RA IV Policy Advisory Expert Team

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Terms of Reference

Regional Association IV Policy Advisory Expert Team (RA IV ET-PAD)
Terms of Reference:
The RA IV ET-PAD shall be responsible for the following:
1. Advising the RA IV MG in its capacity as the RA IV High-level Task Team on the Regional Concept, on the agreed position of RA IV before the EC Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the WMO Regional Concept and Approaches, according to Resolution 11 (Cg-18) - WMO Reform - Next phase.
2. Providing analysis and advice as required on the establishment of the structure, work and recommendations of the subsidiary bodies of the Association and the disbandment or reorganization of these bodies as needed, for the consideration of the RA IV president and MG.
3. Advising the RA IV president and MG on the improvement and alignment of the Region-wide strategic, operational and budget planning process, including monitoring the implementation of the RA IV Operating Plan 2020-2023.
4. Coordinating and advising on the Association’s input to the WMO Strategic and Operating Plans 2024-2027, for consideration of the RA IV president, MG, and RA.
5. Suggesting measures to optimize RA IV governance and programme structures, processes and practices to ensure the effective and efficient use of resources through a more strategic focus and within a quality management framework, for the consideration of the RA IV president and MG.
6. Follow up, provide analysis and propose measures to ensure that RA IV complies with the provisions of Resolution 1 (EC-72) which among other things, establishes and requests:
6.1 That the workplans of the technical commissions (TCs) and the Research Board (RB) should be consulted and shared, with the support of the Secretariat, before their approval, with the regional associations (RAs) to ensure that they are aligned with the needs and priorities of the RAs and to ensure that the requirements for implementation are considered in regional planning;
6.2 That RAs, at their sessions, should identify areas for which support from TCs and the RB is required and that these areas should be communicated, with the support of the Secretariat, to the concerned commissions and the RB;
6.3 That RAs, TCs and the RB shall facilitate coordination during the intersessional period by establishing consultative mechanisms involving the management groups of these bodies for technical and operational matters;
6.4 That the presidents of the TCs, the RB and RAs:
6.4.1 To evaluate the effectiveness of the interaction and relationship between these bodies at their sessions and inform the Executive Council as needed;
6.4.2 To ensure appropriate engagement of national hydrological services, regional hydrological advisers and hydrological advisers in their bodies’ activities;
6.4.3 To ensure the active participation of regional representatives, including representatives from regional centres, in the subsidiary bodies of the TCs and RB activities.
7. In coordination with other RA IV committees, panels, expert teams and focal points, ensuring the engagement of the Association in partnerships with other UN and international organizations, the academia and the private sector, to achieve an effective implementation of the RA IV Operating Plan.
8. Serve to advise the RA IV president and MG on gender and public relation/communication topics, as necessary.

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