RA V Working Group on Infrastructure


Maximo PERALTA - Vice-chair- ( Philippines )

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Terms of Reference

(a) Follow up on the resolutions, decisions and recommendations of the World Meteorological Congress, the Executive Council, RA V and RA V MG, Technical Commissions and the Research Board, addressing observation- and infrastructure-related matters (Strategic Goals 2 and 4) for the activities to be undertaken at a regional level;

(b) Identify and assess critical gaps and opportunities for improvement in RA V Members’ capabilities, particularly for developing Members, to implement WMO standards and regulations, including the implementation of the regional aspects of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS), the Global Basic Observing Network (GBON), the WMO Information System 2.0 (WIS 2.0) and WMO Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) implementation plans, and develop a regional roadmap to support Members including with capacity development activities (Strategic Goal 4);

(c) Prepare the infrastructure component of the RA V Operating Plan, addressing observations, infrastructure, information and data-processing and forecasting systems for the approval of the Association; establish, with the support of the regional office, the regional infrastructure systems baselines and benchmarks; and provide progress updates to the RA V MG;

(d) Provide feedback to the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM) on RA V Members' requirements and needs on observation, infrastructure and information systems including providing inputs to the proposed work plan of the Commission;

(e) Collaborate with RA V Members, INFCOM and other bodies, as necessary, to support, monitor, review and audit relevant regional centres established by WMO bodies, ensuring that the services and functions continue to respond to the needs of the region and are in compliance with WMO standards and guidelines;

(f) Consult with INFCOM on the identification of common experts to assist with the sharing of regional priorities and requirements and the implementation of technical priorities and associated capacity development activities;

(g) Propose and monitor RA V workshops and forums, and share information on these in advance, with the support of Members;

(h) Facilitate the sharing of knowledge, experience and technology among RA V Members.

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