National Focal Points for WIGOS


Ms Maria LOPEZ BARTOLOME - Focal point- ( Spain )
Olha Dubrovina - Focal point- ( Ukraine )
Pablo DE VARONA - Focal point- ( Cuba )
Camilo Garrido - Focal Point - second- ( Uruguay )
Daniele Biron - Focal point- ( Italy )
Dr Amgalan Ganbat - Focal point- ( Mongolia )
Dr Ancuta MANEA - Focal point- ( Romania )
Dr Hugo DE BACKER - Not in Role- ( Belgium )
Dr KLÉBER RENATO PAIXÃO ATAÍDE - Focal Point - second- ( Brazil )
Dr Olaf SCHULZE - Focal point- ( Germany )
Dr Sarah O'REILLY - Focal point- ( Ireland )
Dr Sarah Gallagher - Focal point- ( Ireland )
Dr Sibylle VON LÖWIS - Focal point- ( Iceland )
Dr Ziyad BALASMEH - Focal point- ( Jordan )
Eng. Aliou TEKETE - Focal point- ( Mali )
Fadia Diallo - Focal point- ( Senegal )
Jorge Chira - Focal point
K.S. Hosalikar - Focal point- ( India )
Mr Adarsh KUMAR - Focal point- ( Fiji )
Mr Ahmad Altaryar - Focal point- ( Jordan )
Mr Alexander ZUCCONI - Focal point- ( Canada )
Mr Ali SHAREEF - Focal point- ( Maldives )
Mr Almas SHABDANOV - Focal point- ( Kazakhstan )
Mr ANG, Chieng Hai - Focal point- ( Singapore )
Mr Austin Masikinye - Focal point- ( Zimbabwe )
Mr Avner Shimoni - Focal point- ( Israel )
Mr Bob Wilson - Focal point- ( Australia )
Mr Branislav CHVILA - Focal point- ( Slovakia )
Mr CHERIFI, Ahmed - Focal point- ( Morocco )
Mr Daniel BONORA - Focal point- ( Uruguay )
Mr Darwin Rosero - Focal point- ( Ecuador )
Mr David Ndiritu MUCHEMI - Focal point- ( Kenya )
Mr Dieudonné NGOUAKA - Focal point- ( ASECNA )
Mr Dwayne SCOTT - Focal point- ( Belize )
Mr Edson NKONDE - Focal point- ( Zambia )
Mr Edward TRIHADI - Focal point- ( Indonesia )
Mr Elhadj Malick NDOYE - Focal point- ( Senegal )
Mr Fahad ALNAJADAH - Focal point- ( Kuwait )
Mr Gaston TORRES ARAVENA - Focal point- ( Chile )
Mr Gavin Yeap - Focal point- ( Singapore )
Mr Geoffrey Greene - Focal point- ( Bahamas )
Mr Gnatoulouma KPABEBA - Focal point- ( Togo )
Mr Godfrey HABUKURI - Focal point- ( Rwanda )
Mr Greger Bergman - Focal point- ( Sweden )
Mr Hilaire ELENGA - Focal point- ( Congo )
Mr Hilal Salim AL HAJRI - Focal point- ( Oman )
Mr Imran ABDULOV - Focal point- ( Azerbaijan )
Mr İsmail TEMIR - Focal point- ( Türkiye )
Mr Jakub SAWICKI - Focal point- ( Poland )
Mr Jeffrey W. SIMMONS - Focal point- ( Bahamas )
Mr Jose SEQUEIRA - Focal point- ( Mozambique )
Mr Josef VRCHOTA - Focal point- ( Czechia )
Mr Kalle-Matti Koivula - Focal point- ( Finland )
Mr Lawrence BROWN - Focal point- ( Jamaica )
Mr Lotfi LAATIRI - Focal point- ( Tunisia )
Mr LUTUMBA TIMA - Focal point- ( Angola )
Mr M M. P. Mendis - Focal point- ( Sri Lanka )
Mr Madjid Aberkane - Focal point- ( Algeria )
Mr Mamadou TOUNKARA - Focal point- ( Guinea )
Mr Melesse LEMMA - Focal point- ( Ethiopia )
Mr Milton WAISWA - Focal point- ( Uganda )
Mr Naoki TSUKAMOTO - Focal point- ( Japan )
Mr Ndzie Meviane ALAIN - Focal point- ( Gabon )
Mr NGUYEN Vinh Thu - Focal point- ( Viet Nam )
Mr Pablo Jose LOYBER - Focal point- ( Argentina )
Mr Paris RIVERA - Focal point- ( Guatemala )
Mr Paul ISABIRYE - Focal point- ( Uganda )
Mr Pawel DEREK - Focal point- ( Poland )
Mr Predrag PETKOVIC - Focal point- ( Serbia )
Mr Rashid DAVLIATOV - Focal point- ( Tajikistan )
Mr Rene Tim - Focal point- ( Antigua and Barbuda )
Mr Ricardo João Deus - Focal point- ( Portugal )
