WMO Coordination Mechanism (WCM) to support humanitarian activities

Scaling up anticipatory action: WCM support to early action plans and protocols - Pillar 4 EW4All

WCM provides weather, water, climate information and expert advice from the WMO community to the UN and humanitarian agencies. For example, the tropical cyclone Mocha infographics curated with information from Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre (RSMC) New Delhi, Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD), Myanmar Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH), helped to inform UN wide coordination effort (UNOCC, UNOCHA, UNHCR, IFRC) three days ahead of Mocha landfall in Bangladesh and Myanmar. This is a clear example where the WMO community made a difference on early action and helped to protect lives and livelihoods of displaced persons.

The purpose of the WCM is to enable access to authoritative weather, water and climate information and the provision of expert advice from WMO Members to the UN and other humanitarian agencies to advance Anticipatory Action and Crisis Support. The WCM is a platform to leverage the collective strength of the WMO community, delivering timely, accurate, and actionable advice to the UN and humanitarian agencies. The impact of WCM on anticipatory measures builds on the specific needs of the humanitarian sector coupled with authoritative information and advice from WMO Members.

TC Mocha infographic



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