Focal points for Integrated Health Services


Alfred Dango - Focal point- ( Burkina Faso )
Andreas Becker - Focal point- ( Germany )
Dr Annette Bolton - Focal point- ( New Zealand )
Dr Bazlur Rashid - Focal point- ( Bangladesh )
Dr Dare Gamba Nana - Focal point- ( Togo )
Dr David GIKUNGU - Focal point- ( Kenya )
Dr Joyce Imara Nchom - Focal point- ( Nigeria )
Dr Mathias Herbst - Focal point- ( Germany )
Dr Pulak GUHATHAKURTA - Focal point- ( India )
Dr Salah Mahmoud, Zeinab - Focal point- ( Egypt )
Dr Sandra Spillane - Focal point- ( Ireland )
Dr Stefan GILGE - Focal point- ( Germany )
Dr Vijay Kumar Soni - Focal point- ( India )
Eng. MOHAMED HAJJEJ - Focal point- ( Tunisia )
Lic. Natalia HERRERA - Focal point- ( Argentina )
Mr Marjuki - Focal point- ( Indonesia )
Mr Suradi - Focal point- ( Indonesia )
Mr Amadou Diakite - Focal point- ( Mali )
Mr Amara S. Kanu - Focal point- ( Sierra Leone )
Mr Aminadab Tuyisenge - Focal point- ( Rwanda )
Mr Arnaldo ZUÑIGA - Focal point- ( Chile )
Mr Bipendra PRAKASH - Focal point- ( Fiji )
Mr Christian Jung - Focal point- ( Switzerland )
Mr Didier Davignon - Focal point- ( Canada )
Mr Ernest WERNER HIDALGO - Focal point- ( Spain )
Mr Fernando Congolo - Focal point- ( Mozambique )
Mr Ismahila Koumare - Focal point- ( Mali )
Mr Jean Moussa Kourouma - Focal point- ( Guinea )
Mr Josef Runbäck - Focal point- ( Sweden )
Mr Kaynar Bolatov - Focal point- ( Kazakhstan )
Mr Komalchand DHIRAM - Focal point- ( Guyana )
Mr Kyaw Lwin OO - Focal point- ( Myanmar )
Mr Philippe Martin - Focal point- ( Canada )
Mr Roberto LATORRE - Focal point- ( Chile )
Mr Sekou N'Faly SISSOKO - Focal point- ( Mali )
Mr Shoni Maguire - Focal point- ( Australia )
Mr Subhash Chander BHAN - Focal point- ( India )
Mr Touné Nazirou - Focal point- ( Niger )
Ms Halifa Moinahalima - Focal point- ( Comoros )
Ms Hui CHEN - Focal point- ( China )
Ms Karina HERNÁNDEZ - Focal point- ( Costa Rica )
Ms L. Gopo - Focal point- ( Zimbabwe )
Ms Li-Sha Lim - Focal point- ( Singapore )
Ms Lidija Srnec - Focal point- ( Croatia )
Ms Mariama Diouf Bathily - Focal Point - second- ( Senegal )
Ms Marina Plotsen - Focal point- ( Uzbekistan )
Ms Nya Gaelle Claude - Focal point- ( Cameroon )
Ms Reija Ruuhela - Focal point- ( Finland )
Ms Tanja CEGNAR - Focal point- ( Slovenia )
Ms Teng Teng IP - Focal point- ( Macao, China )
Ms Vania MENDEZ - Focal point- ( Uruguay )
Ms Victoria Owusu Tawiah - Focal point- ( Ghana )
Pamela Kalondu Muange - Focal point- ( Kenya )
Prof. Orhan Sen - Focal point- ( Türkiye )

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Terms of Reference

Resolution 33 of Cg-18 on Integrated Health Services, requested all Members of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres (RSMCs) and the Regional Climate Centres (RCCs) to nominate health sector focal points for health-related research and services. Focal points at national and regional level are important actors for advancing integrated health information services in the years to come.
Focal points serve the following functions:
(a) serve as the entry point of contact for the institution (NMHS, RCC, RSMC) on matters of health, to be shared, as appropriate, with the World Health Organization (WHO) and health partners;
(b) help identify appropriate national and regional experts with demonstrated experience in research or operational support on health relevant issues, such as research and services for extreme heat and cold, air quality (fire, pollution, sand and dust, allergens), infectious diseases, food security and water resources;
( c) help identify needs and opportunities to co-design with the health community, products and services to effectively support public health, and strengthening the capacities of health-relevant integrated information service providers and users;
(d) as appropriate, facilitate coordination and cooperation between the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (NMHS) or regional entity and the health community and other relevant actors.

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