Advisory Group on the Global Cryosphere Watch (AG-GCW)

About us

Under the authority of the Infrastructure Commission (INFCOM) Management Group (MG), the Global Cryosphere Watch Advisory Group (GCW-AG) provides overall coordination on the application of cryospheric sciences, including but not limited to observations (including remote sensing), data management, data utilization and applications, to the activities related to the terms of reference of the Commission.

GCW-AG engages experts covering all components of the cryosphere — snow, sea and freshwater ice, permafrost, glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets, and solid precipitation, representatives of Members and partners, engaged in operational and scientific activities.



GCW-AG replaces the GCW Steering Group that functioned under the remit of the EC Panel of Experts on Polar and High Mountain Observations, Research, and Services (EC-PHORS), prior to the WMO governance reform.



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Terms of Reference

(Approved at INFCOM-3) Under the authority of the Management Group of the Commission, the Advisory Group on the Global Cryosphere Watch (AG-GCW) will act as the cryosphere subject-matter expert body of the Commission and provide oversight, guidance, coordination and monitoring of the development and implementation of the Commission Work Programme and Action Plan, with a focus on the application of cryospheric sciences and include the relevant WMO activities on Antarctica.

Specifically, AG-GCW will focus on providing technical and scientific support for the integration of cryosphere observations (in situ and remote sensing), data management, data utilization and applications of cryospheric sciences into the WIGOS and the WIS, and the WIPPS, towards a fully coupled cryosphere in Earth system models.

AG-GCW will function under the general ToRs of advisory groups and:

(a) Provide recommendations to the Management Group related to the application of cryospheric sciences by translating the needs from and for Members, gathered through regular consultation, into recommended activities of INFCOM bodies;

(b) Advise the Management Group and standing committees on optimal working structure and engagement of experts from relevant subdomains to address specific deliverables required by the INFCOM Work Programme, etc., promoting the integration of observing system, data exchange and management and prediction functions into WIGOS, WIS and WIPPS, while ensuring the mutually beneficial collaboration with the international expert communities;

(c) Advice the Management Group on engagements with the Commission for Weather, Climate, Hydrological, Marine and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM), RB, the Executive Council Panel on Polar and High Mountains Observations, Research and Services (EC-PHORS), the JCB, the Hydrological Coordination Panel (HCP), and the WMO regional associations, on the integration of cryosphere information, e.g., for polar and high mountain regions, etc;

(d) With the support of the WMO Secretariat and in cooperation with the relevant INFCOM and SERCOM subsidiary bodies and the RB, prepare recommendations to the Management Group and other bodies, on the integration of cryosphere into to the delivery of the objectives of the WMO Strategic Plan and the IP/Action Plan, with specific attention to needs and synergies, as identified in Resolution 6 (Cg-19) and the WMO Strategic Plan 2024–2027;

(e) Establish and maintain mutually beneficial partnerships and collaborations with relevant international and scientific bodies, programmes, and networks of experts, to foster the sharing of knowledge on advances in cryospheric sciences and joint activities;

(f) Advise the Management Group and assist the vice-president representing the cryosphere domain on engagement with international community.

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