countries contribution by the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) - General Guidance and form
- Guidelines on the definition and monitoring of Extreme Weather and Climate Events, peer-reviewed version - final draft (not yet formally published by WMO)
- Headline Indicators for Global Climate Monitoring
ET-DRC: Expert Team on Data Requirement for Climate Services
- Ms Christina Lief (United States of America) - Co-lead
- Mr Denis Stuber (France) - Co-lead
- Mr Robert John Allan (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- Mr Robert Dunn (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- Mr Axel Andersson (Germany)
- Mr Bruce Bannerman (Australia)
- Mr Markus Donat (Australia)
- Mr Ali Salem Eddenjal (State of Libya)
- Mr Jose Antonio Guijarro Pastor (Spain)
- Mr Urip Haryoko (Indonesia)
- Mr Lipeng Jiang (China)
- Mr Ulrich Looser (Germany)
- Mr Ge Peng (United States of America)
- Mr Rachid Sebbari (Morocco)
- Mr Reinaldo Silveira (Brazil)
- Ms María de los Milagros Skansi (Argentina)
- Mr Xiaolan L. Wang (Canada)
- Mr Markus Ziese (Germany)
Terms of reference
1) Define modern standards and good practices for climate data management including collection, exchange, archiving and rescue of historical and current data for use in climate monitoring and other climate applications, and the development of related systems and Information technology;
2) Promote international projects and initiatives for ensuring the delivery of high-quality Climate Data and their inclusion / reference in the WMO Catalogue of Climate Data.
ET-CSISO: Expert Team on Climate Services Information System Operations
- Mr Roger Pulwarty (United States of America) - Co-lead
- Mr Rupa Kumar Kolli (India) - Co-lead
- Mr Caio Coelho (Brazil)
- Mr Jean-Pierre Céron (France)
- Ms Valentina Khan (Russian Federation)
- Mr Leon Hermanson (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- Ms Marina Timofeyeva-Livezey (United States of America)
- Mr Simon McGree (Australia)
- Ms Ana Bucher (World Bank)
- Mr Andrew Robertson (United States of America)
- Mr Huanping Wu (China)
- Ms Wafae Badi (Morocco)
Terms of reference
1) Guide the development and improvement of approaches, including objective forecasting, for the systematic provision, dissemination and exchange of sub-seasonal to longer-time scales predictions products as part of the operational functioning of the Climate Services Information System at global, regional and national levels;
2) Provide technical guidance on the implementation, designation and harmonized operation of Regional Climate Centres (RCCs) and RCC Networks, and input from Global Producing Centres for Long Range Forecasts (GPCs-LRF), Lead Centre for Long-Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble (LC-LRFMME), Lead Centre for Annual-to-Decadal Climate; monitor performance and guide improvement of RCC processes and functions and utilization of products;
3) Guide the implementation of next-generation Regional Climate Forums (RCOF v2.0) operations, in light of new and evolving climate services users’ needs and requirements , including expansion of RCOF products portfolio;
4) Facilitate access to and interpretation/uptake of annual to decadal prediction and climate change projection products into regional and national levels climate services delivery chains;
5) Lead further development of the Climate Services Toolkit (CST), provide guidance on inclusion of high-quality inputs into CST, and its customization to meet region-specific and country needs;
6) To provide ET-CSISO progress reports to the Standing Committee on Climate Services (SC-CLI) on a routine basis.
