SWFP-Central Africa

Beneficiary Countries:

7 countries in Central Africa:  Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon and Sao Tome and Principe.

Regional SWF Centre:

Other relevant Centres:

Global Centres/WMCs:

Main Focus:

Heavy rain, strong winds, high sea (swell), Max. temperature, Min. temperature 

Development planning inception:


Present Status:

Phase-I (in development)


Regional Subproject Implementation Plan (RSIP) (in development)


SWFP implementation in Central Africa

The implementation of SWFP in Central Africa was initiated with a Technical Planning Meeting held in N'Djamena, Chad during 29 October – 1 November 2019. The meeting was attended by representatives of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) from Chad, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo. Considering RSMC Dakar's capacity and role in West Africa, the meeting also considered it to play its role as a Regional centre to provide guidance products for an enhance early warnings system for countries in the Central African sub-region. In this capacity,  RSMC Dakar will  also provide technical assistance and advices, training and products of interest. The meeting also discussed and agreed on the significant weather phenomena (e.g. heavy rainfall, strong winds, swell, high and low temperature) and their thresholds for the issuance of guidance product by RSMC Dakar. The meeting also felt that once the Regional Subprogramme Management Team (RSMT) is established it can develop fully the Regional Subproject Implementation Plan (RSIP) of SWFP-Central Africa based on the initial work of this meeting and taking into account the guidelines as provided in SWFP Guidebook.

Later, meetings between RSMC Dakar and national SWFP focal points of the NMHSs of countries involved in SWFP-Central Africa, were held organized virtually on 21 June 21 & 7 July, 2021 to discuss and agree on the domain of Central Africa to be used for NWP products and severe weather forecast guidance product and to review the requirements of NWP products and regional severe weather guidance product for Central Africa.

SWFP-Central Africa domain


SWFP-Central Africa: Activities & Milestones since 2019




  • Technical Planning meeting on the implementation of SWFP in Central Africa (N'Djamena, 29 October – 1 November 2019) (Meeting Report)