Webinar and conferences

Technical webinars and scientific conferences play an important role in knowledge sharing and enhancing the capacities of the Energy and Meteorology communities. Organising and contributing to technical webinars has been a routine activity of the WMO Climate and Energy team to provide structure and cover a wide range of pertinent topics in the field of Energy and Meteorology, including net-zero emission, energy infrastructure resilience, full value chain weather and climate services and products, and data and modelling requirements.

The International Conference Energy and Meteorology (ICEM) is an initiative of the World Energy and Meteorology Council (WEMC) and has a history of more than 10 years. As the goals of the ICEM are aligned with the missions of the current CDP WMO SG-ENE is supporting the organisation and implementation of the next ICEM conferences, both financially and scientifically. Conferences are planned to be held every other year (as shown in Table 9) and will be held in different countries in a presential mode. The theme for each conference will be determined through a scientific committee that will be organised in partnership with other international organizations, companies, institutes, universities, and national public entities. Speakers and lecturers will be selected among the world-class scientists and experts in the field.


List of the previous webinars and conferences:



Organiser/ Date

Technical webinars

Organised by


WMO Best Practices for “Integrated Weather & Climate Services in Support of Net Zero Energy Transition”

WMO SG-ENE/ 29 March 2023

Pathways to Climate and Disaster Resilient Energy Transition

WMO SG-ENE/ 15 Nov. 2022 at COP27

2022 state of climate services: Energy report

WMO SG-ENE/ 15 Nov. 2022 at COP27

Addressing climate impacts and resiliency of the energy infrastructure

WMO SG-ENE/ Nov. 2021 at COP26

Managing Interconnected Power Grids for Carbon Neutral Electricity

WMO SG-ENE/ Nov. 2021 at COP26

Organised by

other partners

8th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals

 GEIDCO/ May 2023

Climate change and hydropower in Latin America

 IEA/ March 2021

Factoring climate resilience into the design of clean power infrastructures

 IAEA/ June 2021

Collaborative actions to mainstream climate resilience into energy planning & policies

IEA/ November 2021 at COP26

The role of science in a successful net-zero transition

Grantham Institute at Imperial College London/ November 2021 at COP26

Accelerating the implementation of SDG 7 in support of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement: increasing resilience and ensuring no one is left behind  

UN-Energy secretariat/ November 2021 at COP 26

International Conference Energy and Meteorology (ICEM)

7th ICEM  2023, 27-29 June, Padova, Italy.

6th ICEM  2019, 24-27 June, Copenhagen, Denmark.

5th ICEM  2018, 22-24 May, Shanghai, China.

4th ICEM  2017, 27-29 June, Bari, Italy.

3rd ICEM  2015, 22-26 June, Boulder, USA.

2nd ICEM  2013, 25-28 June, Toulouse, France.

1st ICEM  2011, 8-11 November, Gold Coast, Australia.