- Third WMO Workshop on Operational Climate Prediction (OCP-3), 20-22 September 2022, Lisbon, Portugal
- Lisbon, Portugal, 19 and 23 September 2022: Agenda
- Expected Output 3 and 4 - 2 March 2022: meeting notes
- Expected Output 8 - 25 February 2022: meeting notes
- Expected Output 2 - 25 February 2022: meeting notes
- Co-lead meeting - 22 February 2022: meeting notes
- Expected Output 1 - 18 February 2022: meeting notes
- 27 - 28 September 2021: Agenda - Video recordings [day 1 and day 2]
- 7 January 2021: meeting notes
- 16 October 2020: meeting notes
Reports and publications
- SERCOM Operating Plan for ET-CSISO
- CSIS Technical Reference Document
- El Niño/La Niña Update
- Global Seasonal Climate Update (GSCU)
- Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update (GADCU)
Related links
- Climate Services Information System (CSIS)
- Global Data Processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS)
- WMO Global Producing Centres for Long-Range Forecasts (GPCs-LRF)
- WMO Lead Centre for Annual to Decadal Climate Prediction (LC-ADCP)
- WMO Regional Climate Centres (RCCs)
- WMO Regional Climate Outlook Forums (RCOFs)
- Intra-ACP Climate Services and Related Applications (ClimSA)
ET-CID: Expert Team on Climate Information for Decision-Making
- Ms Lisa Alexander (Australia) - Co-lead
- Ms Nicola Golding (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) - Co-lead
- Mr Enric Aguilar (Spain)
- Ms Angela Michiko Hama (Switzerland)
- Mr Nicholas Herold (Australia)
- Ms Khadija Kabidi (Morocco)
- Mr Tosiyuki Nakaegawa (Japan)
- Mr Juan Jose Nieto (Ecuador)
- Mr Guillermo Podesta (Argentina)
- Mr Adrian Trotman (British Caribbean Territories)
- Mr Jorge Luis Vazquez Aguirre (Mexico)
- Ms Jennifer Joy West (Norway)
- Ms Fatima Driouech (Morocco)
- Ms Tamara Janes (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Terms of reference
1) Provide guidance and good practices on tailoring of climate information, including sector-specific climate indices, and their application for user-level decision-making;
2) Enhance software tool ClimPACT for sector-specific climate indices, including integration of new indices;
3) Support country-level delivery of climate services through good practice guidance on National Climate Outlook Forums (NCOFs)/National Climate Forums (NCFs) and recommendations on National Frameworks for Climate Services (NFCSs) implementation and monitoring of progress;
4) Provide guidance on regional approaches to climate risk management and effective user engagement.
- Climpact workshop, 17-28 January 2022
- Climpact workshop, January 2022
- Webinar on Supporting Local Climate Action Through Climate Indices, July 2021
Reports and publications
- Developing the Climate Science Basis for Climate Action
- Historical trends in climate indices relevant to surface air temperature and precipitation in Japan for recent 120 years
Related links
ET-CDC: Expert Team on Capacity Development for Climate Services and Communication
- Ms Charlotte May McBride (South Africa) - Co-lead
- Mr Wassila Thiaw (United States of America) - Co-lead
- Ms Barbara Bourdelles (France)
- Mr Nathaniel Guttman (United States of America)
- Mr Ousmane NDiaye (Senegal)
- Mr Saviz Sehatkashani (Iran (Islamic Republic of))
- Mr Sivananda Pai (India)
- Ms Marisol Osman (Argentina)
- Mr Gregor Macara (New Zealand)
- Mr Juan Carlos Bazo (Peru)
- Ms Fatima Zahr Bensaid (Morocco)
- Ms Helen Tseros (Australia)
- Ms Stanislava Kliegrová (Czechia)
Terms of reference
1) Assist in the implementation of Quality Management in climate services guided by WMO No. 1221 in consultation/coordination with other Expert Teams in SC-CLI;
2) Advise on curriculum and training modules for climatology to be used by Regional Training Centres (RTCs) in coordination with WMO’s Education and Training Programme (ETR);
3) Provide an inventory of existing training materials on climate matters, in cooperation with training centres, COMET, EUMETCAL, WMO Global Campus and WMO Learn, Copernicus Training;
4) Assess good practices in communication skills and outreach policy for climate information in consultation/coordination with other Expert Teams across Standing Committee on Climate Services (SC-CLI).
Reports and publications
- Guidelines for the assessment of competencies for provision of climate services (WMO-No. 1285)
- Guidelines for communicating climate science and services (WMO-No. 1288)
- Draft fourth edition of the guide to climatological practices (WMO-No. 100)
- Roadmap for the implementation of a Quality Management system (QMS) in climate services [English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian]