WCM continues collaboration to the IASC

The Inter-Agency Steering Committee (IASC) is the highest-level humanitarian coordination forum of the United Nations system. The WMO Coordination Mechanism (WCM) collaborating to the IASC through the Early Warning, Early Action and Readiness Analysis which aims to highlight the new engaging risks where a significant increase in humanitarian needs is projected during the next six months and where additional inter-agency preparedness action may be required. The WCM provides expert advice on the weather, water and climate outlook focused on country or regional related to new crises, new trends or marked deteriorations in ongoing crises.
The WCM also closely collaborates with the IASC through the so-called Global ENSO Analysis Cell aims to determine the countries at highest risk which should be prioritized for further analysis, support and early planning. WMO, OCHA and FAO convene the seasonal forecast, agricultural seasonality, vulnerability, exposure of conflict, lack of country coping capacity, and existing emergency situation.
The analysis is reviewed and revised as the global ENSO signal evolves, and the Global ENSO Analysis Cell will make necessary changes.