Mr Robert TOTH - Focal point- ( Hungary )
Mr Rodrick G. WALUSA - Focal point- ( Malawi )
Mr Sabu BEST - Focal point- ( Barbados )
Mr Sangha R. SHAKYA - Focal point- ( Nepal )
Mr Satesh Nanlall - Focal point- ( Guyana )
Mr Silipa Art Mulitalo - Focal point- ( Samoa )
Mr Somkuan Tonjan - Focal point- ( Thailand )
Mr Sunny Maharjan - Focal point- ( Nepal )
Mr Tony MOLNE - Focal point- ( Andorra )
Mr Ulf CHRISTENSEN - Not in Role- ( Sweden )
Mr Wai Kei TOU - Focal point- ( Macao, China )
Mr Waldo COLAS - Focal point- ( Haiti )
Mr Wolfgang LIPA - Focal point- ( Austria )
Mr Yoda Adaman - Focal point- ( Burkina Faso )
Ms Anna Frey - Focal point- ( Finland )
Ms Bhaleka SEULALL - Not in Role- ( Guyana )
Ms Cecilie STENERSEN - Focal point- ( Norway )
Ms Chong PEI - Focal point- ( China )
Ms Diana Samulionyte - Focal point- ( Lithuania )
Ms Elikem SETSOAFIA - Focal point- ( Ghana )
Ms Estelle GRUETER - Focal point- ( Switzerland )
Ms Esther SAUL - Focal Point - second- ( Vanuatu )
Ms Gohar GEVORGYAN - Focal point- ( Armenia )
Ms H. DANNY - Focal point- ( Guyana )
Ms Ines SRZIC - Focal point- ( Croatia )
Ms Iveta INDRIKSONE - Focal point- ( Latvia )
Ms Jayun HEO - Focal point- ( Republic of Korea )
Ms Marcia dos Santos Seabra - Focal Point - second- ( Brazil )
Ms Miina KRABBI - Focal point- ( Estonia )
Ms Minna HUUSKONEN - Focal point- ( Finland )
Ms Mirna ZAVALA - Focal point- ( Honduras )
Ms Monju Subba SUBBA - Focal point- ( Bhutan )
Ms Nan Zhang - Focal point- ( China )
Ms Pa Pa SWE - Focal point- ( Myanmar )
Ms Pia BLADH - Focal point- ( Sweden )
Sangwaldech Prasarn - Focal point- ( Thailand )
Serdar HALLYYEV - Focal point- ( Turkmenistan )

Documents and Publications

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Terms of Reference

WIGOS National Focal Points shall:
1. Take the lead in communications on WIGOS with the WMO Secretariat (WIGOS Branch in the Infrastructure Department and the WMO Regional Offices) and the relevant Regional Working Groups/Teams;
2. Monitor and report on the status of the national WIGOS implementation and initial operations, taking into account the guidance provided in the Guide to WIGOS (WMO-No. 1165);
3. Report to the Regional WIGOS Centres, in coordination with the National Focal Points on the WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (WDQMS) and the WMO Secretariat on issues and challenges that might impact the implementation and operations of WIGOS in the country and seek advice;
4. Identify and follow-up on WIGOS-related training and capacity development needs;
5. Contribute to the design of the Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) and the Regional Basic Observing Network (RBON) and identify existing or new stations that could be committed by their Country to GBON and/or RBON, and take actions to reach such commitment; liaise with the Secretariat concerning GBON and with its relevant Regional Working Groups/teams concerning RBON;
6. Liaise with the WIGOS relevant National Focal Points to support the integration of all WIGOS component observing systems, e.g., through the WIGOS tools;
7. Coordinate the development of national schema(s) for the assigning of WIGOS Station Identifiers, across all WIGOS component observing systems.

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